Chapter Twenty-Four

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The team members decided it was the best to leave the two mafia bosses alone to fight to the death themselves. Hoseok and Jungkook helped Jin to get up and then the six of them left the meeting room. ''You're pathetic.'' Namjoon sneered, making his opponent grin. ''Don't do this to yourself. Just surrender and let me kill you, maybe then there is a slight chance that I will keep your boyfriend alive.'' Un Woo Sung answered, making Namjoon even more furious than he already was. He jumped forward and managed to grab the enemy's throat. But it only resulted in Namjoon getting slammed on the floor. Un Woo Sung grabbed Namjoon's wrists and got the strong hands off his throat. ''Accept it, Namjoon, it's over.'' The enemy said and punched the boss in the face. ''You asshole!'' Namjoon screamed, spitting out blood in the process. He tried to fight back, but Un Woo Sung was too strong. Namjoon didn't want to accept it, but he was going to lose the fight. Sure, he was skilled in hand-to-hand combat, but he didn't had that much training as Un Woo Sung did. Namjoon closed his eyes, collected all the energy in his body that he had left, and focused on one thought in his head only. Jin. His boyfriend was the most important person in his whole life to him. Namjoon didn't care about winning or losing, he just believed that Jin gave him strength. He opened his eyes and tried to release his hands from Un Woo Sung's grip. It worked, and then he immediatly went into attack mode. He pushed Un Woo Sung off him and got up from the ground. Blood was dripping from his mouth and nose onto his shirt, but he didn't care. He was on the winning side now. His enemy got up and tried to strangle him, but Namjoon was faster. He pulled Un Woo Sung towards the glass which gave them a view on the city of Seoul. Namjoon harshly pushed his enemy against the fragile glass, making cracks appear. When Un Woo Sung realised what Namjoon was doing, he held onto Namjoon's jacket. ''Don't!'' The man screamed, eyes wide and filled with fear. The white-haired male managed to get Un Woo Sung's shaky hands off his jacket and he smirked at him. ''See you in hell.'' Namjoon said with an evil smirk and pushed Un Woo Sung against the glass again, making it break. The enemy fell towards the ground and when Namjoon heard the body hit the hard concrete, he smiled. It was a real smile, he was relieved. They were finally safe from the biggest danger in the mafia world. Namjoon finally didn't have to fear his life anymore and lie awake in bed staring at the ceiling, thinking that his boyfriend was in danger, all because of him. But it was now over, finally over. Un Woo Sung and his henchmen were dead. The mafia boss felt at peace. He turned away from the broken window and walked to the living room. When Namjoon stepped inside, everyone looked up and Jin ran towards him, being even more concerned when he saw the blood. ''And?'' The brown-haired male nervously asked and for the first time in years, Namjoon showed a smile in front of others besides his boyfriend. ''He's dead.'' The white-haired male said and immediatly got hugged by Jin. The brown-haired male's shoulders were shocking and he hid his face in Namjoon's shoulder. Jin was crying. Namjoon understood the outburst of emotions, since Un Woo Sung had terrorised the couple for years. They were finally safe now and the two couldn't believe it. ''Think of all the things-'' Seokjin sniffed. ''We can finally do, now that he's dead. We get our lives back and you''ll be the rightful boss of the mafia world again.'' The brown-haired male pulled away from his boyfriend and turned around to the five team members. Seokjin smiled in a comforting way at them and Namjoon slightly tilted his head, his gaze focused on his team. ''All of you did your job well.'' The boss admitted. ''What he means is that all five of you will get your money, since the mission is completed. After that, you're free to go. You're not bound to the mission and team anymore, so after you get your reward, you can go back to your normal lives. Even though I'm doubting if they are really normal.'' Seokjin explained with a faint grin on his face and all the five males got excited when they heard they got their reward and could go back after. ''I already know where we're going.'' Taehyung said while he wrapped his arm around Jungkook's waist, making the younger boy grin. ''Wait till we got our money, babe.'' Jungkook muttered and Taehyung winked playfully at his boyfriend, being happy that he finally could get out of there. In the beginning it felt like a prison and even though he felt trapped most of the time, he had Jungkook by his side and that made his stay very pleasant at the end. ''Namjoon and I will head back to his office and get the money. Please stay in the appartment and collect your stuff. All of you can keep the guns you used today.'' The brown-haired male further explained and then grabbed Namjoon's hand. They went to the office, leaving the team alone in the living room. ''I can't believe we're done.'' Hoseok sighed while sitting down on a chair. Jimin agreed and turned around when he felt someone patting his shoulder. ''Let's go.'' Yoongi whispered and smiled at the younger male. ''Jin said to stay in the appartment.'' Jimin answered, looking up at Yoongi with his big brown eyes. '''Let's just go to our room then.'' The white-haired male said while he shrugged his shoulders. ''I need to tell you something, come on.'' Yoongi motioned for Jimin to follow him and so he did.

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