Chapter Twenty-Three

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The night had fallen and everyone in the appartment was asleep, even Namjoon who mostly was up till 2 AM, was now sleeping next to Jin in their bed. But the peace and silence didn't last for long. First, there was a helicopter flying next to the building, what didn't wake all the seven men at all. But the sound of shattering glass did. Jin shot awake, sitting straight up in bed. Namjoon's body stirred under the white blanket, but he didn't woke up. Jin quickly grabbed the gun from under the bed and pulled off the safety lock. There was someone in the appartment. He stood up and walked out of the bedroom carefully, making sure he closed the door so Namjoon wouldn't wake up. He tip-toed to the room he heard the sounds from. The meeting room. He stood still with his back to the wall when he was next to the black door. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, concentrated on the gun in his hands which was now pointed at the door, and then he kicked in the door, ready to shoot everyone and anything. But he didn't get the chance, because someone from behind kicked him in his back, making him fall to the ground. The shotgun fell out of his hands and slid on the ground, stopping when it hit the feet of Un Woo Sung himself. ''Seokjin, how delighted to see you again at this late event.'' The man said and revealed an evil smile on his face. ''Leave them alone.'' Jin groaned when he realised Un Woo Sung wasn't just here for him. ''Where is Namjoon?'' Un Woo Sung asked, completely ignoring Jin. The brown-haired male wanted to stand up and fight, but as soon as he started to get up, he got slammed down on the floor because of a foot on his back. ''I'll ask again; where is Namjoon?'' Jin shook his head as a sign he wouldn't answer. Un Woo Sung started to get irritated and snatched a gun from his pocket. Un Woo Sung crouched down next to Seokjin and pointed the gun at his head. ''How about now?'' . ''You won't shoot me, I'm the only one who knows where Namjoon is.'' The brown-haired male sissed and the enemy squinted his eyes. He put the safety lock off, which made Jin swallow nervously. ''Where is he?'' Un Woo Sung asked again, this time his voice sounding scary and intimidating. ''Dead.'' Jin eventually answered, obviously lying. Un Woo Sung grabbed the brown hairs of the male and slammed his head into the floor. ''Liar! I'll ask one more time and if you don't answer correctly, I'll blast your brain out of your head!'' The enemy yelled and pulled onto Jin's hair, revealing his face. He had blood dripping from his nosetrils, but that was the only thing that had changed about his appearence. ''He's here.'' Jin groaned, staring right into Un Woo Sung's slightly black eyes. ''When he finds you and notices that you hurt me, you're dead.'' The brown-haired male growled, making Un Woo Sung grin evilly. The enemy stood up and turned to two of his henchmen. "Get Namjoon, kill the others if they're in the way. We don't need them." He said and the two men immediatly obeyed to his orders. They left the meeting room, while Jin stayed behind with Un Woo Sung and the rest of his henchmen. It was deadly silent in the whole appartment, until a gun shot was heard and then another one. "Jin!" Namjoon's scream echoed between the walls and Jin tried to escape, only to be met with a rough foot on his back, kicking him to the ground. "You aren't going anywhere." The enemy said with a threatening tone. At that moment Namjoon appeared in the doorway, his gun pointed at Un Woo Sung. Behind him stood Hoseok and Jungkook, their rifles pointing on the same target. ''Get them!'' Un Woo Sung shouted and the rest of his henchmen, five young men, ran towards Namjoon and two of his team members. They immediatly shot them dead, but two were hard to be killed. Bullets didn't affect them and Jin thought Namjoon didn't have a plan B. But he did. The three stepped aside, making way for Jimin and Yoongi. The duo didn't hesitate and jumped on the two men of Un Woo Sung that were left. Jimin gave a hook punch to the front side of his oppontent's jaw, making him grunt in pain but not give up. The black-haired boy was small, but he was able to fight. And kill with his bare hands if he had to. He wasn't the hoe and seducer of a drug dealer in Busan for nothing. He didn't get paid with money back then when he did his work well enough. He got paid with harsh trainings to defend himself. A benefit of being small was that Jimin was fast and diffcult to catch. He stood behind the enemy, who was distracted. Jimin collected all the energy in his body he had left and exhaled deeply. In a few seconds, Jimin had put his hands under the enemy's and locked his hands behind the man's head. The man struggled under his grip, but Jimin was stronger than he looked and succeeded in not letting the man escape from him. The black-haired boy bended the neck of the man forward, as result that it broke. Jimin released his fatal grip and the lifeless body fell on the ground. As for Yoongi, he was on the winning side as well. He was able to grab the enemy's head by the mouth and the back of the skull. Then he gave a violent and sudden jerk to it. There was a sound of bones tearing apart and after that, it was over for the last of the man of Un Woo Sung's team. Yoongi kicked the dead man to the ground and went to stand next to Jimin, staring with burning hatred and anger at the remaining enemy in the meeting room. It wasn't for them to make an end to Un Woo Sung, that was Namjoon's job. The team stepped back, letting Namjoon stand forward in the room, facing his enemy. Jin was still under the grip of Un Woo Sung, but he knew Namjoon would release him. He knew Namjoon would defeat the enemy, atleast he hoped so. ''Let's finish this. Right here and right now.'' Namjoon said and threw his shotgun on the ground, making himself unarmed.'' Un Woo Sung squinted his eyes at Namjoon's move, but then he grinned and threw his gun also on the floor. They were both unharmed. If they wanted to kill each other, then they wanted to do it in a hand-to-hand combat. Weapons were meant for cheating.

(This book is ending soon, so I'm sorry if this is really shitty but I just wanna finish it so bad so I can start with my other stories.)

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