Chapter Three

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It was morning, but Min Yoongi did not care. He didn't sleep, at least, not that much. He had a cup of strong coffee next to him and three laptops on his desk. His left hand was on the keyboard of the left laptop and his right hand was on the keyboard of the right laptop, while his eyes focused on the laptop in the middle. His fingers were running over the keyboards and the ticking noise was so familiar to his ears that he didn't even hear it anymore. Min Yoongi was not only a smart mastermind, he also was a hacker. Hacking computers was his life, he didn't know anything different than breaking into illegal sites and hacking the most important information he could find. He didn't made much money with it though, because those fucking cops always took the money from him when he finally earned it. Yoongi would made them pay, he swore that on his life. His hacker name was famous in the whole world, but they never knew it was him. His hacker name was Agust D and people were always hacked by him. Yoongi mostly did it for the fun, even though he needed the money. He wanted to have a hobby, and hacking is his life instead of his hobby. Yoongi was busy hacking a site from the American governement about the military. Because Yoongi hacked computers from over the whole world, he could speak multiple languages. He was the most fluent in Korean, English and Japanese though. ''I'm in!'' Yoongi said to himself and smiled widely when he realised that he hacked his way deep into the website. All the most important and secret information was in his reach. If he released this information into the news, the Americans would be fucked, he knew that for sure.


''Do you know how fucking ridiculous that sounds?'' Namjoon snapped to his boyfriend who deeply sighed, probably because he was done with Namjoon's shit. Jimin did not care about the both of them, he just wanted to sleep because he barely got some sleep last night. He was lying on the couch in Namjoon's office, with his white furcoat functioning as blanket. The furcoat was the only thing covering Jimin's naked chest, so he was shivering the whole time because it was way too cold in the office. Namjoon wasn't using it right now, so Jimin could lay on the couch as long as he wanted. Jimin wasn't even 24 hours with Namjoon and Jin, but they already had three discussions like an old married couple. And it was always Namjoon who started it. Jin was calm, but Namjoon had anger issues, so he was the one causing the tension between the two. ''Why are you always being so annoying? You're always helping me!'' . ''Well, you need my help because without it, you would be dead already! So shut the fuck up and eat your breakfast!'' Jin said loudly to Namjoon. They were in the dining room, which was on the other side of the floor, but Jimin could still hear them yelling at each other. He opened his eyes and looked around the office. It was so fancy, but that was because Namjoon is powerful and rich. Suddenly, the door opened wide and Namjoon walked inside with fierce steps. ''We are going. Come on, hoe.'' Namjoon snapped to Jimin who got up from the couch. ''The hoe still has a name.'' Jimin said to Namjoon, he wasn't afraid of him but he had to admit that Namjoon was scary when he was mad. ''Okay, Jimin then.'' Namjoon sighed and rolled his eyes. He walked around the desk and pulled one of the drawers open. Jimin couldn't see what was in it, but Namjoon took out of the drawer a file with many papers, which looked interesting to Jimin. ''What is that? What does it contain?'' Jimin asked with the nicest tone in his voice to Namjoon. ''It's a really important file actually. It's callled; mind your own business. Really nice, huh?'' Namjoon was really done with Jimin and he honestly found the guy an annoying little bastard. But he needed Jimin for the team and the mission, so he wouldn't say that straight to his face. With the file in his hand and dressed in a black jacket with a black tie and black pants, Namjoon walked out of the office. ''Well, I still need to eat.'' Jimin complained to Namjoon who didn't listen and walked with Jimin behind him into the dining room. Jin was eating some cornflakes and was the only one sitting at the long table. He glanced at Namjoon who was standing by the kitchen and reading through the file. ''I have made breakfast for you.'' Jin said smiling to Jimin and pointed to the bowl with cornflakes behind Namjoon. ''Atleast someone is nice in this fucked up company.'' Jimin groaned while grinding his teeth, looking at Namjoon while speaking. Namjoon ignored the little shit and kept reading the file in his hands. Jimin grabbed the bowl of  cereal from behind him and sat down next to Jin. ''We haven't told you, but we are going out, to meet someone. An important someone. And we need you, you need to be at your best today. You need to look as attractive as possible and be as seducing as you can be.'' Jin explained to Jimin and kept eating. Jimin didn't even touch his cereal after hearing the news. ''I feel honoured. But who is it? Do I know that someone? I know a lot of people, you know. Part of my job.'' Jimin said to Jin who was nodding silenty while eating the last of his cereal. ''Namjoon has a file about him. I don't know his name.'' Jimin looked up from Jin to Namjoon, but he was still ignoring him. ''Namjoon?'' Jin asked him, still slightly annoyed about the discussion from earlier. Namjoon didn't respond. ''Namjoon?'' Jin asked again, this time Jimin could see Jin was getting really annoyed. ''I only respond to my nickname now.'' Namjoon said with a cold voice, not even looking up from the file. Jin sighed deep and rubbed his face with his hands. ''My god of destruction?'' . ''Hm?'' Namjoon finally looked up and his eyes immediately locked with Jin's. Jin felt ashamed and uncomfortable of saying Namjoon's nickname, because Jimin was in the room. Jimin felt the same. But Namjoon enjoyed it, you could see he was trying to hold back an evil smile. ''And suddenly I'm not hungry anymore.'' Jimin said and shoved his bowl of cereal to the centre of the long table. He looked at Namjoon with an evil glance in his eyes, because he just ruined Jimin's apétite. If Namjoon would do this every time Jimin wanted to eat, he could not live here. ''Give Jimin the file.'' Jin said with a cold voice to his boyfriend who wanted to disagree so bad. But for some reason, Namjoon walked over to the table and slided the file to Jimin. They both stared each other in the eyes, Namjoon wanted to intimidate Jimin again. It made Jimin crack up on the inside. He wanted to do it on the outside too, but he was too annoyed for that right now. Jimin grabbed the file with both hands, incase Namjoon suddenly wanted to take it from him. ''It contains a possible member for the team.'' Namjoon said to Jimin who opened the file. His eyes widened, his mouth fell open, and he wanted to scream. The first page contained a picture of a young god. ''Fuck, I'm so glad that I'm gay.''  Jimin said softly while looking at the picture. The picture was of guy who didn't look that much older than Jimin. Probably like two years or something. He had white hair, brown eyes which looked black, soft lips which Jimin wanted to kiss so bad, and he was wearing a black T-shirt with a wide neck so it showed his neck muscles too. Everything about him was perfect. Jimin almost got an orgasm from just looking at the picture and Jin and Namjoon could sense that too. The guy looked a bit tired though, but aside from that, he was so perfect that Jimin wanted to see him in real life so bad. ''Who is that beautiful motherfucker?'' Jimin looked up from the picture to Jin who shrugged his shoulders. ''I'm not sure, Namjoon knows more about him than I do.'' Jin answered Jimin's question and then he looked at Namjoon. Jimin did too. ''We don't know for sure, but we think it's the most powerful hacker of this whole earth. Agust D.'' Namjoon his words sounded powerful for some reason and Jimin was actually kind of impressed. ''I have never heard of him, but interesting. Are we going to trace him down?'' Jimin was curious and asked as much as he could. He was part of a team now, with an important mission to succeed once they were all together. ''We are going to trace him down. You will seduce him, if he doesn't want to join. Understood?'' Namjoon explained to Jimin who hesitated for a second, but then he nodded his head. ''Jin and I will disguise ourselves, so that we won't be recognised on the streets and get shot. You are not that famous, so you can be yourself.'' Jimin listened to Namjoon's orders, because he didn't want to ruin his chance to meet that beautiful fucker named Agust D. He was like an angel sent from heaven, his white hair proved it. ''Awh, how cute. You have a crush on him.'' Namjoon said sarcastic and rolled his eyes. ''I don't have a crush on him!'' Jimin said and pouted his lips while crossing his arms. ''Yeah, sure. Keep lying to yourself. Like that is gonna help.'' With those words Namjoon walked out of the dining room. Now Jimin and Jin were alone with each other. ''Let's go. We don't want to be late. Get dressed.'' Jin said to Jimin and stood up from his chair at the table. ''But I am dressed'' . ''Then be more attractive if you want to seduce that hacker guy into the team and into your bed.'' Jin reacted to Jimin's comment. The guy with the black hair was beginning to blush, and then he also stood up. Jin winked and a smile appeared on his face. ''You really need to be more attractive though, if you want to be hotter than Mr. worldwide handsome.'' Jimin knew Jin meant himself, but still, it made him laugh.

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