Chapter Six

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Jimin was lying awake the whole night. He was thinking about Yoongi and when Jimin turned around in his bed to look at a sleeping Yoongi, he felt dissapointed. He let this happen, he let it happen that Hoseok got closer to Yoongi every second they were together. Jimin sat straight up in bed now and even though it was dark in the room, he had his eyes focused on the sleeping figure on the ground. It was Hoseok. Namjoon and Jin didn't have a bedroom for Hoseok yet, so he needed to sleep in the shared bedroom of Yoongi and Jimin. Yoongi didn't really care about it, but Jimin couldn't stand it. Jimin couldn't stand Hoseok in general. And then there were the two mysterious guys who walked into the building this night for the mission, Taehyung and Jungkook. Jimin had admitted that he was more scared of Jungkook than of anyone ever. Jungkook threatened him to stay away from Taehyung. A sick thought in Jimin's head said that Jimin needed to try again, that he needed to get closer to Taehyung. Not for the fun, but to see what Jungkook would do. Probably rip his head off out of anger. Jimin needed to train, to get stronger and take Jungkook out if he wanted to beat Jimin up for taking Taehyung's attention. That was Jimin's mission now. To get stronger, to be more in Taehyung's presence and also, make Yoongi jealous. If Yoongi would get jealous, he would leave Hoseok and go to Jimin. Jimin liked attention, so that was what he would do for the next couple of days. Making Jungkook and Yoongi jealous.


Namjoon was the earliest of the seven guys to be awake this morning. He was drinking some coffee while reading the newspaper when Jin walked in. ''Goodmorning.'' Jin greeted Namjoon and did some toast in the toaster. Namjoon looked up and was stunned when he saw what Jin was wearing. Black skinny jeans, black sneakers, a brown turtle neck sweater and the round glasses he mostly wore for his disguises. His brown hair was also messy. His outfit turned Namjoon on and the boss licked his lips while checking Jin out. ''Did you dress up like that for me?'' Namjoon asked Jin who was preparing breakfast for the other five guys in the team. ''Maybe.'' Jin said and turned around to Namjoon. He winked to his boyfriend and Namjoon loved it when Jin dressed up for him, because the sex after that was always amazing. ''But I'm sorry, no sex today. I'm not in the mood.'' Jin said to Namjoon who became instantly irritated after hearing those words. ''Joonie, we had sex yesterday. Calm down, my dick needs some rest.'' Jin explained to Namjoon who didn't listen anymore and was drinking his coffee again. Jin took the plates for the five guys and placed them at the five seats by the dining table. ''Are you fucking kidding me?'' Namjoon said and looked at the five plates with breakfast on them. ''Are you making them breakfast? They can make their breakfast themselves, do I need to call you mom now?'' Namjoon was more irritated now, but Jin didn't care about Namjoon. ''Well, I enjoy making food for others. Don't complain, I'm making none for you.'' Jin's words made Namjoon shut up, but he still rolled his eyes. Not even a minute later, Jimin came into the dining room. He wasn't really dressed, he only had black skinny jeans on and that was it. Not even a shirt, his naked chest was there for everyone to see. Jimin did it on purpose. He wanted to catch the interest of Yoongi and Taeyhung, the last one to make Jungkook angry on purpose. Jimin didn't say anything to Namjoon and Jin and just started eating his breakfast and drinking his coffee. He didn't even thanked Jin, the one who made his breakfast. Jin sighed deep and ate his toast, but he glanced at Jimin. It was unthankful of him to not say thankyou to Jin. Sometimes, it was all about manners. Something Jin was very skilled in. Jungkook and Hoseok walked into the dining room with faces of steel. They sat down at the table and started eating, just like Jimin did. Jungkook sat on the opposite of Jimin and looked at him with anger in his eyes. Jimin didn't even ignore him, he stared back at Jungkook to challenge him. When Taehyung walked into the dining room, the tension between Jimin and Jungkook became touchable, because the other guys felt it too. Especially Hoseok, who was very confused by the two guys who were looking at each other with anger. The sniper didn't feel at home yet, but he was happy that he found someone that liked weapons as much as he did. Yoongi was a hacker, but he loved to hear about Hoseok's stories, the sniper could tell. It was silent in the dining room, even though there were many things going on at the same time. Jimin and Jungkook had a stare competition, Taehyung who looked entertained at the both of them and also looked secretly at Jimin's abs, Hoseok who was thinking about Yoongi and his weapons, Jin who was irritated by all the guys who didn't thank him for the breakfast, and Namjoon who was angry at Jin that he didn't want sex today, even though he looked like an actual prince and it turned Namjoon on. The six guys were eating and drinking in silence and when they were done, Namjoon opened his mouth. ''Where is Yoongi?'' He was already a bit angry and he didn't want to be more angrier by the fact that Yoongi was still sleeping, ignoring Namjoon's rules. One of the rules Namjoon made for the team members was to wake up at 8 AM and eat breakfast at 8:30 AM. If someone ignored the rules, that someone would get punished. Namjoon made all the rules very clear to the members, the moment they came into his building and wanted to join his team. Namjoon always expected that one didn't follow up the rules, but he was kind of suprised that it was Yoongi for the first time. He thought it would be Taehyung or Jungkook, who he didn't fully trust. ''I think he is still sleeping. I will wake him up.'' Hoseok said to Namjoon and stood up from his chair. ''Sit down, dickhead. He will get punished, he ignored one of my rules.'' Namjoon's words sounded threatening and he looked at Hoseok who slided down in his chair. ''He was up all night hacking, no wonder he is still sleeping. Give him his rest.'' Jimin said with a challenging tone in his voice. Namjoon squinted his eyes at Jimin. ''Aw, look how sweet, everyone. A boyfriend defending his boyfriend.'' Namjoon said to everyone in the dining room. ''He is not my boyfriend, for fuck's sake!'' Jimin was just as angry as Namjoon now. Jin, Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok were looking at Namjoon and Jimin arguing. Jungkook had an evil smirk on his face, he enjoyed that Namjoon was angry at Jimin because he knew Jimin would be in trouble soon. ''Sit down, Park Jimin, now.'' Namjoon snapped to Jimin who wanted to response again, but then he remembered that Namjoon was far more dangerous and powerful than him. And Namjoon was the leader of the team, so he was important. Jimin sat down in his chair and his eyes followed Namjoon who stood up himself and walked out of the dining room with fierce steps. ''What is gonna happen?'' Hoseok whispered, he was scared that Namjoon could hear him, so he was whispering. ''Namjoon is going to wake up Yoongi and punish him. Not that hard though, I won't allow it if Namjoon killed that poor guy.'' Jin explained with his normal voice, he wasn't scared of Namjoon like Hoseok was. ''Jin, you need to stop him. He can't hurt Yoongi.'' Jimin said to the brown-haired guy who shook his head. ''I don't know what Namjoon will do. We made up the rules together, but he invented the punishments.'' Jin was pretty calm about it, unlike Jimin and Hoseok who were both concerned about Yoongi. Jungkook was enoying everything and Taehyung was dissapointed that he couldn't punish Yoongi. He would love to shoot a bullet through his head or throw a knife in his throat. ''Min Yoongi!'' Namjoon shouted from the bedroom that Jimin and Yoongi shared. Yoongi was still sleeping, Jimin thought. The next sounds were not comforting at all. Yoongi was screaming and cursing, there were loud bangs on the bedroom walls, and there were also sounds you hear when someone gets beaten up. ''Fuck it.'' Jimin said and he jumped up from his chair. He ran out of the dining room and he heard the other guys running after him to look what was going on. When Jimin ran into the bedroom, he was scared and angry at the same time. There was blood on the white sheets of the bed which belonged to Yoongi. But that wasn't the worst. Namjoon was beating up Yoongi. ''Stop! Stop it now!'' Jimin shouted and grabbed Namjoon's elbow to stop him. But Namjoon was much stronger than Jimin and his elbow hit Jimin right in the face. He ignored the pain and the blood from his nose and jumped on Namjoon's back. The leader finally stopped beating Yoongi up and was focused of getting Jimin from his back. ''Namjoon, stop this madness right now!'' Jin yelled. He was standing with the four guys in the doorway. Jin was angry at Namjoon, who immediatly listened. Jimin jumped from his back and kneeled on the ground to help Yoongi. The poor guy was laying on the floor with blood running out of his nose and out of the wounds on his body. Jimin knew that over a couple of days, Yoongi would have bruises everywhere on his body because of Namjoon. Jin took Namjoon to his office to calm him down and to address him about what he just did. Yoongi wasn't unconscious, but he soon would be. His eyes were closed, but he was still awake. Hoseok kneeled down next to Jimin and helped him to get Yoongi on the bed. Jungkook and Taehyung weren't doing anything, they didn't care about him. Jungkook had a grin on his face and Taehyung was sniggering. They enjoyed Yoongi in pain, they enjoyed anyone in pain except themselves. Jimin wanted to slap them both really hard in the face, they were so annoying and unrespectful. He would learn those assholes a lesson, he knew that for sure. ''There are tissues in the dining room and towels in the bathroom. Go get them.'' Jimin ordered Hoseok who didn't argue with him and immediatly listened to him. Hoseok stood up and ran as fast as he could to get the needed supplies to take care of Yoongi. ''You two!'' Jimin said loud and turned around to Taehyung and Jungkook who were still standing in the doorway. ''Get the fuck out of this bedroom now or I'll break your necks in your sleep!'' Jimin yelled to the duo who were grinning about the whole situation. ''Uh-oh, someone is a bit mad.'' Taehyung said and then he started laughing. That laugh didn't sound right to Jimin's ears. ''Nawh, I hope he dies. Next time, we will finish Namjoon's brilliant work. Yoongi should be dead already.'' Jungkook said with an evil smile on his face. They were both mad as hell, Jimin thought. Psycopaths. ''Oopsie, did he just hurt your feelings? What a shame, darling. Well, see ya later.'' Taehyung blew a kiss to Jimin and then he walked with Jungkook next to him out of the bedroom. Jimin needed to control his anger to take care of Yoongi. He wanted to kill Jungkook and Taehyung right now. Jimin wanted to punch a wall, but he didn't have time, because Hoseok ran into the bedroom with towels and tissues. Without hesitation, Jimin took off Yoongi's shirt and started to clean the wounds Namjoon left. Hoseok laid a wet towel on Yoongi's forehead, but he didn't know what to do besides that. Jimin looked like he was skilled in taking care of people. He cleaned Yoongi's wounds, got rid of the blood and was checking if Yoongi was still conscious. ''Yoongi?'' Jimin's voice was a bit unsteady, because he was worried about him. Yoongi opened his eyes and looked immediatly at Jimin, he didn't even saw Hoseok standing behind him. ''Jimin.'' Yoongi whispered and when Jimin nodded, he smiled. ''You took care of me?'' Yoongi asked Jimin who was too worried to smile. ''Ofcourse, silly. I couldn't leave you there on the ground. You were bleeding all over the place.'' Jimin was relieved that Yoongi was awake and talking. Yoongi held out his shaking hand and Jimin looked at it for a few seconds. Was Yoongi serious? After all that with Hoseok, did he now want Jimin again? When Jimin looked at Yoongi for permission, the white haired guy nodded. With a smile on his face, Jimin laid his shaking hand in Yoongi's. ''I will leave you two alone.'' Hoseok said to Jimin and Yoongi and then he left. The two guys were staring into each others eyes and then Yoongi started talking. ''I was thinking about leaving the team because Namjoon beat me up. But I will never leave.'' Jimin lifted an eyebrow and was curious. ''Why not?'' He asked, a bit confused. ''Because then I have to leave you. And I can't leave you alone with all those psycho's. I could never leave you, it would break my heart.'' Yoongi's words touched Jimin's heart and the black-haired guy bit his lip. They were looking into each others eyes again. Yoongi was sure of his feelings now, he wasn't confused anymore. He loved Jimin. But he couldn't say it to Jimin, he didn't know how to express his feelings. He had never done that. He had never told anyone that he loved them. But even how cliché it sounded, Jimin changed his life. Jimin learned him to love someone, to actually care about someone. That's why Yoongi loved him so much. Because Jimin loved Yoongi like he was. He didn't care that Yoongi was a famous hacker, he didn't care about Agust D. He cared about Min Yoongi. Jimin wanted to do nothing more than kiss Yoongi, but he didn't know how Yoongi would react if he did. But the most important thing was that they loved each other, without saying a word. They didn't know it of each other, but they trusted their own feelings. And they listened to their own feelings, who told them to love each other. So they did. They loved each other.

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