16. Getting Closer

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Kiara had been hyper focused on finding her family's little mole ever since what the Dyer witch had said to her. The snakes in the garden? Key? Look to the trees? To me it made fuck all sense and personally, I think Moll Dyer was taking an opportunity to torment Kiara even more. Whatever the bitch's plan was, it had some sort of affect on Kiara. She would either be studying Magick or drumming the Legendarium into her head or speaking with Olwen, who I discovered on the first night Kiara arrived could freaking talk! Why she conveniently left that teenty tiny major detail out, I have no idea! But fortunately, Saturday my sister had her modelling the whole morning. 

And how did I discover this? 

It started when I rifled through one of the grimoires Kiara brought with her while she was taking a bath. I was looking for a tracking spell - I had gotten an idea into my head to try and use witchcraft myself to try and find something ... anything ... that will help find this fucking spy. Why, oh why, does this family have such a fascination with espionage? And before you ask, yes - I was going to try and use the spell myself.  

"I know what you're thinking and it's not going to help anyone." This voice that was impossibly wise and incredibly annoying spoke up. It was a voice that I wasn't used to; one I had never heard before in my life. 

It had scared the crap out of me - I dropped the heavy leather bound book onto my feet and hopped around in excruciating pain. I looked around the room - empty apart from Olwen. I at first thought it was one of the McCorrigan ghosts but it didn't sound like Aubrey or Elizabeth. 

My confusion must have been of some fucking amusement because I heard something that sounded like a chuckle but it definitely wasn't a human one. My eyes fell on Olwen, who was staring back at me with a feline smirk on her kitty face. "I am not getting tired of that reaction," the fairy cat said cheekily. 

I, embarrassingly enough, stammered. "No, I bet you don't."

Olwen jumped down from the window sill where she had been leisurely sitting. "But I have to stop you from doing something stupid. Seriously stupid."

"So helping my ..." I stopped, closed my eyes and winced. I wanted so badly to say girlfriend but nothing was official so I ended up saying, "friend is 'seriously stupid'?"

"No, attempting to use Magick when you have not had a single ounce of Magickal training in your life is not just stupid but suicidal!" Olwen snarled. "The Rivers family is of an ancient Magickal line, added to the fact a branch of the Gorloisen family are descendants of magicians experimented on by the Nazis known as Operation Witchcraft, you couldn't rival them even if you tried." 

My hands automatically curled into fists. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."

Olwen arrogantly licked her paw. "You're going to have to do it a more human way."

A more human way. That was how that little shit of a fairy cat put it. I don't know why it made me angry. I never believed in Magick; I never wanted to do Magick. That was until Kiara came along and I was forced to face the reality of it all. Magick ... witchcraft ... ghosts ... monsters ... all of it. And Kiara lives through it all. And the crossbow and archery training might have worked against a pack of fairy dogs but I highly doubted it would work against other creatures too. Besides Lilith, Xenia and ... dare I say it ... Valentine have better aim than any of us, including me. And I know how to shoot a gun. 

For the first time in my life, I felt completely and utterly useless. I think a sweat sock would have been more of use than me. For once I wanted telekinesis, or mind reading or clairvoyance - anything! Anything that would be able to help supernaturally. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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