Chapter Nine

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It wasn't all roses and sunshine in the building of Namjoon. Jimin was mad at Yoongi and Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook wanted to kill Yoongi and Jimin, Hoseok wanted to shoot Jimin in the head for ruining the little moments he had with Yoongi, Yoongi couldn't stand Jimin because of his jealousy, and Namjoon and Jin couldn't stand all the drama that was happening between the members of the team. When Namjoon's last cliënt of the day left, Jin walked into the office with a complicated look on his face. "What's wrong?" Namjoon asked his boyfriend and they both sat down in their chairs. "It's just the fact that everyone in the team is mad at each other. We need them to concentrate when they begin the mission, I don't want them to fail. But their minds are on different things now. Maybe, we can do something for them. Organise a party?" Namjoon listened to Jin's words, but when Jin mentioned a party, Namjoon rolled his eyes. "We are not going to organise a party for them. They don't deserve that, we already have something prepared for them. I think that's enough." Namjoon was speaking of the project that Jin and he worked on besides the mission. They had made a bedroom for Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok, but that wasn't all. The basement of the building was made into a training room for all the members and beside the basement was also a gunroom. The last room was full of all weapons, but mostly guns, so that the members could pratice shooting for the mission. Jin and Namjoon worked hard on the project for the members, and they were glad it was done now. But they also had security camera's in the corners of the gun room, because they didn't fully trust the members with guns when the two in charge weren't there. "Namjoon-ah, please. Okay, maybe not a party, but we need to think of something. What about a night in the most popular nightclub of Seoul, Retro Rebels?" Jin suggested and Namjoon looked him straight in the eyes now. "Are you serious? Jimin worked there and when they see Jimin again, we will lose him. Try again." Jin realised his mistake when Namjoon said so. He was thinking of different ways to entertain the members of the team. He wanted to do something for them, it felt for Jin like his duty. "Do you know another nightclub in Seoul?" Jin asked Namjoom who sighed deep and rubbed his face with his hands. "Jin, I-" . "Club Magneta!" Jin clapped in his hands when another nightclub popped in his head. "Jin, that is a gay bar. Try again." Namjoon was reading the notes on his desk while listening to his boyfriend. "So? We are all gay. No problem with that." Jin shrugged his shoulders and didn't understand Namjoon's problem. "Um, Hoseok? Pretty sure he isn't gay, Jinnie." The eyes of Jin widened of suprise when he heard Namjoon's words. He was suprised that Hoseok wasn't gay, but he was more suprised that Namjoon called him by his nickname. Namjoon only did that when he was in the mood or in need for Jin's love, because he wasn't feeling good. "I think Hoseok is bi, but still. I will think of another club then." Jin said and he laid his hand on the desk, because he wanted to hold Namjoon's hand. He sensed that Namjoon wasn't feeling well, that wasn't just because he called him by his nickname. If you have a relationship with each other and truly love each other, you can just sense it. Namjoon looked up from his notes and immediatly laid his hand in Jin's. "Club Fortune?" Namjoon suggested and Jin looked up. There was a sparkle in his eyes, he was happy that Namjoon helped him, even though Namjoon didn't want to join with Jin's idea. "Yeah, Club Fortune is an excellent choice, thanks Joon." Jin gave Namjoon's hand a squeeze as affection. "No problem." Namjoon softly answered and a smile appeared on his face when he saw that Jin was happy. If Jin was happy, he was happy. "Can we bring them to Club Fortune tonight? They can party all night and if we are tired, we can go here. They can stay there as long as they want. We will pay for their drinks." Jin was so enthusiastic about it and he couldn't stop talking about his wonderful idea. When Namjoon didn't answer, Jin blinked twice with his eyes and pouted his lips. "Namjoon-ah, please." He whined to his younger boyfriend who bit his underlip. "Do you really want to do this?" Namjoon asked and Jin nodded his head immediatly. Namjoon sighed deep and then he started speaking again. "Alright then. Let's do it." He gave in to Jin's idea and the guy with the lightbrown dyed hair clapped in his hands. "Great! I will bring them together in the new meeting room." Jin said while standing up from his chair. He walked over to Namjoon who was sitting in his office chair and reading the notes he had written down about his business meeting with Mr Hwang. Jin bowed forward and planted a kiss on Namjoon's cheek. The boss with the white hair smiled when he felt Jin kissing him and dimples appeared in his cheeks. "I love you." Jin said to Namjoon and laid his hands on the shoulders of his boyfriend. He slided his hands down to Namjoon's chest and started to unbutton the white blouse Namjoon wore under his black jacket. "Jin, stop it. I don't feel good right now." Namjoon muttered, but Jin didn't stop. "I can make you feel good." Jin whispered in Namjoon's ear and he was at the third button from above when Namjoon turned around and laid his hands on Jin's, so that Jin couldn't make more of his buttons lose. "Jin, no. I don't want to. You have your party in the club with the team, now leave me alone." Namjoon was done with his boyfriend, but he didn't want to get mad at him. He hated to be mad at Jin, because he loved him so much. Being mad at his boyfriend hurted Namjoon more than Jin could imagine. "But.. Will you join? I don't want to go to the club without you." Jin begged Namjoon. "Yeah, sure. Now please get out of my office, Jin."  Namjoon answered quickly and waved with his right hand to the door as a sign for Jin to leave. "Thanks, I guess." The words that came out of the mouth of Jin were said softly. He walked away from Namjoon and to the door of the office. When Jin was standing in the doorway and with his hand on the doorknob, he turned around to his boyfriend one more time. "I still love you." The words escaped Jin's mouth and he said them with emotion. He didn't wait for Namjoon's response, he didn't even knew if there would be a response. But right before Jin closed the black office door, he could hear the four words Namjoon said to him. "And I love you." They were also said softly and the lips of Jin formed to a smile. Ofcourse, they loved each other more than anything. They only had each other, and that was fine. As long as they had each other, they were happy. Because they were each others happiness.

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