Chapter 33

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"Your father is dirty!" Ellie exclaimed as she accidentally grabbed a very dusty book. We were all moving around in the library while the others were doing god knows what. I was extremely concerned for Taehyung. What was he doing?

Yana cringed, looking at the spiderwebs woven around each and every corner of all the bookshelves that surrounded us. "Is that stupid door even here? Jesus, where the hell is it?" She kept mumbling to herself, searching around.

I thumped the wall, trying to see if there was any door like Hoseok had said.

"Hoseok, how long has it been?" I asked.

"It's been 10 minutes, we only have five more until the power comes back. Let's hurry it up." He spoke urgently, shuffling around, looking for anything that was suspicious for a door.

I groaned. Where was it? Daniel must've had a lot of trouble hiding it.

"Bleck!" Hori sneezed loudly next to me and I jumped while she rubbed her nose.

"Sorry." She sniffed. "All this dust is making me sneeze."

"What are you even doing?" I asked her. Hori was pulling at a statue's head. It was an eagle head on a human body. Weird.

"Don't you watch movies? A door always open when the main lead accidentally bend a statue head or something like that. This place is full of statues so take it as an advantage and help me." She told and went back to pulling at the statue, grunting as she carried on with it.

Yana stared, amused then looked at me. "Well? Go help her drag the statue's head off."

"I ain't going anywhere near that thing, it looks like it wants to eat me." I shook my head.


A sudden shriek made us all jump in place and we turned towards Ellie. Hoseok blinked and that was when I had realized that he was holding tight onto my arm, slightly shaking. His eyes were wide and he was biting his lip, trying not to scream.

"What?" Yana asked worriedly.

Ellie stared back, licking her lips. "I think I found it." She stepped out of the way and there was an open door way.

"Why'd you scream then? It's the door, celebrate!" Hori sounded confused.

The latter put her hands on her hips, frowning. "I fell onto the door and it broke! My back hurts like a female dog."

"You mean bitch?" Hoseok piped and I swatted his arm, shrugging the grown man off of me.

"If you were scared of the dark you should've just said so." I scoffed.

"Less than five minutes left, we need to move." He avoided the topic as if I hadn't spoken and swiftly went through the black door. I shrugged, entering after him with the girls following.

Thankfully with the help of the glasses Hoseok had provided for us, we were able to see easily what was inside. The smell inside was revolting even though it was faint.

"Why are we even here?" I asked, covering my nose slightly.

"To find something important." Hoseok answered without emotion and I raised an eyebrow.

"Its so dusty in here." Hori complained.


This time it was Yana and she had tripped over something. Ellie took her by one elbow while I took the other and helped her up. Hori stared at Yana's dress that was now a bit ripped and clicked her tongue. "There goes a beauty."

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