Chapter 11

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"No please!" My face was twisted into horror and disgust as I eyed the soup bowl V held in his hands. How in hell's world did he know I despised mushroom soup? Or was it just coincidence that they know many other people didn't like it and decided to feed it to me because they wanted all the good stuff for themselves?

"Open up." There was a creepy smile on his face as he inched the spoon nearer.

"I'm not taking that!" I screamed, looking at the bowl, wanting to slap it away from his hands.

V cocked his head to the side. "Does it look like you have a choice here?"

I scrunched up my nose again at the disgusting smell. How I hated the bowl that held the soup right then....

"Jinjja? Is this another round of torture?" I demanded in disbelief as I began to stand up, trying my limbs to work faster but it only resulted in me being in real pain. Waves of electricity and pain shocks flew up my feet to my entire body with each step I took away from the bed and V who now lost the amused look and began to stand up as well.

"Get over here now." He pointed to the floor in front of him.

I shook my head. "Get something else other than that and I will happily comply." Right now, I didn't care about anything else other than to escape being fed mushroom. I forgot that whom I was in front of was the most dangerous person I had ever come to meet with. But since they weren't being narcissistic blood thirsty cannibals that liked to hear people screaming, I figured they at least were still humans with the right mind. Or at least they should be.

"Take one step back and I'm forcing this down your throat." V threatened. My eyes grew wide, mouth falling open.

"Are you being serious right now?" I crouched a bit because of the slash against my abdomen began to hurt.

"I swear you move one more time and I will-"

Apparently he didn't get to finish his threat as the door flew open and there stood Monster and Jin, looking potentially harmless people wearing leather clothing. They were staring at V who was holding at spoon that was aimed at me with a look of amusement like they were saying 'What the hell' in their mind. I could swear that Jin cracked a smile.

Once their eyes landed on me clutching my side and bending slightly, it was like an off switch was automatically pushed and their eyes became lifeless. My eyebrow threatened to rise but I held it in.

"What is she doing up?" Monster asked, shooting a look at V.

V rolled his eyes. "Can you hold her still hyung?"

"Wait what?" I squeaked.

"Why?" Jin furrowed his eyebrows.

"She's not taking this." V held out the bowl and Monster shook his head before sighing exasperatedly.

"Oh god, I never knew girl's could be this much of a pain." He stared up at the ceiling as if asking 'why god'

I felt quite offended by what he said but I didn't dare open my mouth. I wasn't being a pain! Try to feed them something they don't like and see how they act! I almost scoffed at the thought. Probably run around like babies.

I frowned hard at them, resembling a small kid looking very angry and pouting.

"I'm not eating that." I said firmly.

"Take the left, girl's always go aggressive with the right foot." Monster said moving inhumanely fast and taking hold off my left arm. I screamed, not in fear of them but of the soup that V was now inching towards me. I couldn't struggle much because of my wounds. If they open again V might not stitch them back up.

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