Part 5: Keep it Classy

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I put on my nicest clothes and went downstairs and met Stu in the living room. 2-d jaw dropped
"Woah (y/n) yew look.... gorgeous."
"You look nice too, Dee."
"Well shall we then?"
He put his arm at a angle like he was saying take it. I tangled my arm in his and we walked to the kitchen. He had already cooked (f/f).... how'd he know I loved that?
"Woah Stu.... how'd you know?"
"I jus had a feelin' yew know?"
"It's my favorite food!"
So we are and talked for a while, then 2-d got really quiet. But I didn't mind I was still stuffing my face.
"So what do yew want us to be? I mean, I'll be whatever yew want me to be. Just being your friend is the best I've ever felt... in years.."
"Awe Stu, is this your own special way of asking me out?" I chuckled a little bit.
"Of course I'll be your girl, Dee."
He flashed his goofy smile. I smiled too. The whole dinner we just smiled like wackos.

(2-d's POV)
....I can not believe she actually said yes. I don't understand how a girl this pretty likes me. A toothless, no eyeballed, tall weirdo. I mean seriously, my hands reach my knees and I'm 75% leg. She's gorgeous. Her face, at least. Her body's pretty hot too tho. Nice, round ass, big ol' titties, small waist. Oh shit, I was staring at her body. Fuck I need to stop thinking only about sex. I don't want her to think I only wanted one thing. I looked down and saw I had a boner. Fuck, get yourself together. This usually never happens. Even when a girl is talking dirty to me. It's just (y/n) is just so hot. Stop, Stuart. Get yourself together.
"I'm going to the toilet. I'll be back in a sec."
"Okay?" As soon as my waist wasn't covered my the table anymore I turned around as fast as I could. I hope that she didn't see it....

(Back to your POV)
...did uh I just really see that? For a split second I think I saw Stu with a hard on. Surely not, he has roadies he fucks every night.... right? Damn, if I did actually see it, it was huge. Like that's how I know I actually saw it. It was the same size of when I saw him in the bathroom. I heard the bathroom door open. I can't help but look down, it was obvious he tucked it into the top of his jeans. I started busting out laughing. I was trying my absolute hardest not to tho, because I don't want Stu to be embarrassed.
"What is it, luv?" He looked down checking to see if it was still tucked in.
"Uhhh nothing."
"....yew saw it, didn't you?"
"Yeah, sorta did. It's not like I didn't see it in the bathroom the other day."
His face turned a tomato shade of red and he looked down the entire dinner.
"But don't you have girls come here, like every night?"
"Yeah but you're different. The girls I hook up with are just... a hookup. Yew, I actually like a lot. I was uhhh just staring and I"
"OKAY I GET IT" I interrupted.
"So does it bother yew?"
"Not really. Makes me feel like I'm wanted, in the least."
"Oh luv, you're wanted badly." He had a smirk on his face while saying this. Now look, I'm a virgin. I've never even got to second base. I'm not used to sexual talk. I've never even talked about it to the person I'm seeing. So I just said really awkwardly "o-oh really?"
He nodded. He stood up, which I didn't mind because we both got done eating a while ago.
"Do yew want to go watch a zombie movie wif may?" Still smirking.
"Yeahhhhh!" I clearly didn't get the hint. (•-•)

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