The Mighty Fall: A Patrick Stump Fanfic

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This is the story of fangirl meets their idol, except you're both famous.

Shareen Vasquez, famous punk-rock singer and Chuck Barrat, lead singer of Roaring Red have been that inseparable famous couple for years. They're that couple everyone looks for at award shows and teenagers admire.

This could all change once Shareeen's life dream to write a song with Fall Out Boy comes true.

What happens when you meet someone that you never thought would change everything so completely?

What will happen when Shareen and Patrick meet? What will happen with Chuck whom she has shared so much? Will Patrick and Shareen fall in love or will she push him away?

This is what happens, when The Mighty Fall.

The Mighty Fall: A Patrick Stump FanficWhere stories live. Discover now