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14 teenagers found dead in the Ferdinan Mansion

     After three weeks of the 14 high school students, believed to be kidnapped, missing they have been found dead in the Ferdinan Mansion. With some corpses showing signs of violence and struggle, and others seeming to have had a peaceful death the police are searching the area in hopes of finding any clues on who or what could have done this. With this same case reoccurring every three years for the past 15 years and no culprit being found it is thought that the Ferdinan Mansion is haunted. The citizens of Drearton think it to be the Curse of Ferdinan Mansion, better known as Massacre Mansion.
    The police of course believe it to be a deranged serial killer that escaped from a mental facility and found refuge in the secluded mansion presumed to be empty for 15 years after the death of Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Ferdinan. Because of the danger that lurks in and around the mansion in Armagedon Woods an electrical fence is being put around the perimeter in hopes of preventing these same murders from happening again.

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      "So they think this is the work of a deranged lunatic? I must say, I'm quite offended. And to top it off, this mansion, my home, haunted?! HA! What occupies this house is much worse......"

HI!! This was my first yandere story, so sorry if the beginning's not the best. It gets a lot better as my writing improved, don't worry. This chapter was a little short, but that's because it's pretty much just to give you some background information. The next one is longer.

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