Chapter 2- Saturday

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     That's all that was going through my mind. I had just ran out the doors of a mansion being chased by something, and all I knew was that I had to run. How long could I run through the woods? Even now it seemed like "it" was gaining on me. I just wanted to get home. My want to rest my poor legs on my warm, comfortable bed and sleep was overwhelming
     Exhaustion was flooding through my veins, but I kept running, over fallen trees, ducking under branches that seemed to be reaching out for me, reaching with thin fingers to stop me in my journey of traveling out of this place. 
     I came to a clearing only to find the same mansion that I had been running from.
       "!?! I didn't run in circles!!! I've been running for hours!! There's no way--" and just as I was about to finish my sentence of disbelief, I heard a maniacal laugh coming from behind her.
     "Did you really think you could get away, you foolish girl? There's no escape. You cannot leave once you have entered. And you cannot leave ME!! You are MINE!!!" A voice whispered in the my ear. 'How did he get so close so fast? Who is this person?' My thoughts screamed as I turned around only to see violet eyes, and then a knife glinting in the moonlight being plunged down...down...
      I sprang up from my bed drenched in sweat, gulping down air as if I couldn't get enough. 'It was all a dream, (Y/n). It wasn't real. You're safe in your own house, in  your own room, in your own bed. What was that though?! Who was that?!"
      I turned to my nightstand searching for the luminescent green glow of the numbers on my clock.
      '2:50 huh? It seems like a long way until day light.' I plopped down in my bed and just layed there, going over and evaluating on what that dream could have meant. 'Probably just a random nightmare. Nothing significant. I'll have forgotten about it by the time I wake up again.' Maybe if I wasn't so tired I meant have took it as a sign. I could have stopped the inevitable from happening. I wouldn't have went to my doom.

                        •                •                •
 6 hours later 
    8:50 am 
     I awoke to the smell of a sweet aroma filling the air. 'Mmmm, cinnamon rolls'. I rolled over groggily and sat up, placing my bare feet against the soft carpet of my floor. I looked around my (f/c) room noticing a sticky note attached to my door. I slowly got up and trudged over to it, grabbing it and recognizing my mother's handwriting, and read it.

   Good Morning Sweet Pea,
      I came in to wake you up, but you looked so tired I let you sleep. I made breakfast (you and Kadince's favorite!), and now I gotta go work.
              XOXO Momma 

       That women.....sometimes I don't think she knows that I'm 16 years old. But I let it slide. It must be hard for her, our father recently died from cancer and she hasn't been the same. She is a single mother who works day in and day out to support the family, I help when I can, but it's hard. Kadince understands as well, so she doesn't complain either. 
      I open my door and realise how cold it is outside my rooms wearing only shorts and a tank-top. Even though I'm shivering, I suck it up and walk over to the thermostat to check the temperature. 62°. Was she trying make us freeze? I turned it up to 68 and continue walking to the stairs. Just as I was about to take the first step down, my dog, a mastiff named Lily, came zooming past knocking me off balance. Just as my face was about to collide with the stairs Kadince was suddenly up the stairs holding me up. I don't know how that girl did it, nor how her skinny little body was strong enough to hold me up, but she did.
     "Woah there, (Y/n). Don't wanna ruin your face. How the heck did you almost have a meeting with the stairs?" She says as she climbs the stairs crouched over from holding me up while trying to get me back on my feet.
      "Lily. Like usual. I forgot it was doggy rush hour. Why was the cat let out so early?" I questioned. Normally our cat, a Himalayan breed whom we named Chunk, wasn't let out of Kadince's room until 9 because that's when everyone was awake.
      "Silly Sis, you slept through the wake time. It's already 9:15. And breakfast is getting cold. Now let's get you down the stairs gracefully and without the case of the clumsy." She said jokingly. At that we began walking down the stairs, without disturbances from Lily or Chunk, and turned left into the kitchen.
      Our kitchen is a simple, normal sized kitchen with a white tile wall and a mahagony wood floor. White wood cupboards lined the walls with brass handles. A porcelain sink with a silver faucet and crystal knobs was our means for washing the dishes. And a small, round metal table was in the middle used for meals. On the middle of the table was 4 cinnamon rolls, two for me and two for Kandice. 
     "I waited for, like, an hour to eat my cinnamon rolls. The struggle was real." She said as she grabbed one and bite a piece off. I reached forward and grabbed one, taking it towards my mouth while the sweet aroma filled the entire room. It was enough to make my mouth water. I copied Kadince in the act of biting off a piece and savoring the cinnamony flavor. The white glaze melted in my mouth as I chewed on the yummy breakfast food.
       Once we had finished our breakfast, we walked into the living room and plopped down on the leather sofa. I grabbed the remote and clicked the buttons to turn the tv on. Like usual there was nothing of interest on, so I stopped it at the news. As it so conveniently happened the news reporter was talking about the Ferdinan Mansion.
    "For the townsfolk of Drearton, today marks a very grim date. It is the 3rd year from the last killings at the Ferdinan Mansion. Three years and the police still have no lead on who or what might be killing off these teenagers every three years. Here we have Officer Frank Jayton here to give a message." It's the same every three years. They always give the speech that every Drearton citizen knows. We're basically taught this from birth, but when you have crazy friends who always have a knack for dangerous 'adventures' you can't help it. So now here I am with Kadince, listening to the words from the officer that we should be listening too, but we just can't bring ourselves to. We know we're gonna be the teenagers this year who are 'dumb enough' to go to Massacre Mansion. But we can't help it. We don't want to be labeled the wusses for not going. What if my friends came back victorious without a scratch saying the curse is just a fake? They'd never let me live it down.
    I clicked the tv off. I wasn't in the mood for a lecture, especially not from a television. 
    "So what should we do now, Kadince? Call up the gang and make the plans or just sit here and stare at the wall for the remaining 8 hours?" I asked sarcastically.
    " You go call them. I'm gonna go make myself look presentable." She said, getting up and walking away. I pulled out my phone and called Lidia, because that would be way quicker than calling all of them because I know Lidia will inform everyone of the plans herself.
 " Hi, (n/n)! What's up?"
  "I was calling to see what the plans were for tonight. What are we gonna tell our parents so we can go out without suspicion?"
   " Way ahead of you on that one. We're telling them that we're going to Mark's house for a party/sleep over since his parents are on a vacation. And since there's no suspicion from our parents when it comes to Mark they won't think twice about it."
   " Smart. So where are we actually meeting up?"
   " Well Luke was gonna pick us all up, then we're going to the doors of the Great Wall of Electricity."
     "And how are we supposed to get through that? That wall is on all the time, and no one has ever found a way through it. I think your fool proof plan has a problem, Lidia."
    "I've already thought about that too. Turns out Nathaniel actually HAS a purpose. His father's friend's cousin's uncle's mother knows a guy who works on the fence and he's bribed him to turn it off just for a few minutes. Just enough time for us to get through without being burnt to a crisp."
    "Huh, who would have thought. Well I guess it's all set then. We're actually going. Do we have all the supplies?"
    "What do you mean supplies? It's a bring-your-own-necessities dealio, (Y/n)."
     "Oh. Well TTYL, Lidia"
       It seems like the plan is all set.....just great. I guess there's no backing out now. I just hope they all know what they're agreeing too. 

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