5. Family Secrets

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Heya, readers! I will apologise for the kind of religious spat in Chapter Four; if any of my fellow Wiccans or any Catholics have read the chapter and felt in any way insulted and threatened, I do apologise. I do not mean to upset any readers but I thought putting a religious kind of twist onto this story would help make a great story line.

Anyway, enjoy Chapter Five!!

Love ya all!!   ThoraDesaga1, over and out

KIARA'S POV  (Continued)

This is going to sound surprising but Wednesday and Thursday passed without much difficulty, school wise. Shock, horror, disaster! Exactly what I was thinking; I think someone may have poisoned Griffon and his friends, or put some mind control thing on them. Lucky bastards beat me to it! 

And I actually managed to finish my homework on time.

Yep, America has brainwashed me. I was going to need to return to England ASAP before I turn . . . . nice. URGH! Me?! Turn nice?! . . . . Help . . . .

Well, it must have had something to do with joining Katya's band because we spent most of our free time in the music and drama rooms, practising. And obviously the Baddies were not into the school bands because I didn't see them apart from in class and after school. Not that I was complaining, especially when I got to hang out with my new homies . . . and I have to confess that when Katya said that Alex Delgado was a "drummer god", she was not kidding. Not only that, but Delgado was the definition of H. O. T. T; HOTT!!

Kiara, turn your brain on.

Shut up, soul.

As I discovered from Phoebe, who dared to suggest the first time I saw the guy that I was practically drawling, he was the maternal cousin of Oliver Stagg. Of course, I thought; both have fluffy hair, amazing brown eyes and athletic figures to die for. But Alex apparently hated sport, especially soccer, which was the same as football in England; confusingly enough, football in America is rugby. Like what the eff is up with the name change, people?! 

But still, Alex Delgado . . . . someone hand me a powerful electric fan!

Another good and interesting point: the Baddies' pranks had died down. Nothing in our lockers or on our seats or in our desks. In fact, they kept clear out of my way, only shooting glares across the room as my friends and me. I knew they were plotting something, I didn't know what and didn't want to know what but I did doubt that it was going to succeed. They had yet to get the better of me.

However, although that it appeared they were cutting me some slack, the came could not be said for some of my friends. Namely, Katya and Xenia.
On three counts on Wednesday and twice on Thursday, I said seen Griffon, Jason or Rollo corner those two. I have no idea what it is about; when I interogate Kat and Xenia about it, they try to avoid answering. It took Chrissie, Lilith and me just to find out that the Baddies were threatening to spill a secret that they shared. A really, really delicate secret, apparently. I didn't need telepathy to know that those two were either bullshitting through their teeth, or it was only half the truth.

I didn't think too much of it until I thought, Why would the Baddies question Katya and Xenia now?

I didn't do anything about it until Friday. Sometimes patience can be a virtue; yes, I am able to exercise patience. That and my aunts insisted on training me every single evening. Yep; I was stuck in Wicca homeschool until dinner! I had around fifty missed calls from Xenia, Lilith, Katya, Phoebe and Alex (complete dmca9piogh; in Kiaran, that means agggghhh!!!) combined. Once my aunts get talking about crystal magic, scrying, herb lore and sabbath festivals there is literally no stopping them; Maliki, Jace and Rex had to literally come and fetch us all downstairs for dinner, dragging us away from the books. Not to mention that I had to spent 11 pm to 1 am "bathing" in the light of the full moon and then try to sense out ghosts, essentially; I sometimes really hate my aunts. 

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