6. Friends Or Foes?

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Kiara was suddenly incredibly jumpy and nervous. She stuffed the two books we found in the secret compartment under her pillow before pushing down on the secret compartment door, even resorting to sit on it, to close it. She then chucked all the useless other books back into the trunk. I had never seen someone so worked up, pale and skittish just because her aunt failed to mention the secret compartment.

Perhaps she simply forgot she had a trunk with a secret compartment?

Griffon, how low is your IQ? Wasn't it obvious that Aunt Vivian was holding something back; she practically looked her nose down at you!

"I don't understand why Vivian wouldn't tell me," Kiara finally said, snapping me out of my day dream. "What's so special about those two books that she had to keep them a secret? The Legend of the Five is just a legend!"

"You sure about that?" I asked slyly, thinking. "Because it appears as though your aunts don't think so; you people are Wiccans! You above all should not dismiss this as 'just a legend'." I made quotation mark signs in the air with the index and middle fingers of my left and right hands. "That's my job."

Kiara smiled slightly but it was forced.

"Come to Damian's party with me," I blurted out of my own accord.

Her head snapped up sharply and she stared at me with wide eyes; she had not been expecting that either. 

"What's the catch?" she said suspiciously, narrowing her eyes at me.

"No catch," I lied, shrugging. Then I said something a little more truthful. "You just look like you could use a little break from research before you dive into those Celtic books. Revive from the shock. I find parties help take my mind of things."

Kiara Rivers stood there, blinking and saying nothing. Speechless. Absolutely speechless. She looked so funny that I couldn't resist laughing at her.

"Is that a yes?" I then asked huskily, going into my flirty zone and giving her the half smile that many of the girls swooned for.

Finally, she acted like a girl. She looked away from me, stared at the floor and turned her head away from me, but it had been too late. She had blushed bright scarlet!

Wow! Her blush is adorable!

Shut up, Griffon's brain.

But it is true though! Look at her! 


"Erm, OK," Kiara said at last, looking back at me with a genuine smile. "I'll go. Just as long as it's going to be wild and completely out of control!"

I laughed. "Rivers, it's Damian's party! I think that should give you the entire definition of what the party is going to be like!"

She laughed as well. I could get used to that laugh; she sounded so sweet and innocent, not rough tough, moody, mean and . . . bad. Bad Girl. I grinned at that. Funny; the Bad Girl and the Bad Boy.

Oh, no you don't! You have a reputation to uphold; remember that Kiara is a threat.

Brain, shut your mouth. 

"Yeah," she said awkwardly, looking down at her feet again. "Erm, Griffon?"

My heart stopped slightly when she said my name. Why did my name sound so good when she said it?!

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Could you remove yourself from my chambers so that I may prepare myself for the first out of control party that I am attending in the United States of America?"

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