Chapter Eleven

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Jimin was angry and confused at Taehyung who still stood next to him like nothing happened. "What the actual fuck is your problem?" Jimin asked Taehyung who was sniggering again. "You ain't Jungkook? Oh well, it still tasted good. Thanks, darling." Taehyung said and wanted to walk away, but Jimin grabbed him by his right shoulder, so that Taehyung turned around and faced him. "Listen here, you fucking The Wiggles reject with your ugly ass red hair, I don't know what's wrong with you but I am not your beloved Jungcock so fuck off before I will literally kick your tiny ass to Mars and back, you fucking walking bloodstain." Jimin was furious at Taehyung who was too drunk to fully understand the situation and what was going on between them. Taehyung started to laugh when Jimin was insulting him, he wasn't fooled by Jimin's appearence. Jimin's words may sounded intimidating, but Jimin was the shortest of them all. And with his tiny hands and puffy cheeks, he didn't really look intimidating. "Okay, Jimin, that is enough savageness for today." Namjoon was standing behind him and grabbed his arm to take him away from Taehyung. Namjoon could sense there would be a fight between the two, so he needed to prevent it, because the boss didn't want to be emberassed by his own team. "I swear to god, if someone stands behind me one more time, I will punch that someone in the fucking face." Jimin threatened Namjoon. The seducer was drunk and didn't even knew what he was saying. "What's going on?" Jungkook suddenly said to Taehyung who shrugged his shoulders and Jimin started laughing when Jungkook was standing next to Taehyung. "Oh, look! Your beloved Junkfood is here, you fucking tomato and-" . "Can we please stop insulting Taehyung's hair and get back to dancing please?" Jungkook asked, but then he realised something. "Wait, did you just call me Junkfood?" Jungkook asked Jimin and the boy with the purple-black hair squinted his eyes. "Yeah, what are you gonna do about it?" Jimin yelled at Jungkook and when Namjoon was distracted, Jimin got his arm loose of Namjoon's grip. Jimin pushed his hands against Jungkook's chest as a sign that he wasn't afraid of him, nor of Taehyung and that he dared them to fight. "You are messing with the wrong one, little slut." Jungkook said to Jimin who had a smile on his face. Jungkook wasn't drunk like Jimin and Taehyung were, he didn't even finish his whiskey because he hated the taste. "If you insult us one more time, I will punch all your teeth out of your mouth, Park." Jungkook's words sounded threatening and that exactly was the reason. Jimin pushed his lips on each other and it looked like he wouldn't say a word anymore. He let out a deep sigh and put his hands on his sides. "I'm sure ginger boy here would love to ride your Jungcock. But I am going now, bye bitches." The words were barely a second out of Jimin's mouth when Jungkook punched him right in the face with his fist. Jimin moaned softly of the pain and he almost fell on his knees on the ground. Yoongi was impatient when Jimin didn't came back with drinks, so he stood up from his seat and took the same way through the crowd that Jimin took, so that Yoongi could find the black-haired boy himself. Yoongi's dark brown eyes widened when he saw something very concerning in the crowd, right for him. Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin were standing next to each other and Yoongi wanted to take Jimin out of there immediatly. The white-haired guy became furious when he saw that Jungkook punched Jimin right in the face. Jungkook hurted Jimin, his Jimin. Oh, he would be so dead now. Yoongi's eyes were searching for Namjoon, because he needed to control his team. Yoongi became even more angry when he saw that Namjoon was dancing with Jin and didn't even care about the fight that happened between three of his team members. Now it would be four, Yoongi thought and he stepped up to them immediatly. "Hey!" Yoongi yelled and grabbed Jungkook by his right shoulder. Jungkook turned around and got more mad when he saw Yoongi standing there. He hated Yoongi just as much as Jimin. Jungkook his fist punched Yoongi in the right cheek, but the white-haired guy didn't care about that. He was blinded of anger and started to fight with Jungkook. The dancing people around them stopped with their dance moves and encouraged the team to fight. "Fight! Fight! Fight!" The crowd yelled at the four team members who fought with each other. Jimin and Taehyung were really drunk, so they didn't fight hard and serious like Jungkook and Yoongi did. Even though Yoongi was more drunk than Jungkook, he was stronger than him and hit him a few times in the face. Their faces were both covered in blood, just like their fists. "Stop!" Namjoon's voice caused all four to stop immediatly. He sounded powerful and threatening. He dragged Jin with him, the brown-haired guy enjoyed everything that happened around him and didn't even realise that there was a fight going on between his team members. Probaby because he was wasted."We are going home immediatly!" Namjoon snapped to the four who all stood frozen like statues. "Namjoon-ah, don't ruin the party. We're having so much fun, oppa. Can I have another wiskey?" Jin said the words as if he was in a hurry and Namjoon was just as done with his boyfriend like he was with the team. "Jungkook and Taehyung, you are going first and I will beat both your asses if you don't immediatly head down to the building now." Namjoon snapped to the two guys who got silent and walked away. They got out of the club and did what Namjoon said. Hoseok went after them, also because Namjoon said so and then the four went as last out of the club. Namjoon had to pay for their drinks, because Jin was too drunk to do it. When Yoongi, Jimin, Namjoon and Jin were walking down the streets to the building, Namjoon was mad at them all. Also at himself, though. He should have watched out better and he ignored the dangers of alcohol, so this happened. A fight between his team members. If Jimin and Taehyung weren't that drunk, the fight wouldn't have happened, because Jungkook defended Taehyung and Yoongi defended Jimin. When they walked into the appartment, Namjoon immediatly send the team to their bedrooms. Nobody complained, probably because they were too drunk to understand or because they didn't want to have a discussion with the powerful boss himself. He didn't wanted to admit it, but even Taehyung was a bit afraid of Namjoon. "Can I suck your dick now?"  Jin asked Namjoon and while he was waiting for an answer, Jin's head bopped to a beat that he had in his mind. He knew that the song was called Bang Bang Bang, also because he sang those words along with the artist. When Jin was at the second verse, Namjoon finally spoke again. "Shut up. You're drunk, Jin and-" . "Can I Bang Bang Bang you?" Jin immediatly smiled when he said those words. Namjoon had to admit that Jin was being smooth, but he also was being stupid. Drunk Jin was a mixture of laughter, weird dance moves and embarrasing pick-up lines. "I swear to god, go to fucking bed, Jin." Namjoon was so done with everyone at the moment and he wanted to do nothing more than forget what happened tonight and sleep. "I will, if I can ride you?" . "Jin, why are you being so fucking kinky? I am supossed to be the kinky one in this fucking relationship, now go to bed please." Namjoon walked to the meeting room to grab his laptop, but when he walked over to his seat at the head of the table, it wasn't there. "What the actual f-" . "Jooooooonie." He heard Jin whining from the hallway and Namjoon needed to control himself, because otherwise, he would have thrown his office chair at Jin's head. "What is it?" Namjoon sighed and walked out of the meeting room. He dimmed the lights because he would come back later, when everyone was asleep and he was alone. "Well, I am just in the mood now and I want to have my dick blessed by your holy mouth." Jin still had the catchy song playing in his head, but he tried to focuse on Namjoon, what was hard because the whole appartment was spinning around him. Jin felt dizzy and without any warning, he fell down on his knees. "Jin, we have been over this. You're drunk, I'm not, and I don't want to have sex with you right now. Try again tomorrow." Namjoon his words were sharp and Jin pouted his lips. "Get up and go to bed, this is the fucking eleventh and last time I'm telling you this nicely." Jin wanted to argue with Namjoon, but he felt so dizzy and tired at the same time that he closed his eyes and fell with his upperbody on the ground. Namjoon ran concerned to his boyfriend who laid still on the floor of the appartment. After checking if Jin was okay, Namjoon realised that his boyfriend was asleep. He was in a deep sleep. "Finally." Namjoon sighed and he kneeled on the ground. He picked Jin up, which was pretty easy for Namjoon because he was strong enough to carry a human. Namjoon brought Jin to their bedroom, laid him down on his side of their bed and took of the clothes his sleeping boyfriend wore. When Jin was only dressed in his underwear, Namjoon laid a blanket over his body and he turned off the lights of the bedroom. Namjoon closed the door carefully, even though Jin was in a deep sleep because of the alcohol, so he wouldn't be awoken by that. Namjoon walked past the bedrooms of the team and listened at the door if they were really asleep. Luckily for Namjoon, they all were, so he could do his work in peace and silence. He took off his jacket and hung it on the coat rack in the hallway of the appartment. Namjoon walked into his office and closed the door with a light click. He sat down in his black office chair and was suprised to find a letter on his desk. It was directed to Namjoon and his full name was written in curly and chic handwriting. "Fuck." Namjoon swore when he picked up the letter and recognised the handwriting. It was the handwriting of Mr Sang-Chol, one of Namjoon's cliënts who was active in Busan. But it wasn't only Namjoon's cliënt, it was also the cliënt from his enemy. Mr Sang-Chol was one of Un Woo-Sung's most important cliënts. Im Sang Chol was also a famous name in the criminal world of Korea, because he was a famous boss who handled in illegal drugs. Namjoon opened the letter with shaking hands and he gasped of suprise when he read the letter. Dear Kim Nam-Joon, it's an honour to do buisness with you and I would like to continue our buisness meetings in the future. Next Saturday will be a buisness party of mine and I invited all my cliënts, so we can speak openly about all of our meetings and maybe you can find some new cliënts too. The time and adress are written on the other side of the paper. I hope you can come, Mr Kim, and it would be an honour if you would bring your boyfriend with you. Greetings, Im Sang Chol. Namjoon sighed deep, because he knew it wouldn't be a normal buisness party. Im Sang Chol was a cliënt of Un Woo-Sung, so Un Woo-Sung would be invited too. And Namjoon knew that Un Woo-Sung would never pass an opportunity to come in contact with him.

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