First Day/ First Fight

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         After all the hype and nerves for the first day of school (Or should I say work?) So far isn't bad. I can see why Yamato is scared of the vice principal. He didn't have much to say to be, but he grilled Yamato incessantly about our life together. Finally the principal stepped in and politely changed the subject. I don't know him very well, but he seems friendly. I wonder why Yamato seems to tense up and get quiet when he's around.  I think I'm going to like the rest of the staff as well. The new Algebra teacher, Miyu, is young like me. She's also smart, pretty, and funny. I feel like we have a lot in common.
          Time flies by until finally it's noon. I go and sit next to Yamato. "What an eventful day already," I say while pulling out our bento boxes.
           "Wow, these look amazing," said Yamato smiling. "Look you even made little panda bear rice balls. How did you have the time?"
            "There's always time for my husband," I said playfully.
            "Hi, mind if I join you?" said Miyu taking a seat next to us.
             "Sure, the more the merrier," I said happily. "This is my husband, Yamato Kougami. Yamato this is Miyu, the new Algebra teacher." Am I imagining it or did ,Yamato and Miyu's eyes both grow wide, and does Yamato seem pale? "Umm, is everything okay?" I ask.
             "Oh yeah," said Yamato. "I just forgot I have a lot of work to do in the classroom to do. If you'll excuse me ladies," said Yamato hastily getting up.
             "Oh that's right, I have a lot of work as well," said Miyu. "It's nice to meet you Mrs. Kougami?"
             Why is Miyu so formal all of the sudden? I thought we were on a first name basis. The rest of the afternoon seems to drag by. I have so much free time after setting up my classroom that I sit and paint. The reason I love art is no matter how I'm feeling it's the one thing that always clears my head. Before I know it I'm so immersed in my art that it's already 9 pm. I wonder why Yamato didn't come to get me. Usually he doesn't like me walking around the city alone at night. I'm about to dial Yamato when I overhear him talking to Miyu and freeze.
             "So you never thought to tell me that you're married now?" said Miyu.
             "Miyu, I haven't seen you in years. Why should I tell you?" said Yamato.
             "How long have you been with Yuri?" said Miyu.
             "It's fairly new, but when you know you love someone why wait," said Yamato. Hearing him say that made my heart skip a beat.
              "So you love her?" said Miyu.
              "Of course she's my wife," said Yamato.
              "She may be your wife, but I bet you two don't have the heat we had," said Miyu. Wait is she Yamato's ex? God I feel my heart pounding a soul my cheeks burning.
               "Of course we do," said Yamato.
               Miyu said nothing and gave Yamato the most passionate kiss I've ever seen, and Yamato doesn't seem to be fighting it. For some reason I don't understand I feel my eyes filling with hot tears. I just turn around and run without even grabbing my purse or money. I hear Yamato yelling my name, but I just keep running. I run until I find an empty park and just plop on a bench. Why the hell am I so upset? I hear footsteps behind me. Assuming it's Yamato I start to get up. Before I can stand I feel a sharp blow to the head. I'm so dizzy I crumble to the ground and watch the spinning world become a blur before it gets smaller and eventually goes black.

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