First Fight (Yamato Point of View)

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          The first day back to school is always so hectic. I'm hardly ever done before 10:00 PM, but today I'm trying to hurry. I really don't want Yuri walking around the city alone at night. I mean it's my duty as a roommate and a man to make sure she gets home okay. I wonder if she'd like to stop and get some food on the way home. I bet she'll want to relax after such a long day of work. Looking at my watch I realize it's already 9:00PM. I better hurry over to the art room. I'm sure I've kept Yuri waiting. As soon as I'm in the hall I accidentally bump into Miyu. I bow politely, "Excuse my clumsiness. So sorry for bumping into you, Miyu."
          "I assume you're on the way to pick up Yuri," said Miyu with a frown on her face.
          Oh God, I knew this would get awkward with my fake wife and my ex both working together. I just hope this doesn't get more complicated than I signed on for. In any other situation I would be thrilled to see Miyu. She was the love of my life. It feels like a million years ago. "Yes," I say with a now forced smile on my face. "We'll probably grab a bite to eat on the way home. It's a hectic time this time of year, and I'm sure Yuri won't feel like cooking." Miyu is not smiling.
           "You know I was so excited to see you again. Now I find out you're married. It's such a shock," said Miyu.
           "Why are you shocked? You know single men aren't allowed to work at this school."
           "Still it would have been better to hear it from you. It's just like oh so you never thought to tell me that you're married now."
             Her eye roll always rubbed me the wrong way. I don't miss that about her. "Miyu, I haven't seen you in years. Why should I tell you?"
             "How long have you been with Yuri? said Miyu.
            "It's still fairly new, but when you love someone why wait." Miyu's cheeks are burning the way they always did when she was mad. Okay maybe I did always find that kind of sexy.
             "So you love her?" said Miyu.
              "Of course. She's my wife." Wow that's coming out a lot more easily and genuine than I was expecting.
             "She may be your wife, but I bet you two don't have the heat that we had," said Miyu.
             Suddenly she plants one on me. I've wanted to kiss her again for a long time. I've even held off on serious girlfriends hoping that one day I'd find her again. So why does it feel off, not bad just not quite right. It definitely isn't what it once was. What shifted? Miyu pulls away just as I see Yuri running away. I run off and leave Miyu standing there without even saying goodbye.
               Yuri is already out of sight so I grab my phone to call her. Then I hear a ringing coming from her class room. I focus my eyes and see Yuri's purse. She's wandering the city alone at night with no money or cell phone. I grab her purse and run. I've got to find her.
               I've been wandering what feels like hours. I've called Kuni, and he has the guys out looking for her too. I can't stand this. What if I never see her again? I sit down on a random park bench in worry and frustration. Then I see something out of the corner of my eyes that makes my blood run cold. It's a girl laying on the ground unconscious and bloody. I get closer and the girl is breathing, but she's cold to the touch. I know not to move her so I don't cause further injury. I put my jacket over and say, "Ma'am can you hear me? I'm going to stay with you and call for help."
               The woman coughs and meekly says, "Yamato is that you?" My stomach falls and my eyes are getting blurry. It's Yuri.

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