Chapter 11- Sunday 1 a.m.

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(Lidia's pov: Last moments)


      The pain......oh the pain....I can't take it.
      "SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" I screamed whilst banging my remaining fist on the door. If I didn't get help soon I would for sure die. The blade had been heated to stop the blood flow, most likely to cause make suffering on my part. I couldn't bear looking at the stump of what used to be my wrist and hand. One moment there, the next gone. The pain is unbearable. How I haven't fainted is a mystery within itself.
​​​​​​       "SOMEONE, PLEASE!! I'M SO SORRY!! JUST LET ME OUT!" I continued to howl. 
        The room itself seemed to come straight from a book of horrors. The ground was covered in broken bits of glass that would be cutting into my feet if it weren't for my shoes. There was a normal, metal table off to the left which held all different sorts of blades; scalpels, meat cleavers, butter knives, normal knives, pocket knives, etc. There was also a clearly visible camera high in the far right corner of the room. The walls themselves were just cement as well as the floor and ceiling. All that illuminated the room was a single red-tinted bulb that cast an eerie glow on everything. 
     "I'm so....sorry, (Y/n)...." I whispered while a tear escaped my violet eyes. I attempted to run my hands through my hair only to have blood coat the left side of my hair. My's gone. WHY?! What did I ever do to deserve this?! A loud crackle was heard from above me. I looked up to see a large, old-fashioned intercom and a familiar voice came through it.
​​​​​​      "You know you deserve this, you slut. You shouldn't even be on this Earth. You're a disgrace to humanity."
       "NO!! I'm not.....I didn't do anything!" I yelled up at it through my tears.
       "Do you know how much pain you put (Y/n) through? Did you ever notice her tears when you abused her? Did she ever beg you to stop as you continued mercilessly?"
       "SHUT UP!" I shouted while attempting to cover my ears.
​​​​​​       "Did she ever scream in pain as you are now? You know you deserve this, you whore. You should just go kill yourself and save us all from your abusive ways."
        "I'm so sorry.....I never wanted to hurt her...." I spoke in remorse as I fell to the cold ground. Thoughts of all I had put my poor best friend through ran around my mind.
         "Your just a worthless, little girl. Oh look, you're even crying. How pathetic. You have all the tools here to kill yourself. Why don't you?"
         "I never meant to hurt her.......I'm so sorry...I-I'm not worthless," I said. I finally realized what the voice was doing. The words he was speaking were directly quoted from myself. I had said almost all those words before to (Y/n). That poor girl....I'm so sorry. I should have never taken everything out on her. Maybe I should.....end myself.
       "I don't know why (Y/n) never retaliated. She didn't even want revenge. She was a great friend until the the end, unlike you."
        "You're right......maybe I should kill myself. I shouldn't be on this world." I realized. When I looked up my eyes had lost the spark of life in them. I slowly got up as the voice continued to speak degrading words to me. My legs were scratched up from the glass I had previously been sitting on. Little trails of blood ran down. It reminded me of a race. The droplets were racing to see who could end my life first. The thought caused me to break out into laughter. I had finally broke after all these years.
       I continued to make my way over to the table containing the weapons. They were shining with a red tint due to the light making them look sinister. My mind began to rethink its decision before my eyes went blank again due to the thoughts whirling around my head. I reached forward with my right hand and grabbed the scalpel. I then walked over to a corner and sat down. As I sat down pleasant music began to play over the intercom. Almost like it was wishing me the best in the afterlife. I smiled for that.
         I continued smiling as I dragged the blade across my skin, remembering exactly where I had marked (Y/n) as well. This is for the best. 
       "Ya know, I always did love you, Lee Lee. O.F. made me do this. I wish we could have grew old together and had children to carry our generation on. That bastard ruined everything for me, I'm so sorry..."
        "What?....." I whispered with wide eyes. I was getting light headed from blood loss. Everything finally registered in my mind. I was killing myself. The voice was so familiar.
      "I...don't.....want to....d-die," I spoke softly. A figure walked through the wall as my vision started failing me. They had short brown hair and a bulky body. He was so.....familiar. The person walked over to me and knelt down to my level. He embraced my body that was losing its warmth. He then kissed my chapped lips in a soft goodbye kiss.
      "I love you so much, Lidia," the boy said looking into my eyes. I willed myself to focus and noticed his hazel eyes. My hand reached up to touch his face as he grabbed my hand.
      "I'll make him pay, Sweetheart. I promise," he said.
      " you....too.....Luke," I breathed out. With one final gasp of breath and a tear that escaped my eye I saw a light behind him. I felt myself leave my human vessel and I moved towards it. With that the gateway closed and I was finally rid of my suffering.

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