13. I Get Advice From a Talking Fairy Cat

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The hospital was my home for almost three weeks. Trust me, being in hospital did not save me from homework, coursework and exams: Dad had arranged with Lilith, Xenia, Chrissie and Katya to have all school assignments delivered to me at the hospital. I know that it sounds like madness but I was grateful for the distraction; the school work gave me a focus and distracted me from the pain that reigned over my body twenty four hours a day - and took my mind off the fact that one slight change in my mood either made doors shut on its own or made my machines go haywire or made the lights flicker.

I guess that's the price of using magic.

Besides there was another distraction in my room - the crazy amount of flowers, get-well-soon cards, boxes of chocolates, balloons not to mention that every day after school and half the day during the weekend Griffon Woodville was by my bedside; ninety-nine point five per cent of the time he was alone, but the other zero point five per cent of the time he was either accompanied by my family or his mates or mine. But, as I mentioned before, we mostly had alone time.

Griffon visited me again a day before I was to be discharged from the hospital, which was also the eve of my sixteenth birthday, and also the day before Yule. Yep. I was born on Yule's Eve; December 24th 1996. On a Friday, at nine o'clock in the evening.

I was dozing when Griffon arrived; he moved with stealth and I would not have known him to be there if I had not been able to sense his aura.

"Ireland? You awake?" he whispered.

I mumbled sleepily. "Griffon Woodville, what time do you call this?"

"Twelve in the afternoon, you lazy sod," Griffon replied, chuckling. He caressed one of my cheeks with his index finger. I could feel him grinning as he gently nudged me. "Wakey, wakey, Snow White."

"Compare me to that spineless idiot again and I will go on another date with Rollo," I warned, opening one eye.

"Nah. I have you now," Griffon said, smiling away like a smug bastard, "and you're going to have to deal with that."

"Mmmm-hmmm," I said, attempting not to smile. It didn't work!

"You ready to go to your new home tomorrow?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Well, yeah. I'm interested in seeing what house our ghosts picked out for us," I admitted. "I mean, don't get me wrong, but I didn't think they'd be very good with real estate."

"Actually, it's not at all bad! It's still got a haunted mansion feel to it but it wasn't as creepy as the McCorrigan house," Griffon said, chuckling. He then stopped and drooped his head slightly.

I knew something was up so I waited silently.

"Kiara, your family had to buy most of their stuff again," he finally confessed. "The stuff in your room: your bed survived, some of your electronic devices but not your iPhone. Your crystal collection has been destroyed. Your desks obliterated. Half your closet was consumed by the fire .... Look on the bright side, your Pikachu survived!"

I burst out laughing. Griffon did too as well.

"But," he said, "we couldn't find any of the old magic books. Rachella's Grimoire, for example."

I gave Griffon a cheeky grin. I pointed towards my folded up clothes. "Bring me my belt," I told him.

"What you going to do?" he asked mock-slyly. "Hit me?"

"I'll leave that for a different bedroom," I flirted. "But for now, bring me my belt, you dirty minded bluebottle."

Griffon rolled his eyes but picked up my loose hanging belt with 'charms'. That was when he looked at them and frowned. "Hey, you have charms on this thing! Since when did you hang charms off your belt...." When he saw a broad grin form on my face, he proved that he actually was incredibly sharp-minded by going as white and a sheet and gawp at me. "No ... freaking .... way! These books .... How did you do that?!"

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