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I don't want to let my friends down.

Thank u guys so much for helping me,I'm not gonna get better I won't,but your trying and that's all I can wish for.

I do want to die p,it's the truth if someone told me they could kill me,I would t say no.

I want to die.

But I want to make sure your all safe first,that you'll all be okay.

Perry just gave me a letter it made me cry,she wants to help me,I just can't be fixed.

I'm broken,I am a brokenchild.

I can not be fixed,even though everyone trying to help me,makes me happy.

Thanks so much guys.

I wish I could just get better,there's only one way out though.

Death and that's the thing I'm choosing,I'm fighting for survival with myself.

Im not winning but I am.

I'm going insane.

I'm sorry for letting everyone down.

I'm sorry for being so ugly.

Sorry for being a dick,sorry for whatever I'm going to do.

I need to get out of here,it's no use.

Pull me out this hole,please fucking help me.

U can't save me though,I'm already dying.

Im so fucking sorry.




You 3 are trying so hard,I'm sorry I'm letting you down.

Lilly I know u can't see this but thank u for understanding me xxx

Lucy I know ur trying too thank u so so much,I see ur comments I just don't know how to reply.

I love you all,it's not your fault don't ever think that.

I have to much in my head,I'd be better dead.

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