The Parents

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             Yamato looks straight at me. All I could do was look back at him fixated on his eyes.  I can hear my heart beating in my ears as his face is inching closer to mine. I think he's going to kiss me. I should stop him, but I can't. I think I want this. Just at that moment my phone rings and he pulls back. "Excuse me," I say both relieved and disappointed. "It's Uncle Kuni calling. What could he want now?" I answer hesitantly, "Hello?"
            "Umm, Yuri sorry to bother you, but you should come down to Long Island right now," says Kuni.
             "Now? Why?"
             Then I hear a scuffle and my dad's voice says, "To talk to your mother and I about why you chose to repay my letting you move to Tokyo by moving in with a strange man. I don't recommend you dawdle." Then the phone clicks and the line goes dead.
             "What's wrong Yuri?" says Yamato looking alarmed. "You just turned white as a ghost."
             "My parents found out I'm living with you instead of over Long Island. They must've paid a surprise visit only to find me not there. They'll make me move home for sure now." I don't think I want to go. Things might be easier if I did. So why does the thought of leaving make my heart sink.
            "No you can't go! Umm, I mean I still need you for our contract," says Yamato looking away and blushing.
            "What will we do then?"
            "Just follow my lead when we get there," says Yamato. I nod and sit in my wheel chair as he wheels me out the door.
            When we get to Long Island Kuni waiting outside the door. "It must be serious if you out here waiting," I say concerned.
             "Your dad is pretty mad. I've been trying to talk him down, but you know how he is when he's in a mood like this," says Kuni.
               I take a deep breath and look up. I know this is it for me. I could've done so much more in Tokyo. Yamato leans down and whispers in my ear, "Don't worry Yuri. I've got a plan." I feel my heart flutter with him close.
                We enter Long Island, and my dad is practically in the door before I can get in. "Let me tell you young lady it's a good thing your mother and I came by to check on your situation. I want you to explain yourself now!" says my dad banging his fist on the table. I can't help but instinctively flinch.
               "Excuse me sir," says Yamato bowing politely. "I'm Yamato Kougmai. I'm a physics teacher at Yuri's school."
               "I have nothing to say to you," says my father curtly.
               "Excuse me, but will you at least listen to what he has to say?" I say. Even I am a little surprised at my boldness. Usually I'm not one to speak up against my father.
                "At least hear him out," says my mother.
                Yamato bows politely again. "Sir, I asked Yuri to come stay with me because I was worried about her being alone in a room over a bar in her condition. If she fell or there was a fire or any other emergency there would be no one to help her. Also Yuri needs someone to help her with every day life while she recovers."
                "I agree," says my dad. "That's why her family is here to see about her and take her home. It's clear that Tokyo is not a safe place for Yuri. The fact that she got injured and is living with you proves that."
                "With all due respect sir, I'm not a strange man. I'm Yuri's boyfriend. I know it's early in the relationship, but I intend to marry her someday." I know it's a lie, but my heart leaps anyway. "We had only been on a few dates, but after Yuri's accident I knew that I couldn't live without her. So I asked her to move in with me."
                 "Don't you think it's a bit soon for such things as moving in together?" says my dad.
                "Umm, excuse me!" I interrupt. "I'm a grown woman. Don't you think where I live and work is up to me?"
                "What do you want Yuri?" says my mom lovingly.
               "I want to stay in Tokyo with Yamato," I say confidently.
                Kuni steps in and says, "Excuse me for interrupting, but I can vouch for Yamato. I've known him since I coached his little league team. He's a stand up guy. Do you believe I would stand by and let my niece just move in with some creep?"
                My dad looks pained.  My mom takes his arm and says, "Look at Yuri all grown up."
                My dad sighs, "I guess if you want to stay I can't stop you." Yamato and I look at each other and smile. Even though this isn't my first day in Tokyo, it feels like the day my new life begins.

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