Chapter Fifteen

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''Please promise me I can fuck you after this is over because you look damn fine in that suit.'' Taehyung said to Jungkook who looked in the mirror while fixing his bowtie. They all had to be dressed in something fancy for the buisness meeting for tonight and also because Namjoon wanted to keep his good and chique image. Jin had picked out the same outfits for all of the boys and they were all dressed in black. Black suits, black pants and shiny black shoes. Jungkook groaned and lifted up his chin, checking himself out in the mirror. His black hair with purple streaks was styled fancy and not one hair was sticking out. A sexy smirk was on his face when he turned around to Taehyung who looked into the mirror over Jungkook's shoulder. He had to admit that he looked amazing and incredibly handsome in that suit. ''I promise and you look twice as good.'' The younger boy answered and Taehyung licked his lips while staring into Jungkook's eyes. He leaned in to kiss Jungkook on the lips, but the moment was ruined when Hoseok walked into the bedroom. ''Namjoon said that we leave in a minute, so be ready.'' He said and looked at the two boys. Taehyung was mad that Hoseok ruined the moment and he gave him an angry stare. The older male just ignored it and left the bedroom. Taehyung turned to Jungkook and tried again, but Jungkook was too busy to notice. ''Come on, we have to go.'' He said and started to walk. Taehyung was irritated, but he followed Jungkook. They went to Namjoon's office where everyone was already dressed in their suits and ready to go. Namjoon was giving the team members information about the wapens they needed incase some kind of war would broke out and Un Woo Sung his team would try to kill him. Namjoon had a silver suitcase on his desk which contained two rifles, four guns, some throwing knives, a grenade, two pistols and a lot of extra bullets. ''We'll bring this suitcase, it has everything we need. We can shoot enough people with these weapons to survive ourselves and leave the place as soon as possible.'' The leader explained and looked at the Rolex around his wrist. ''It's time, let's go.'' He said and grabbed the suitcase by the silver handle. He left his office and his team and boyfriend followed him out of the appartment and down the stairs to the main enterance of the building. They took an elevator to the basement, but a different part than the shooting hall. In this part of the huge basement was the parking spot in which five cars stood parked. The rest of the spots were all empty, making it look bigger than it actually was. There was a black limousine, a white Cabrio, a grey sportswagen, a red Ferrari, and a black van. ''You have five cars?'' Jimin asked with a suprised face and looked at the red Ferrari which had sparked his interest. ''Yeah, and back off, they're mine'' . ''Ours.'' Jin corrected him which made the leader sigh. ''When you have money, you buy some cars. Simple as that.'' Namjoon answered Jimin's question eventually and followed Jin to the black van which had place for eight people. Jin sat in the front behind the steering wheel and Namjoon sat down next to him with the silver suitcase between his feet. Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok sat down on the three seats behind Jin and Namjoon. Taehyung and Jungkook were the ones who sat together in the back, Taehyung's right hand on Jungkook's thigh. ''Don't you have a professional driver?'' Hoseok asked Namjoon who shook his head. ''Nah, I had one but shot him a week after I hired him when I found out he was a spy for Un Woo Sung. Jin and I can both drive, so with five cars it's fine to drive around the city without being recognised.'' Namjoon explained while Jin started the car and drove out of the basement and onto the streets of Seoul. It was silent in the car while they drove through the streets of Seoul. Yoongi had his headphones on with a rap song from a famous Korean artist blasting in his ears, but he paused the song when they drove past something familiar. The old neighbourhood where he lived. It was his home for a few years, he finally had a place for himself to stay after a huge fight with his parents. Yoongi left them in Daegu, his mom worked at a restaurant she started herself and his dad was an employee of the biggest bank in Daegu. But that all changed after Yoongi made a mistake, a big mistake. The last thing he did in his parental home was hacking the site of a famous gang and stealing their money. But he forgot to remove his location on the laptop after he was done. He left the laptop in Daegu and bought a new one in Seoul to make his hacking techniques more modern. The gang in Daegu had followed the ID of the laptop and that's how they came at the home of Yoongi's parents. They were so mad that Yoongi took their money worth of thousands that they burned the place, even his mothers restaurant. When Yoongi heard the news, he travelled back as fast as he could in an attempt to still save something from the fire. But he was too late. He stood there for his parental home which was burning to the ground. The burning flames reflected in Yoongi's eyes and the smoke made a way into his lungs, but he didn't care. He was too late. His parents were dead, just because of his stupid hacking. The gang in Daegu were still after him, but they would never find him, because he would never repeat his mistakes again. He lived in a deserted house, if you could even call it that, where he was hacking all the time. But he was saved by Namjoon. Luckily, it was a miracle for Yoongi. He didn't expect anything good to happen in his life, but that day, two beautiful things happened to him. He got rescued by Namjoon and was allowed to join the team, and he met Jimin. The black-haired boy noticed him staring out of the window and he laid his hand on Yoongi's shoulder. ''Are you okay? You're dozing off.'' Jimin asked Yoongi who put his headphones off his head. Yoongi his own hands were made into fists and he looked into Jimin's eyes. ''Get your hands off me.'' The white-haired male hissed. Those four words made Jimin's heart fall into a pit of despair, but he immediatly did what Yoongi said. The younger sank back into his seat and he closed his eyes while Yoongi put his headphones on again, unpaused his music and looked out of the car window. I fucked up, Jimin thought. He hates me and he has every reason to, I'm a hoe who only cares about money, was what also went through Jimin's head. Yoongi bit his underlip while his eyes were focused on the buildings of the beautiful city. I wish I could say to him that I love him, the white-haired male thought. But I just can't, was the next thing that popped into his mind. Making him feel more miserable than he already did.

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