Chapter Thirteen

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''So, this is the gun room.'' Namjoon said and the whole team looked around fascinated. The room was kind of small, but there wasn't any furniture. The walls were completely covered in every kind of gun that exists, from rifles to pistols to shotguns. The room was light and white, and the walls were a grey colour. ''Holy shit.'' Hoseok whispers, this was like heaven for him. All those different rifles, he was in love. Not only Hoseok loved the gun room already, Taehyung and Jungkook looked at every inch of the wonderful room. All those different weapons, they wanted to try all of them. ''Not so fast.'' Namjoon groans when he sees the stares of the three guys. ''This room is highly secured with camera's and all of you will have different shifts in the security room, so we make sure that no-one gets shot. Even how much I want it.'' The last sentence that came out of Namjoon's mouth was directed to Taehyung and Jungkook, the first one rolling his eyes while Jungkook just sighed. ''Jin and I will also be in the security room when all of you are practising together. We are not gonna risk someone's death, because I know how much y'all like each other.'' The sarcasm in Namjoon's words was very present and all seven of them knew that. ''This is not all, let's go to the practise room.''  Jin said who stood next to his boyfriend. He was much more awake then when he woke up, because he had his coffee and when he got his coffee, everything was okay. Jin led the team to the room next to the gunroom. It wasn't really a room, it was a long hall. The practise hall was a shooting range with seven booths and seven shooting targets that hung on the other side of the hall. ''You can practise here with shooting and it doesn't matter when, at least not a night because otherwise I'm gonna kill all of you one by one.'' Jin said and looked every member of the team straight in the eyes when he warned them. ''I need my beauty sleep.'' Jin muttered under his breath and then he looked at Namjoon for further explanation. ''The security room is upstairs, next to the meeting room. Hoseok, your shift is tonight, so you're first. There is a paper with the schedule on the door. Without further ado, let's get to work. If you need Jin or me, we are both upstairs.'' Namjoon said to the team and walked out of the practise hall with Jin next to him. When the team was alone with each other, no-one hesitated and they all ran to the gun room. Jungkook and Hoseok both grabbed the biggest rifle they could find, because they were used to such a weapon. Jimin, Yoongi and Taehyung chose a handgun. Taehyung was familiar with that kind of gun and even though Jimin and Yoongi didn't use their guns that often, they knew how to handle them. ''I could do it, you know.'' Taehyung said and smirked when he was done with firing some bullets. Jungkook stared at him, shaking his head. He knew what Taehyung was gonna do. Yoongi didn't listen to the red-haired psychopath, but he froze when he felt the loop of a pistol against his head. The other members stopped with shooting the targets and looked at Taehyung who had his gun against Yoongi's head. Jimin saw it happen and his eyes became wide. ''No!'' He screamed and tried to run to Taehyung to get him drop the gun, but Jungkook easily stopped him. ''One more step, Park, and he really gets a fucking bullet through his head.'' Taehyung mumbled with his index finger on the trigger of the gun. ''Trust me.'' Jungkook said to Jimin. ''He won't hesitate. He is too fucked up.'' Jimin's eyes shot fire when he stared at Taehyung who showed him a sarcastially wide smile. ''That's right, my dear.'' Taehyung pointed to Jungkook with his other hand and nodded. ''Someone give me a fucking bucket so I can puke'' . ''Shut up, I'll do it if you don't keep your mouth shut.''  Taehyung threatened and pushed the loop of the pistol onto Yoongi's head, making the white-haired boy flinch. ''I won't-'' . ''Do what he says, Jimin, for fuck's sake.'' Yoongi muttered under his breath and Taehyung slapped his side of the face with the gun, making Yoongi flinch again, but this time from the pain. ''Clever boy, listen to him, Jimin.'' Taehyung nodded with his head, that psychotic smile was still on his face. The black-haired boy bit his underlip, but he stayed silent, for Yoongi's safety. ''Let's be honest.'' Taehyung said and looked at everyone in the room. ''We are all doing it for the money. Nothing more, nothing less.'' It was deadly silent in the shooting hall after he said those words. Nobody said something, scared they would be shot through the head. But eventually, Hoseok was the first to break the silence. He wasn't afraid of Taehyung or anyone ever. ''I'm not.'' The young man said, stepping forward. ''Stay there.'' Taehyung sissed between his teeth and threatened to slap Yoongi with the pistol again, this time aiming for the cheekbone. Hoseok immediatly stepped back. ''Namjoon is my friend and one of my best cliënts. And I'm not joining Un Woo Sung's sick team. Better off death than miserable and beaten up. He took my best friend and killed him in front of my eyes. Blasting a fucking bullet through his skull. Namjoon is the only person I can trust a little in this fucked up mafia world.'' Hoseok answered, he was furious. Jimin felt suprised, he never knew this side of Hoseok existed and that his backstory was tragic. But if you were involved in this world, you never had a good past. It ruined your life, the South-Korean mafia, it never made it better. Sure, you'll get money and weapons if you're smart enough, but eventually, you'll lose it all. Only the smartest and most dangerous people keep it, because they have enough power. Those important men are like the kings, they reign over the mafia world. Namjoon was lucky to be such a king, but to his dissapointment, Un Woo Sung was one too. Taehyung glared at Jungkook and those dark brown eyes calmed him, so he lowered his gun. He pushed Yoongi to the ground, in Jimin's direction. Taehyung had the feeling that this wasn't Yoongi's first time to go on the ground for Jimin. The red-haired young man crouched down, laid the shotgun on the ground and shoved it towards Jungkook. The black-haired boy had the top of his black Timberlands on the gun, so nobody could snatch it away from him and cause even more tension in the shooting hall than there already was. Taehyung stood up and loved the angry stares everyone gave him. What could he say? He just loved attention. He walked to the exit of the shooting hall and in the proces, he winked at Jungkook and playfully licked his lips. When he left and they were with six, Jungkook was sure that he saw some kind of chaotic lust in Taehyung's eyes. He looked down at the gun under his foot and smiled a little. He loved Taehyung's lust.

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