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Well this is just great. My brother hates my boyfriend, pirates are exploding our island thingy, and I'm possibly pregnant. Not to mention my boyfriend was raped.... whatever this is just life with the Gorillaz. We decided to go down to Stu's room to get our stuff. We got down into Stu's room and got a few things, 2-d reached down to get his wallet and-BANGG all of a sudden a huge whale with its mouth wide open was launching at us. I was watching in shock as 2-d was screaming his head off while pinning himself against the wall. We were inside a whale. A WHALE. What even is my life man?
When the whale swallowed us I was wearing a big baggy black sweatshirt and jeans. Stu was wearing his normal clothes, jeans and a t-shirt.
Stu was still crying from that experience and I was freaking out. What will we eat? When will we get out? At least I had Dee. I went over there and fell asleep on the crying 2-d.
I woke up his arms. He looked so bad. He was moving his eyes around like a mad man. He was so paranoid.
"Hey (y/n)¿ how are you DARRRLING?"
He was acting really strange
"... well love I'm fine. The real question is are YOU alright?"
"Yeahhh... hehhhh... dumb whales wit dere blow holes are dere dumb faces.... hehhh. Sod off sod off."
He just told me sod off I'll make him sod off!
I went on off ok accident.
"Sod off? Okay okay I fucking get it. Scared of whales and shit but do not take that out on me. I've been trying my absolute hardest with you Stu and all you've done is hurt me. I don't care if you did it on purpose or not you hurt me. And I also get it that you don't have your pills or whatever. It's an addiction okkayyyy but still. You've hurt me time after time, 2-d and I... i..."
I broke down. This whole time Stuart just looked at me wide eyed.

(2-d's POV)
What the fuck just happened. I told whales to sod off and (y/n) just went off.
"I was telling whales to sod off, not yew. See? I did nofin wrong and I'm the one getting cussed out!"
"Oh... I.... uh...."
"Just shhh..."
I kissed her forehead to make her feel better. I didn't want her feeling guilty or nothing. I know I've hurt her, probably a lot and I don't want to some more. I loved her. Like really, I want to marry her. No joke.
"I want to marry you, (y/n)."
"Uhhh what?"
"Oh sorry did I say that out loud?"
"Oh fuck I wish I could go to the bathroom right now."
"Sorry luv.
Oops. I cannot thing without my pain killers. I really am addicted.

Time skip

Oh my goodness. I hear water. The shore. It's been a couple days without food and stuff.
"Stu... I think we have to uhhh..."
"Yeah. We gotta climb out of em."
"Through the throat?"
"Too small we gotta climb out the uhh... other way."
Somehow we got out of the whale. We got in the slat water to uhh wash off. We washed up on a California beach at night because there was a few people but not a lot. I've been to California beaches before for concerts and suck. This defiantly was it.
"Well we can walk until we find a hotel or sumfink?"
"Yeah that would work."


We found a nice hotel, but then we realized Dee didn't bring his goddamn wallet or anything. We had no money, no ID, no nothing. We were homeless. Wow that word. I've never said that in the sense of me and of especially a famous singer.
"I'm so sorrie luv. I didn't know that I didn't 'ave my wallet... I mean da whale came out of' nowhwa! Stupid whales...."
He started rambling about whales. He always seems to get distracted easy. I personally think his brain damage fucked him up pretty bad in almost everything he does. I love him, but I hate a lot of things about him. Such as his forgetfulness, carelessness, his pain pill addiction, and the list goes on and on.

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