15. Snakes In the Garden

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I think I should take this time to apologise to all the readers and fans of this story. I haven't been on in two years for three reasons: 1. I lost myself - I forgot the reason why I write and love to write, which is for my characters; for their stories. 2. I was busy preparing for uni and 3. I am now at uni, studying Celtic Languages and Culture, so if you see more and more Celtic references pop up ... sorry I cannot resist! :D

But I swear I will try very hard to keep updating!

I hope you can all forgive me



Kiara moved into our house the next day. Rosario couldn't wait; she had always wanted a sister, so Kiara would be sleeping with Rose in her room. My mother was also very happy about it, since she has been badgering me to bring Kiara back again so she could get to know her better. Mom wasn't even fussed that Olwen, Kiara's pet fairy cat (though fortunately Mom didn't know that part), would be coming too; Mom hates animals, mainly because of her OCD.

It's not cool to admit but I was nervous. Really nervous, and scared. 

Kiara almost died at a pack of savage fairy dogs all because she wanted revenge. It hurt, knowing she didn't consider me for a single moment. I thought I had made it clear to her that she could trust me.  I know I didn't need to invite Kiara to stay at my house for this but I wanted her near me, where I could make sure she couldn't slip through the net again.

But I knew deep down that that was pretty much fucking pointless. Kiara Rivers was as cunning as a nest of snakes. If she wanted to avoid me, or anyone for that matter, she could do it. I was kidding myself if I thought otherwise, but for once I delved into wishful thinking.

Kiara fell asleep on the sofa as soon as she crashed. From the bags under her eyes and how pale she looks, she had a sleepless night. I stayed with her, acting as her human pillow. Had any other girl done this, I would have shoved them away. I was reading Rachella's grimoire (yes I know it was risky, but I thought that perhaps she could help with this somehow) whilst she slept.   

My mother, irritatingly enough, noticed this. While she was making lunch, she would smile in our direction. "She sleeps like a log," she said.

"Actually, she doesn't usually sleep well at all. All of the Rivers kids suffer from nightmares."

"Oh dear! Poor little darlings. No wonder she looks exhausted!" she then grinned. "Well, let's hope her stay here results in less nightmares, especially with such a handsome-looking pillow."

"Mom," I said warningly.

She grinned and held up her hands in mock surrender. "I'm just saying, you two look good together. I know you haven't had a stable relationship since Ariana but ..." Mom sighed and looked to me. "I have only met Kiara once and beneath that rough-tough kick-ass biker chick exterior, she's a sweet, kind, loyal soul. The fact she protects her heart ... it's a good sign."

I didn't retort. I simply looked at her.

Kiara stretched a little, waking up woozily. I smiled. "Glad you're awake, Maleficent. Mom's making lunch."

"I hope you like Italian food!" my mother called from the kitchen. 

Kiara sat up groggily and I wrapped an arm around her, planting a kiss on your head.

"Had another nightmare?" I asked.

"Of a sort," she replied vaguely. "My Dimensional Scream ... it's getting stronger. The visions I had yesterday that haven't come to pass keep playing over and over."

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