Chapter Twenty-Two

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Jin sobbed into the white blankets of the bed and was laying curled up next to his pillow. Namjoon had slapped him. It might seem like not a big deal, but you had to understand that Namjoon was mostly very gentle towards Jin and the worst thing he had done was scream at him, but he never had tried to abuse Jin. Until now. All the people he knew from the past had told him he was crazy for dating a mafia boss with a short temper, anger issues and who can slit your throat in a few seconds. Jin was never afraid of Namjoon, not even the first time they met. No, he found Namjoon very interesting. Jin never had been involved with the Korean mafia before he got to know Namjoon, but now he couldn't imagine a life without the mafia, the weapons and dangerous missions. Jin heard the door of the bedroom open, but he didn't react. He didn't stop crying and he felt his chest and throat burning from all the sobbing. Someone sat down next to him on the bed and ofcourse Seokjin knew who it was. He could even recognise the breathing of that person, because he always fell asleep with his head on their chest, listening to the breathing when he fell asleep. ''I'm so sorry, I was just mad at Jungkook, I thought he killed Un Woo Sung, but he didn't. You know how much I hate Un Woo Sung and I just want him dead. But baby, I'm so sorry, I should have never slapped you. I wasn't allowed to touch you in that way and you don't know how much I regret what I did.'' Namjoon apologised in a soft tone, sounding very inviting and gentle. Around Jin, he wasn't the scary mafia boss who tried to kill his enemies. No, around Jin, he was just Namjoon and he didn't have to put on an intimidating mask when he was with his boyfriend. Then he could let out his gentle, sweet and kind side and just love the one person he was willing to spend the rest of his life with. Jin looked up at Namjoon whose facial expression turned sad the second he saw Jin's puffy cheeks and red swollen eyes from the crying. ''Baby no.'' Namjoon said and scooted closer on the bed, trying to wrap his arms around his boyfriend, but Jin backed away. ''Everyone had warned me about the cruel and dangerous Kim Namjoon. They said he didn't have mercy for anyone. I thought I was the only one who deserved his mercy, but now I'm not sure anymore. Why did I thought dating you was a good idea? I have been hurt before, why in the world would I think that this was anything different?'' Jin said with a steady voice and sniffed his nose. Namjoon started to panic and violently shook his head. ''I can't live without you, please. I need you in my life, you are the only person who keeps me sane in this fucked up mafia world. Seokjin, please, I beg you. Stay with me, I promise I'll be more sweet and careful towards you, but please don't go. You are my everything.'' Jin could see that Namjoon was panicking and tried to hold on to the love for his boyfriend. ''I know, but-'' Jin started and sighed deeply. ''I don't know if I'm safe anymore if I stay with you. Please promise me you will never touch me this way or hurt me again. I don't know if I can handle it, incase the next time happens.'' The brown-haired male muttered and shrugged his shoulders. Namjoon nervously bit his bottom lip and stared into the brown eyes of his lover. ''I promise with my whole heart.'' Namjoon nodded with his head and carefully laid his hand in Jin's. ''Please love me, not anything else. I only want your love.'' Jin whispered and Namjoon carefully laid his other hand on the cheek of his boyfriend, the brown-haired male nuzzling his nose into it. ''I love you, Seokjin.'' Namjoon said and leaned in, kissing the brown-haired male on the lips. Jin kissed him back immediatly. He didn't want anything to change between them and just forget about the whole slapping thing. He knew Namjoon had anger issues and was a complicated man, but he also knew that he was the only person on the planet who could calm the mafia boss down. He mostly just scolded Namjoon when he got mad, but when his boyfriend had outbursts like this, he tried to calm him down by calling him sweet names and literally begging on his knees to stop Namjoon from fighting. Healthy relationship or not, they were happy with each other and that was the most important thing. They didn't even want it a different way, both of them would find a normal relationship absolutely boring. Namjoon swung his legs on the bed and laid down next to Jin, holding him against his chest and pressing tiny kisses on his head. ''Do you realise that since a few years ago you have become the most precious thing in my life?'' Namjoon mumbled, his chin resting on Jin's head. ''Ofcourse.'' The oldest admitted and cuddled further into Namjoon's arms. ''Why?'' He then asked his boyfriend who let out a soft and adorable chuckle. ''Because I want to remind you that it will never change, you'll always be the most precious person for me.'' Jin smiled brightly and bit his bottom lip softly. ''The big scary mafia boss, feared by many and I'm laying in his arms while he's giving me affectionate kisses. Admit it, I made you different.'' Jin said and Namjoon exhaled the moment he said that. ''You made me weak.'' Namjoon muttered and Jin shifted in his arms. ''What?'' He asked, kind of offended. ''Just kidding, ofcourse you didn't make me weak. You helped to shape me into the person I am today.'' Namjoon answered with a light grin. ''Now shut up and let me cuddle with you.'' The boss said, making Jin slightly shook his head, now with the same grin on his face. He did as he was told and stayed silent. He closed his eyes with Namjoon's arms wrapped around his chest, enjoying his warmth.

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