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They had gotten their money from Namjoon and Seokjin personally, and then they said their goodbyes. Taehyung and Jungkook were the first ones to leave, barely saying anything to the boss and his boyfriend, or the other team members at all. The assassin and sharp-shooter stayed together and didn't split up like they did when they barely knew each other. Hoseok was next, walking towards Namjoon and stuck his hand out. Namjoon shook it while smiling at the only person of the team, besides his boyfriend ofcourse, who he trusted a little bit. Namjoon and Hoseok had known each other in the past and Hoseok had worked for Namjoon multiple times, since Namjoon was amazed by his sniper skills. However, when Hoseok's best friend got shot by someone in charge of Un Woo Sung, the sniper had one purpose and that was make an end to Un Woo Sung. Now, that he's dead, Hoseok was at peace and could continue his duty as a sniper and work for cliënts again. ''Keep in contact.'' Hoseok said and Namjoon nodded with his head. ''I will.'' He answered and handed the money to the sniper. Hoseok said his goodbye to Jin too and then he left the building with a rifle hanging over his shoulder and a smile on his face. Yoongi and Jimin were left, Jimin clung to Yoongi's arm the whole time. It didn't seem to bother the white-haired male whose face was cold and expressionless like always when he stood face to face with Namjoon. Jin softly elbowed Namjoon in his side when he saw the way Namjoon looked back at Yoongi. ''Admit it, he was amazing. He did his job well. You may be stubborn, but I want you to admit that he was a great team member.'' Jin's voice sounded steady and it annoyed Namjoon that he had to admit that Jin was right. Even though Yoongi was really stubborn and cold, he completed the mission and he helped the team with his amazing hacker skills. ''Fine.'' Namjoon muttered under his breath and focused on Yoongi. ''You did well.'' Those three words were said ruthlessy, but Namjoon meant them. Yoongi just shrugged his shoulders and then Namjoon turned towards Jimin. ''You did too.'' He said and Jimin smiled lightly. ''Here's your money, slut.'' Namjoon said to the black-haired male who almost snatched it from the boss himself. When he gave it to Yoongi too, the older made sure to count it. ''Nice.'' He said after, nodding with his head. ''Let's go.'' Yoongi said and waited for Jimin to follow him to the exit. But the short black-haired male stood still, staring at Jin. He was the only one he wanted to say goodbye to and give him a hug. Jimin was the first team member of the five and Jin had found him, also saved his life. If Jin hadn't visited him, Jimin would still work at Retro Rebels and sell himself to strangers who paid him to let Jimin seduce them or have sex with them, maybe even both. He was so glad that he finally was out of that place, it was hell for him. He sold his body to horny strangers who didn't care about Jimin at all, but just wanted to have sex with a hot seducer. When he remembered all the things he had done for money, the shivers ran down his spine. ''Thankyou for everything.'' Jimin eventually said to Jin whose face lit up with a caring smile. ''You're welcome, I'm glad that I rescued you from that awful club, Jimin.'' Jin answered and Jimin nodded with his head. ''So am I.'' He agreed and then Jin took a step towards him, wrapping his arms around Jimin and holding him tight to his chest. ''Have a good life. I hope our paths cross again in the future.'' The older male said while he let go of Jimin who grinned. ''They will, I promise.'' Jimin answered and then laid his hand in Yoongi's who was ready to go. ''Goodbye.'' Jimin said to the boss and his boyfriend, but it was mostly directed to Jin. After that, Jimin followed Yoongi to the elevator. When the doors closed, Jimin smiled at Yoongi and laid his head on the shoulder of the older boy. ''We're free.'' The black-haired male sighed. ''Finally.'' Yoongi agreed, his face coming closer to Jimin's. ''So-'' The older male began. ''Boyfriends?'' He asked and a wide smile appeared on Jimin's face. ''Boyfriends.'' He agreed and then they kissed, Jimin finally had someone who cared about him and his feelings, instead of a horny cliënt who dumped him a day later. And Yoongi finally had found someone who was willing to be in a relationship with him and wasn't scared of his intimidating appearence. Simply said; the two were perfect together, because their differences was what made them special.


(Three months later)

Loud music, dancing people, alcoholic drinks. Those three were the perfect base for a nightclub, which was the exact location where Namjoon and Jin were. Club Magneta, to be exact. They wanted to go out together, since they hadn't done anything like that in a long time. While Jin was chugging a glass of vodka down his throat, Namjoon stared at the bottle of beer in his hand. He didn't really feel like drinking alcohol today, but he didn't want to miss out the fun, so he took a sip of his ice cold beer. Suddenly, he felt an elbow softly hitting him in his ribs, making Namjoon stop drinking immediatly and looking up at the person who was about to get their ass kicked. But he didn't kick the person's ass, because he was too suprised. ''Well, we finally meet again.'' Taehyung said while he swept his red hair out of his eyes to take a better look at his former boss. ''Look who it is, darling.'' The assassin said when Jungkook came to stand next to him and swung an arm around Taehyung's shoulders. ''If it isn't the horniest couple I've ever met.'' Namjoon spoke up, squinting his eyes in annoyance. ''You still have your manners, I see.'' Jungkook sarcastically said to the mafia boss whose grip around the beer bottle tightened to restrain himself. ''It's not just us, darling, that other stupid couple is also here. I saw that pale looking one grinding on that small one. Both drunk as fuck.'' Taehyung spoke and took a sip of his vodka. That was enough for Namjoon to know that Yoongi and Jimin were at club Magneta as well. Then the mafia boss suddenly realised that his boyfriend didn't stood next to him anymore. He looked next to him, but Jin was nowhere to be found. ''I swear to fucking god, if he took off without me.'' Namjoon muttered and walked into the dancing crowd, leaving Taehyung and Jungkook alone at the bar. ''Disrespectful asshole.'' Jungkook sighed while he softly shook his head. ''Don't let it bother you so much, darling, let's have fun together.'' Taehyung answered and started to kiss Jungkook's neck, making the younger smile. ''I'm liking your defenition of fun.'' Jungkook smirked at his boyfriend. Meanwhile, Namjoon was still looking for Jin. He ended up in a hallway at the back of club Magneta where there were several rooms which were unlocked, bright red light coming from them. There was no way Jin was there, but honestly Namjoon was just really curious at these rooms which looked like 'fuckrooms' to him. When he first started a relationship with Jin a few years ago, they went to club Magneta once to try a fuckroom too. And well, they had some good sex in there. Curiously, Namjoon opened one, poking his head around the corner. He didn't expect to see his friend sitting on the bed, completely naked and leaving hickeys on the throat of the unknown male under him. Namjoon quickly shut the door and left, not in the mood to see Hoseok naked. ''What are you doing, Joon?'' He heard behind him, immediatly getting startled. ''I thought this room was free, for us.'' Namjoon quickly answered Jin's question and grabbed his hand. ''If you want some, you should've asked.'' Jin said and Namjoon bit his bottom lip. ''But I have to be admit I'm horny too, let's look if one is free.'' The older spoke up and Namjoon smiled at him. ''Fuck, I love you so much.'' Jin's cheeks got a blush when his boyfriend said those words. ''I love you too, for eternity." The brown-haired male responded and wrapped his arms around Namjoon. When they kissed, it felt just as special as all the other times they did. They were each other's happiness, even how fucked up they were. They were fucked up together, and that's why they fit perfectly.

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