Part 18: is this the end?

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A car pulled into the driveway. I already knew who it was.
The front door opened to a big smiling man with open arms. My mom runs to hug him and welcomes him in.
"(Y/n)!!!!" You run as fast as you can to hug him as well. You basically jump into his arms.
"Now, where's 2-d?"
"Uh what?"
"Where is Stu?"
"Uh he's in our room, I'll get him." My heart was beating faster than a humming bird.
"Stu! Russ is here!" I said through the door. I opened it and 2-D was sitting there shaking.
"He is? Okay."
He got up from the bed and walked over to the living to meet eyes with Russel. Russel opened his arms to hug him. Stu looked confused and hugged him.
"How's it going, Dee?"
"...uh it's going, alright."
"So what is it you wanted to tell me, sis?"
My heart was beating faster than I've ever felt before.
"Well sit down." He raised an eyebrow and sat down on the brown couch. Me and 2-d held each other's hand and sat down with him.
"Well... russ.... you're going to be an uncle."
"Are... you serious, (y/n)?"
"I'm sorry...."
"Why are you sorry we need a party!! How far along are you?"
"Well uhm about.... 8 months?"
"Damn. And you're just now telling me? So how long have you and Stu been together?"
"Well that's another thing.... when we went to London...."
"He asked you to marry him, didn't he?"
"That is so great! I'm so happy for you! Just well... I didn't expect you two to get together. Kind of a shock, you know?"
"I expected you to be mad. We both were worried sick."
"Well I am a little angry that yall were fucking without protection. And that yall were AND ARE fucking in the first place. But I guess that's none of my business. I got real mad when Murdoc said that because I wanted you guys to be the ones to tell me, not him. Anyways have you figured out if it's a girl or a boy?"
"Well it's both."
"Wait... like it's got both parts?!?!?"
"Oh god no, it's twins!"
"Oh thank goodness. You got me scared for a second there, sis."

a month later•

I screamed in anguish while squeezing Stu's hand.
"'s alright, Hun. Just breve. In and out."
"Well I'm sorray I'm just trying to help!"
A few hours later a head was showing.
"Just a few more pushes! C'mon you got this!"
The man in all white said.
I finally felt the pain dial down for a second then I heard screams of a baby.
"1 down, 1 to go!"
This time it went by a lot easier. They wrapped the 2 babies in a pink and blue blanket. They handed the 1 baby to you and 1 to Stu.
"Aiddie and Aiden are so gorgeous!"
"Well duh they're our child, Stu."

And this is where the story ends. Stuart and you got married and raised the kids together. Shall I say, happily ever after❤️

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