Part 4: "im willing to risk it.."

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2-d and me decided to go on a little picnic on melancholy hill.(uP oN mELaNcHoLy hIlL)
He brought all sorts of alcohol, pain killers, and food. I'm a simple girl, I just like beer.
(2-d's POV)
So we were rowing to Melancholy hill and so I started small talk, as it was painful awkward silence.
"So uh do ya like horrah movies?"
"YES. I actually fucking love them. Especially Zombie movies."
Oh my god she was fucking perfect. She looked beautiful not to mention. Her flowy (yr/hc) locks were blowing behind her. She was smiling which made me smile, which made me incredibly self conscious. I HATE my teeth. If it wasn't for dumb ol Murdoc then I would have to wish for them for Christmas.
"Oh reallay? I luv dem myself! Dere my favourite! Ya know (y/n) we're so simila'!"
"Yeah... sooooo.... "
I started to mumble. Sometimes I just blurt what I'm thinking, I can't really help it, on account of the brain damage (dumbass murCOCK)
"Ya look..... gorgeous (y/n)"
"Wait what?"
"Don't uhhh... pretend I said nufin' aight?"
"I heard you... 2-d...."
"I'm sorry it's just...."
"Don't say love. I'm not sure why a fucking god like yourself would call me gorgeous. I'm just a normal New York gal."
"Ya kno (y/n) I.... I really like yuew."
"2-d..... I've had a crush on you since I was, like a pre-teen." She blushed... so hard. It was really cute, actually.
"Ohh look! We're here!"
I helped her onto the island, then I got back in the boat to get our food and drinks.
We both sat off of the island, drinking a beer with our feet hanging off the side of it.
"Yea luv?"
"I really like you too."
She blushed again, then looked down. She is so goddamn pretty. Right then and there I wanted her.

(Back to your POV)
I looked up at the freakishly tall blue haired man. He looked down at me. Then, all of a sudden, his lips met mine. A delicate kiss turned into a passionate make out session... and quick. We only took breaks to breathe...then I climbed up on his lap to make things less awkward. Then... he pulled away.
"Oh gawd..."
"What is it?"
"I'm a awful person. I really like yuew and I went and made it about your body. I didn't mean too... it's just out of habit.... I'm so awful! I have 8 kids I've never even met!"
"2-d that was a long time ago...."
He pulled out a cigarette, picked me up off of his lap and set me back down. He walked over to the other side of the island. He lit it and took a puff. I want sure what do to. I could go over there to comfort him but I could also stay here and sit it out for him to cool off. I stood up and started slowly walking over there.
He was right. What if he was just using me, or will use me in the future? What if he gets ME pregnant then leaves? How could I know?
"(Y/n), you reallay don't want to get involved wif me. I'm a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off."
" that a 'The Fault In Our Stars' quote?"
He chuckled. "Yesh, but it's true in dis situation."
I giggled a bit then it went back to serious (y/n) again.
"Stu. I've been here only a week. You don't seem like the type to do that... to me at least. You don't treat me bad or anything. You're actually quite wonderful to me. I've enjoyed every second together."
"But I am. I am that type."
"I'm willing to risk it if it means I get to be your girlfriend. If you use me, then I guess I'll just stop."
"(Y/n)... you'd do that fur me?"
"Of course Dee."
"Okay den I 'ave a question."
"Pop it on me."
"Would you like that 'ave dinnah wif me tonight? I know how to cook decently, at least" he sounded kind of nervous.
"Of corse Tusspot." I called him that because he gets mad. It's was kind of cute.
"It's pot." He said irritated.

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