12. Foes Become Friends, and Friends Become Foes

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I wanted to punch a wall; Kiara was not picking up her mobile. Nor was Maliki. No one was picking up the house phone either. Rollo called her. We got Lilith and Xenia to call her, with some persuasion. Nothing.
Kiara's words kept ringing through my head. I might be dead soon anyway. I might be dead soon anyway. I might be dead soon anyway.

I hurled my mobile across the room, and the cover on the back broke away from my phone upon impact, but I couldn't give a shit. I was seeing red; I couldn't control my breathing and I wanted anything more than to pick a fight for no reason.

Something was going to happen, I knew it. She sounded off. She sounded strange, like there was something or someone there at her house ... who meant her harm. Who meant them all harm. That made me sick and angry. My hands curled into fists at the very thought of Kiara ... lying dead. As much as she made my blood boil, she didn't deserve to die in a horrible way.

The guys noticed my angry out burst.

"Dude! You're going to have to have to get a new phone if you chuck it like that again," Damian said. "What's gotten into you?"

"Ireland sounded weird," Jason pointed out. "What did she mean by, I might be dead soon anyway?"

"You think people are up to no good?" Caleb guessed.

Jason shrugged. "I wouldn't know. I mean, what do we actually know about the Rivers family? Apart from where they are from and why they moved here, what else do we know?"

"Next to nothing," Caleb said, nodding.

Rollo and I exchanged a fleeting glance. We knew more than our mates did.

"You know, I think we should just call it a day and get our beauty naps," Rollo said. "We'll go and see the Rivers family in the morning."

Jason paled. "You mean, go to the haunted house? Hell to that no!"

"Oh come on, dude! Ghosts don't exist," Damian scoffed. "I have no idea how you still have a dick sometimes."

You guessed it.

I could not sleep at all that night. Instead, I stayed up drinking and watching TV until my sister came downstairs at six o'clock to continue working on her coursework for her beauty course that she was doing. 

"Griffon? What are you doing up?!" Rosario hissed.

"Mind your own business," I slurred miserably.

Rosario marched over and snatched the Stella Artois from my hand. "You have been drinking all night, haven't you?" she said maternally, shaking her head. 

"No. I've also been watching TV," I said, laughing due to the alcohol affect. 

"I'm surprised you still have your memory in tact," Rosario said, sitting opposite me in the armchair, opening her laptop. 

"Wish I didn't," I muttered.

Then I would have been able to forget the unending unease and worry that had been beating up my insides. 

"You what?" Rosario repeated, not believing her ears.

"Nothing," I mumbled.

"Nothing my Aunt Fanny! The last time you drank yourself into oblivion was when Ariana moved to France."

I gritted my teeth. Ariana Vaughn. An American-French girl I thought I was in love with ... until she slept with one of my best friends. I think you could probably guess who but I will tell you anyway  -  Rollo. He was drunk, but Ariana was not; she would never touch a single drink. She knew what she was doing. She betrayed me without even blinking. Rollo came clean about what happened, but Ariana did not  -  she attempted to put charges of rape on him, but the case was dropped when no alcohol or drugs was found in her system. My sister did not know any of this  -  Mom promised to keep it from her.

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