9. Sleuthing And Dating Make A Good Combo

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I'm glad that I made that Pokemon marathon deal with Rex - I needed something to distract me, and urgently. Saturday afternoon had been on my mind all morning; I could tell that my aunts had picked up my discomfort because Myrlin and Anna had been smirking knowingly at breakfast, with Dad and my brothers looking at them weirdly, and at me. Vivian politely ignored everything.

Woodville just wouldn't leave my mind alone. Him ........ and that goddamn kiss. What have I ever done to Aphrodite and Cupid that I deserved to be subjected to the possibility of ........ urgh ........ falling in love.

We went through Pokemon Diamond to the new, modernised versions of Generation 1 Pokemon. Even then, my mind wondered to yesterday. I wasn't worried about the fact I had essentially committed treason by spying on MI6 using magick; I was wondering what was in that crazy bad boy's head when he dared to kiss me. Without my permission! And also why the hell did I kiss him back?! I hated the guy's guts!

Worst of all ........ why did I like it?! More than Rollo's even.

"Kiara!" Rex shouted.

He shocked me out of my daydream.

"Yes?" I said.

Rex shook his head at me. "What's the matter, sis? You look drained. How much magickal energy did you use yesterday?"

I shrugged. "Not as muchas you think, little brother. I have been doing magick since childhood. I don't get tired that easily anymore from performing magick."

"Then what is it? Because my Palkia just mashed up your Dialga, when it usually is the other way round."

I looked. My Dialga had indeed fainted. I was left only with my Glaceon and Espeon.

"Damn," I muttered, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Damn it."

"Yeah," Rex said smugly, looking at the time. "Twelve o'clock. We've been playing for three hours! Shall we raid the kitchen?"

My stomach growled in agreement.

Rex chuckled. "Let's go and feed the dragon that lives inside your stomach."

"Move it or I'll kick your ass," I promised.

Rex chuckled and we went down into the kitchen to see what we could forrage. Mostly cookies and ice cream, which was fine by me.

"Hey! Kids!" Maliki called from upstairs. "Do you guys want to come and play Oculus Rift with Jace and me?"

"The last time I played that game, I was almost gobbled up by Jaws!" I shouted back. "Hell to the fricking no am I playing that game again."

"How about Goat Simulator then?" Maliki bribed. "Pewds would love you for it if you did."

"You're blackmailing me!" I accused.

"But it's working affectively," my elder douchebag brother pointed out.

OK, basically, long story cut short; my best YouTube and gamer friend, Rita, got me into the fan club of a YouTube celebrity called PewDiePie - I have to admit, not even the comedians of Mock The Week make me laugh as much as he does. Especially when playing this pointless game called Goat Simulator, which I love to bits because of the fact it's the most random piece of shite ever.

"Fine! One game!" I shouted as Rex and I stampeded up the stairs with our snacks.

"Shouldn't you kids be doing your homework?!" Vivan called from the balcony to her wing.

"Viv!" all three of us protested.

She chuckled. "One game then but then you'd better start your homework. Remember: I can see what you do even if you don't see me."

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