Im feeling lucky

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I'm shaking,I can't stop.

I take a pill every morning to keep me happy.



Everything is one big lie,

'It gets better' really dose it I've been depressed since 10 years old,ten years fucking old.

No one knows,no one understands the physical pain I have to go through everyday.

Getting out of bed to be shouted at,about to get abandoned by everything you ever wanted.

I've tried to Many times to kill myself,I fail.

Such a failure.

I'm staring at my arm,covered in scars and no one knows.

I love my friends and I don't want to loose them.

But I need to die,it's what needs to happen.

I belong dead,I'm worthless,ugly,disgusting.

I raise a fist to myself everyday.

I deserve it,I need to die.

I'm sat here tears down my face,would anyone Care,no.

Who loves me,no one.

I get so paranoid.

So upset.

So depressed.

So suicidal.

My world is fading in ways I can't even fathom.

I'm loosing my love for things,I'm dying,I'm mental.

I'm ill,I'm very ill.

I will be the one who killed Themself,finally people will care,I'm stupid.

So fat,disgusting,don't look at me.





Tonight I'm feeling lucky.

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