The Mighty Party: Part 1

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Shareen's POV

I was fast asleep as I usually was at noon during my free days, my mouth surely hanging open and my body sprawled out on the bed. I was having a lovely dream where Chuck and I met Fall Out Boy when my phone started blaring out Just One Yesterday and I nearly fell off my bed.

"What the frick?" I muttered, grabbing my phone off my night stand.

I checked the screen and it said Pete Wentz. I rolled my eyes and hit the answer button.

"What do you want?" I asked angrily.

"Whoa, someone's in a bad mood." Pete said.

"Why wouldn't I be? I hate being woken up."

Pete laughed. "Sorry, dude. Just wanted to see if you were home."

I rolled my eyes again. If only he could see me. "Of course I'm home.What do you want?"

"Okay." He said and then just hung up.

What was wrong with this guy?

I was about to go back to sleep when a loud knock came from downstairs. I sighed and shoved the covers off. I jumped off the bed and headed down the hall towards the stairs. I walked down the stairs and to the front door, another loud knock coming from the other side.

"Coming!" I yelled, rubbing my eyes.

I unlocked the door and threw it open.


Pete, Joe, Andy and worse Patrick stood at my door, looking like gods with radiant smiles. I looked down at myself and noticed I was in pajama shorts, a tank top, my hair was surely a mess and I hadn't brushed my teeth.

I slammed the door in their faces and rushed back up to my room to change. A few moments later I came back down, dressed in black shorts and a purple Panic! At The Disco shirt, hair and teeth brushed. I opened the door again, still half asleep.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, yawning.

"That was very rude of you." Joe said, shoving past me and into my apartment.

"It was." Pete said, shrugging.

I rolled my eyes. "Come in." I said, stepping aside for them.

Pete and Andy stepped in, following Joe towards my living room. Patrick stopped at the door, smiling nervously.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey, Trick." I smiled.

"You looked nice, you know." He muttered, staring at the floor.

I laughed. "Nice one, dude. But thanks."

I grabbed Patrick's hand and pulled him in the room.

"Come on." I said.

I pulled Patrick into the living room where the guys were sitting on my big red couch, watching TV.

"You guys just came over here to watch TV?" I asked, placing my free hand on my hip.

"And to mess up your place." Pete said without breaking contact with the screen.

I giggled. "Whatever. I guess I'll just hang out with Trick in the kitchen."

"Go ahead." He said.

"Let's go, Trick." I said, skipping away into the kitchen, Patrick following behind me.

I sat on one of my red stools at the breakfast table, my back against the table.

"So, what brings you here, Mr. Stump?" I asked Patrick who was standing right in front of me.

The Mighty Fall: A Patrick Stump FanficWhere stories live. Discover now