Chapter 24

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A fire in the form of whispering and glaring spread across the entire hallway as me and Yana made our way to our lockers. It felt odd having all of the attention on us since it had never happened before. Most of the high class girls seemed to be very angry with us since their eyes were dripping fire basically.

J had made us go back to school after two days of 'recovering' and gave firm instructions on what we're supposed to focus on while our time there. That confused me. Our time in high school would be at least two more years. Please don't let it be all of s working on whatever Taehyung was plotting on for two years.

I felt kind of happy to be back to my normal routine, attending school and it had the same vibe though a bit of unfamiliarity lingered. I hadn't come here for about a month and I was sure Yana would feel so too.

What seemed to surprise all of us was that both Jimin and Yoongi, that was his name as Ellie had mentioned, showed up in class as freshmen under the excuse to watch us. They managed to make themselves look like high school students with the usual troublemaker image, the loose tie, uniform and hair messed up with the sometimes present smirk Jimin preserved for the ladies. 

Even their names had changed! It was like they were completely different people. Jimin was posing as Jae Juijin and Yoongi went with Song Kihui. Even though their appearances were kind of cute the day wasn't as appealing as we thought it would be.

I kept sighing in annoyance during the first half of school. Ellie seemed to be the most exhausted one. Why wouldn't she be? I would be dead if I were in her position. Apparently Yoongi and Jimin sat on both sides of her and once in a while would get into a glaring contest, silently arguing with their eyes. It was like watching a show of dominance coming from alpha dogs.

Yoongi had one hand firmly wrapped around Ellie's wrist while Jimin would slap it in anger when the teacher was not looking, driving Ellie to the point of screaming in frustration. Hori, Yana and I would sit side by side while Ellie was a bit further away because of certain annoying people. 

It kept continuing like that till we reached our lockers to put our books back. By the time we reached the cafeteria doors I couldn't take it anymore. Frustration welled up within me and my hand made up a mind of its own, dragging Ellie away from being plastered to the boys to my body, wrapping themselves around her. 

They glared at me and I gave them an equally furious look. This was my turn to bark back and I would. They wouldn't dare do anything in public so good luck trying to tie something around my mouth to shut me up. I couldn't talk to her the whole day because of these two and I wasn't letting her going to be taken away even if for a day by guys who showed up out of nowhere and wanted to claim her. 

"Give her some space, she can't breathe!" I hissed quietly, not wanting to draw attention though these boys already were just by standing there and breathing. 

Ellie looked back and forth between me and them, blinking. Yoongi just rolled his eyes at me and Jimin frowned. 

"Don't look us like that, it's true, Ellie can you breathe?" Hori asked, looking at her for a brief moment.

"Nope, she says she can't." Yana said one second later. 

Ellie shrugged and let me drag her away. 

"Yah, you!" Jimi pointed at her. "I'm your brother, don't you turn your back on me!"

"I'm still not talking to you." She sang before leaving his sight. 

Taehyung P.O.V

"Is this really necessary?" I ruffled my hair, looking at my reflection only to see a person with unfamiliarity stare back at me with brown eyes. I hadn't had a clue what my hyung did to me but whatever it was, I was now a different person because of it. I didn't even look intimidating at any level.

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