Chapter Twelve

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The city of Seoul was peaceful this morning, there weren't that much honking cars on the road as usual and the city needed to wake up. The most people were on their way to their early work, but some people were still sleeping in their cozy beds, not wanting to wake up. In the building of Namjoon, the sphere was also peaceful and silent. Nobody was awake, except for Namjoon who always was awake in the early morning. He didn't expect anyone to be up already, due to their hangover. There was nothing planned for the day, but Namjoon wanted to show the team the gun and practice rooms in the basement. He looked at the watch around his right wrist and realised that it was 8:50 AM. Everyone was late for breakfast, but even how strict Namjoon was, he wouldn't punish them for it. Only this time, he thought. If they weren't hangover, they already had eaten their breakfast now. Namjoon sighed and he was a bit mad, because he had to make breakfast for himself and Jin wasn't up yet. Namjoon was a horrendous cook and he was a bit clumsy. He wanted to make some eggs and bacon for himself, but the bacon was burned black and the eggs were far too salty because Namjoon had scattered too many salt in the frying pan. Namjoon was done with his breakfast and was waiting for the team to wake up, but he knew they wouldn't wake up that fast. If it was up to them, they would lay in bed all day. But Namjoon wasn't about that life and he wanted his team to wake up now. The leader of the team stood up from his chair by the long white table and walked out of the dinner room. He would go to the bedroom that he and Jin shared first, Jin needed to be awake as first. Namjoon didn't knock when he threw the door open and walked with fierce steps to Jin's part of the bed that Namjoon shared with him. Instead of greeting him nicely like most boyfriends do to each other, Namjoon threw a pillow at Jin who was sleeping peaceful. When Jin softly moaned, Namjoon sighed deep. ''Wake up, Jin. It's late. I already let you and the team sleep an hour more than usual.'' Namjoon said to his boyfriend who ignored him completely. ''Fuck off.'' Jin said softly and kicked the pillow that Namjoon threw away from him. ''Come on.'' Namjoon crawled on the bed and was laying on Jin's body now. ''Get off, you fucking idiot.'' Jin said in a threatening voice and tried to push Namjoon off him. The boss always became really soft for Jin, just like he was now. He was kissing Jin's chest and neck and even though Jin was hungover, he enjoyed the fact that Namjoon was showing him affection. ''I'm thirsty.'' Jin complained and he tried to get up, but Namjoon was laying on him so that didn't work. ''Namjoon?'' Jin asked his boyfriend to get off him. ''What? Oh, yeah.'' Namjoon stopped giving Jin kisses and rolled to the empty side of the bed. They both got up and Namjoon immediatly fixed his white hair, while Jin was deciding what to wear. ''Anything looks great on you.'' Namjoon said, he saw Jin staring at the closet full of their clothes and he also saw the struggle in the eyes of Jin. ''Shut up.'' Jin muttered and Namjoon got a smile on his face when he realised that Jin got shy after Namjoon complimented him. Namjoon hugged Jin from behind and wrapped his arms around Jin's body. Namjoon was taller than Jin, but it wasn't a huge height difference. ''It's been four years and you still get shy from my compliments?'' Namjoon asked Jin with a smile on his face. The guy with the light-brown dyed hair nodded with his head and grabbed Namjoon's hands. ''I love you.'' Namjoon said to Jin and laid his head on Jin's right shoulder. Namjoon was right, after the four years they had a relationship, Jin would still get red cheeks from blushing and he would still get shy from the compliments his boyfriend gave him. ''Seokjin-ah, say something.'' Namjoon begged and pouted his lips like Jin always did when he didn't get what he wanted. ''You already know this, but I don't care. You are my happiness and I love the tiny kisses you always give me.'' Jin said eventually. They loved each other so much, they only had each other in this criminal world and they were always clinging to each other. They were always together and never left the building without each other, scared that they got hurt. Namjoon would take a bullet for Jin and Jin would do everything to ensure that Namjoon was safe. They cared about each other and loved each other more than anything in the whole world. ''Get dressed, I need to wake up the others.'' Namjoon said to Jin and he stopped hugging Jin from behind. Jin turned around to Namjoon and suddenly pushed his lips against those of the white-haired male. Namjoon kissed Jin back and then he pulled away as first, because he really needed to wake the team up. ''I will dress nice for you.'' Jin said to Namjoon and then he finally smiled. It wasn't a big smile, because he had a headache and felt like shit what was all caused by the alcohol he drank last night. ''Can't wait.'' Namjoon answered and smiled back at his boyfriend, the only one who could ever make him smile. Namjoon left the bedroom and went to the one that was the closest to his. The bedroom of Yoongi and Jimin. Namjoon entered the room loudly, but it didn't awoke the two boys who were laying in their seperate beds, both curled up. ''Wake up!'' Namjoon shouted with a voice that was loud enough. It woke Jimin up, who got up in a second and looked around with scared eyes to find the source that woke him up. When Jimin saw Namjoon standing there in the doorway, he fell on his back on the matress. Yoongi wasn't giving a fuck about the fact that Namjoon was trying to wake him up, he just wanted to sleep forever. ''Get up, Jimin.'' Namjoon snapped to the black-haired boy who sighed deep and rubbed in his eyes with his fists. ''And you too, Yoongi.'' Namjoon said to the boy who was still laying like a curled up ball and still had his eyes closed. ''Fuck, I'm starving.'' Jimin whined and sat right up again. ''And thirsty too, I bet.'' Namjoon said and rolled his eyes when Jimin flipped him off. Jimin stood up from the bed and walked over to Yoongi who was still sleeping, what he thought. Yoongi was acting like he was asleep and he was hoping that Namjoon would forget about him, so that he could sleep again. ''Wake up Yoongi or I will put a bullet through both of your heads.'' Namjoon said to Jimin whose turn it was to roll with his eyes. Namjoon left the room with a deep sigh and a deadly stare to Jimin. The black-haired boy wasn't having it today and he knew that Yoongi felt about it the same way. ''I know you aren't sleeping, come on.'' Jimin said to Yoongi and when the white-haired guy didn't respond, Jimin jumped on the bed and tried to pull the sheets off Yoongi. ''Jimin, I will throw you off the rooftop of this building if you continue to do this.'' Yoongi said with a raspy morning voice to the boy who was trying to pull the sheets off him. ''Well, then get up.'' Jimin answered and even how tired and wasted he was, he was acting hyper. Jimin stuck his tongue out to Yoongi and jumped off his bed. Yoongi sighed deep and slowly got up. Meanwhile, Jimin was putting on the most comfortable clothes he could find in the clothing closet. Namjoon and Jin had filled it a bit with their old clothes or clothes that didn't fit them anymore, so that Jimin and Yoongi could wear it. Yoongi and Jimin weren't the only ones with that though. Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok shared not only a bedroom, but also a big closet that contained more clothes that the boss and his boyfriend have worn. Jimin was wearing grey sweat pants, a white T-shirt, red and white sneakers, and a black snapback with the word ''king'' written on it in fancy white letters. Yoongi was impressed by the sight of Jimin and he wanted to doing nothing more than slip his hands in the pockets of Jimin's sweatpants and touch his amazing thighs. Yoongi walked to the closet with clothes and suddenly Jimin let a little squeal when he looked at Yoongi. The white-haired guy thought it was because he wasn't wearing anything besides a boxer and that Jimin was just really impressed by his glorious body. But that wasn't it, because Yoongi saw the concerned look in Jimin's brown eyes. ''Oh my god, Yoongi..'' Jimin said and without a pardon, he laid his right hand on Yoongi's naked chest. Out of instinct, Yoongi wanted to slap Jimin's hand away because he hated it when people touched him, but this is Jimin we are talking about. Park Jimin, Yoongi would never do anything bad to him. Yoongi looked down at his chest and it scared him. His chest was full of purple bruises and not only his chest, but also his shoulders and collar bones. It was Namjoon's work, from when he had beaten Yoongi up. But Yoongi knew that the bruises that Jungkook's fists made on his body last night would appear fast enough. ''It looks awful. You should do something about it.'' Jimin said to Yoongi who immediatly shook his head. It hurted Jimin to say that a part of Yoongi's beautiful body was awful, but he needed to contain his image of not having a secret crush on Yoongi, even though he did. You always look beautiful, Jimin wanted to say to Yoongi. I don't care that you look like this because you will always be the most beautiful human on this whole world and I wish that you loved me back, Jimin said in his head to Yoongi. He wanted to say this to the white-haired guy for real, but he would never ever have the courage for it. ''Do I need to help you with putting your clothes on? I bet it hurts like hell.'' Jimin asked Yoongi and he needed to contain himself again after that. ''No, I can do it myself.'' Yoongi answered in the most serious voice ever. But in his head, Yoongi imagined Jimin's hands all over his body and helping him. ''Alright then, I'm going to have breakfast, are you coming too?'' Jimin asked and Yoongi nodded with his head. ''Jimin, you can leave.'' Yoongi wanted that Jimin stayed by his side, but he needed to dress himself and he didn't feel comfortable with someone staring at him, even though it was Jimin. The black-haired boy looked right into Yoongi's eyes with a stare that said more than a thousand words and then he left the bedroom. Meanwhile, the trio in the other bedroom were already awake. They were all dressed and just chilling on their beds when Namjoon walked into the bedroom. The boss was a bit suprised that they were already up, because they sure as hell had a hangover too. ''Go to the dinner room and eat your breakfast, all three of you. There are some things planned for today.'' Namjoon said to the trio and then he walked out of the bedroom and closed the door. Taehyung and Jungkook ironically shared a bunk bed instead of a bed for two. They knew that Namjoon and Jin had done it on purpose, because they didn't want Taehyung and Jungkook to have sex on a bed from them. Hoseok was happy that the two shared a bunk bed, because he had a bed all for himself and he didn't have to hear them having sex. They couldn't do it on a bunk bed, it was too small for both of them. Hoseok jumped up from his bed and stood up. He walked around in the new bedroom and was still amazed by the fact that Namjoon and Jin had decorated it in such little time. ''Jungkook-ah.'' Taehyung whined in his deep and raspy morning voice to the boy who was laying on the bunk bed above him. ''What is it?'' Jungkook answered and Taehyung grinned when Jungkook reacted to him. ''Do you have my throwing knives?'' Taehyung asked and it was immediatly silent after he asked that. ''Maybe. Why?'' . ''Because I want to throw one into every persons throat I see today. I don't want people to bother me today.'' Taehyung started this conversation silly, but now he was dead serious, something he wasn't that much. ''You are literally talking to someone right now and I don't have a knife in my throat.'' Jungkook rolled his eyes because of the stupid words Taehyung said out loud. ''Because you are special.'' Taehyung muttered, but loud enough that Jungkook could hear it. ''Oh god, here we go.'' Hoseok sighed and rolled with his eyes, because he heard Taehyung's words too. ''Shut up, cocksucker. I know you bring everyone a lot of joy here, but you only do that when you leave the room. So fuck off, I know your little secret and so does Jungkook.'' Taehyung snapped to Hoseok who was standing in the middle of the room with his hands on his hips. ''I don't have any secrets, I'm an open book.'' Hoseok said, not understanding what Taehyung meant. ''Oh, please. We know you have a huge crush on Yoongi and that you want nothing more than give him a pleasant blow-'' . ''I don't have a crush on Yoongi!'' Hoseok didn't want Taehyung to finish that sentence. Hoseok didn't knew what he just said. His feelings for Yoongi were complicated and he didn't understood them yet. ''Sure you don't. Now, if you want to keep your crush on Yoongi a secret, then I suggest that you keep your filthy mouth shut about the love life of Jungkook and me.'' Taehyung sat right up on his bed and Hoseok was jealous of Taehyung's red hair, because it looked really awesome. Snipers couldn't have haircolours like that, because then they would be spotted easily. Hoseok always loved to dye his hair before he was involved in the criminal world. He mostly dyed it orange, because that was his favorite colour. ''You two are together?'' Hoseok asked Taehyung and he lifted both his eyebrows. ''Did I ask you to involve in our relationsh-'' . ''Yes, we are together. Can you please fuck off to the dining room already?'' Jungkook suddenly started speaking when Taehyung started to get irritated. ''Fine, that is all I needed to hear.'' Hoseok said those words with a sassy tone in his voice and walked out of the bedroom without hesitation. When Taehyung and Jungkook were alone in the room, Taehyung opened his mouth again. ''Are we together now?'' He asked Jungkook, confused as he was. ''Only if you want us to be.'' Jungkook answered immediatly and a wide smile appeared on Taehyung's face. ''Well, duh. My love for you isn't hidden anymore, so I'm okay with it. Are you?'' Taehyung was waiting impatient for Jungkook's response. ''Tae, I love you more than fucking anything. Ofcourse I am okay with it, dumbass.'' Jungkook answered laughing and Taehyung got happy when Jungkook said those words. Jungkook got up from the bunk bed that was on top and climbed off the metal bars. Taehyung got off his bed too and then they both stood next to each other, not saying anything. Suddenly, Jungkook laid his arms around Taehyung's neck and leaned in for a kiss. Their foreheads touched and Taehyung had a huge grin on his face. ''What's wrong?'' Jungkook asked him carefully. ''Nothing. I have just never felt this happy before in my entire life. You make me happy and make me feel like I'm actually important.'' Taehyung answered and Jungkook smiled. ''Tae, you are my life now. And I'm glad I have met you because I am the luckiest person ever to have a relationship with you.'' Jungkook whispered and then he pressed his lips on those of Taehyung. The red-haired guy kissed him back and Taehyung loved the fact that he finally had found love. It felt amazing and he didn't care that it made him weak, he would do anything for Jungkook. ''Come on, I'm hungry, let's get some breakfast.'' Taehyung whispered against the lips of Jungkook. ''Hungry for some ass?'' Jungkook asked him with a light giggle in his soft voice. ''Damn, save that awesome ass of yours for later.'' Taehyung answered and then he took his lips of those of Jungkook. They both smiled at each other and walked out of the bedroom. When they arrived in the dinner room, everyone was already eating their breakfast. Taehyung and Jungkook sat down next to each other and both took some baked pancakes on their plate. Namjoon, who sat at the head of the dinner table, could clearly see the obvious signs the hangover had left on the team's behaviour. They were all really tired and dressed in sweatpants or the most comfortable clothes they could find. They didn't ate that much though, they mostly drank water instead of eating breakfast. It was obvious, because after you woke up from an hangover, you would always be thirsty. ''I have something planned for today. I will show you guys the practice room and the gun room in the basement. The time has come for all of you to practice with weapons for the mission, even though I know the most of you are already very skilled with weapons. There will always be room for emprovement.'' Namjoon explained and no-one reacted because they were all too tired to give a fuck. Namjoon looked around to see all the faces of the team and a little grin appeared on his face. ''Lesson learned.'' He said when he saw the wasted boys. He hoped they really would learn their lesson of drinking too much alcohol and getting a hangover the morning after it. But for now, Namjoon enjoyed the silence in his building and was happy that the members weren't that hyper as usual. If it was up to him, they always should have a hangover. Because then the leader could rest without annoying guys making him lose his temper.

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