Part 11: i hope thats a good sign...

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The train costs 60 bucks for me and 2-d, so that will leave us with $40 for food and stuff. Oh and I forgot to mention Murdoc obviously lives in Europe so he gave me money in pounds so we had to go to the bank and exchange it. We stopped by Taco Bell and got a box full of tacos and we were on our way.
When we got on the train everyone stared at us. I mean, we were dirty and stuff. And 2-d's appearance didn't help either.
Then I heard it.
A group of girls surrounded us and 2-d just looked down.
"Who's that girl with him? Why are they so dirty? Why are they here?"
I heard all the whispers they were saying a bit too loud. So our whole ride there was filled with annoyance to say the least.
By the time we got there the fan girls calmed down and we could actually get off the train. We were in the middle of New York, and I had to get to my parents house. So we spent another $2 on bus tickets.
Finally we got to my parents house. I hope to GOD Russ isn't there. I was so scared that when I knocked on the door all I had to do is hover over the door because my shaking did the work. "COMMMING!"
"(Y/n) you're finally here! Come here and give your momma a hug! You look so-"
She stopped at looked at me "dirty. And who's this?"
"This is 2-d. The singer of Gorillaz? He's... he's my boyfriend mom."
"Well aren't you just adorable! Are those contacts?"
2-d looked down. "N-no ma'im. Murdoc knocked me eyes out." When he talked my mom could actually see his teeth. She looked so happy that she honestly didn't care.

2-d's POV

Mrs.(l/n) must think terrible of me. I'm all dirty with black eyes and no teeth. Oh I hope she approves of me.
"What's your real name darling?"
"It's Stuart Pot. But the band calls me 2-d because of the 2 dents in my head. You can call me whatever yew like ma'im."
"Well that's a lovely name Stu. Well come in! Come in!"
She didn't ask me how I got blue hair or why my teeth are missing. I hope that's a good sign? I've never had a serious enough girlfriend that I've met her parents.

Your pov
(Okay it's Shaylee here, I'm going to write this part as a script because it might get a little confusing with 3 people talking so here ya go! Oh and while your reading, if you don't mind leaving a little vote? I'd truly appreciate it! Thank ya love!)

Mom: So how long have you guys been together?
You: about 5 months now.
Mom: wow! And you're just now telling me! Have you been hiding?
You: well it's a long story, I went to-
2-d: SHE went to find Russ at Kong and she dropped her phone in the shower. Uhh, we don't have internet or phones at Kong right now due to uhh the zombies.
Mom: Goodness! Zombies?
You: yes ma'im! But I'm totally safe with 2-d around! I promise!
Mom: okay good! Well I'm cooking right now, you guys make yourself at home!

(Okay back to normal!)

I look at mom smiling while she leaves the living room. As soon as she couldn't see me I looked 2-d straight in the eyes and whispered
"2-d what the fuck was that?!?"
"Well if we told her yew were at plastic beach we'd have to tell her we got ate by whale and became hood rats! I don't want your mom to think bad of me!"
"Okay whatever. If mom asks I'm going to take a shower. You can take one after me. Be right back."

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