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     I see two men approaching me in the dark. One man has a hammer, and the other has razor sharp teeth. Panicking I try to run but trip. As the come closer all I can do is put my hands over my face as my heard pounds. Suddenly a hand shakes me. As my eyes open I see a blurry Yamato coming into focus. "Are you okay Yuri? You were thrashing around," says Yamato looking concerned.
     "Oh I must've been having some kind of weird dream. I don't remember what it was." There's no need to concern him. I've not had nightmares like that before. Maybe it was a one time thing. Anyway I'm on the plane to and can leave my worries behind for a little while.
     Yamato poked me, "Look Yuri." I looked out the window and saw breathtaking views coming into view. I instinctively grab Yamato's hand. I was about to pull away when he just squeezed back and looked out the window with me.
     After landing we took a shuttle to our room where we could check out right away. It was a beautiful Japanese style room with a sliding door balcony with a beach view and private beach access. "Wow we're right on the beach!" I say excited. "Let's get changed and go swimming."
     I went in the bathroom to change while Yamato changed in the main room. "Can I come out now?" I ask through the door.
      "Yeah I'm dressed." I came out in the new swimsuit and Yamato's eyes went wide then he blushed. I looked away and blushed also. He always seemed skinny. I didn't realize how many muscles he had until seeing him shirtless.
     "So you ready for a swim," I say feeling a little embarrassed. I run out ahead of him as he chases me out to the ocean. We play in the water for a while until the sun starts settling. "Wow, I can't believe we stayed out here all day," I say as we lay down on a beach blanket.
     "I know. Time has gone by really fast."
     "Yeah it has. I love the sunset. It's a really beautiful view."
     "It really is," said Yamato with his eyes fixated on mine. I can't look away; I'm locked in his gaze. He moves in as our lips touch. I lay on the beach with him in the setting sun locked in his embrace.

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