The Truth

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     I'm sitting in a hospital room. I'm not even sure why I was admitted. Unlike the last time I ran into trouble, I'm actually fine. Maybe they think I'm a psych patient because I ran away tied up. Maybe I am hurt, and I don't even know it. I did black out for a while. I put my hand up to my head and feel a nasty bump and look out the window sighing. Maybe I should just go home to Kyushu. What do I really have for me here? I've got Yamato, but what if... No I can't even think of that right now. A policeman and a doctor walk into the room snapping me out of my daze.
     "Mrs. Kougami?" says the policeman.
     "Yes," I say nervously.
     "I need to ask you a few questions."

Yamato Point of View

     I finally make it to the hospital after running the entire way. I run to the patient information desk to find a policeman standing there. Is he here about Yuri? Ugh, I don't have time for this. I just need to see her and know she's okay. "Excuse me," I say to the lady at the desk a little more loudly than I mean to, "Can you tell me where to find Mrs. Kougami? I'm her husband."
     "Before she answers the policeman chimes in. "Mr. Kougami. I need to speak with you before you see your wife." This can't be good. I can feel my stomach dropping to my shoes.
     I bow politely. "Is my wife in any trouble sir?"
     "Let's talk in private." I'm escorted into an office with a doctor. Now I'm really getting nervous.
     The doctor greets me, "Good evening Mr. Kougami. I'm sorry to meet you under such unpleasant circumstances."
     I nod, unable to speak.
     "Mr. Kougami, your wife has been the victim of another attack. She is coherent, but she was hit over the head and possibly drugged. We need to keep her for the next forty-eight hours for observation."
     The policeman speaks up, "Since this is her second attack in just a period of months we believe that they are connected."
     "But wasn't the first attack a mugging?"
     "We thought so before, but both attacks are similar. After your wife's statement we believe your wife has an enemy out to get her."
     "That's impossible. She barely even knows anyone in Tokyo."
     "Your wife identified a coworker of yours, Miyu Yugaski, and two hired hit men as her attackers."
     "Miyu? She's a girl I used to date back in high school and a coworker, but it doesn't make sense. I thought her and Yuri were friends. She's even called to check on Yuri while she's been off work."
     "We have Miyu down at the station now. We're hoping to get to the bottom of this." I walk out stunned. This really did happen to her because of  me. I walk into Yuri's room to find her asleep and brush back her hair on her forehead. She looks as pretty as ever.
      "I'm sorry Yuri. This is all my fault. I thought this happened because we got in a fight, and I left you alone. Turns out it's not only that, it's just because you know me at all. I understand if you never forgive me. I'll never forgive myself." My eyes are blurring with tears. I look down and see Yuri looking back at me. She heard everything. She knows the truth.

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