Chapter 8- Sunday 12 a.m.

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     We all turned our heads to find the cause of the commotion. In the eerie hallway stood a grandfather clock. It's loud chiming rang throughout the entire household. Saturday was finally over, and Sunday had begun. 
     "So you're telling us that this isn't Luke?" Caspian asked in a doubting voice.
     "Why don't you look for yourself? The nose is too long, the lips are too thin, what's left of his shoulders aren't broad enough, and his eyes are grey," Lidia pointed out. And it was true, upon closer inspection there were tiny details out of place. At just a glance this man could have been mistaken as the missing Luke. 
      "She's right, you know. This isn't our guy," Mark concluded, getting up from his crouching position over the deceased male.
      "O.F. is just trying to toy with us," I stated. "He's sitting somewhere in this mansion probably laughing his ass off at our reactions. I don't even think he's going to kill us. He just wants some entertainment, and we're giving it to him."
     "Exactly. He's a sadistic man. So maybe this is all some joke. Luke was never murdered, who's to say any of us will be? I think this man is just a fake. Why don't we test this theory?" Mark questioned, lifting his head to reveal his eyes.
    "What are you suggesting? That we should send one of us to go find out?" The dirty-blonde asked. She had gotten over her wave of sickness, but she was leaning against the doorframe as if still light-headed.
    "That's exactly what I'm suggesting," He replied matter-of-factly.
     "Are you crazy? What if this isn't a prank?" Lewis inquired, stunned.
     "Well there's only one way to find out," Caspian said. He pulled out a mini recording camera from his jean pocket and held it up. It seemed according that he had it, but it was still a bit surprising.
      "So who goes next then?" Nathaniel asked.
      "Whoever O.F. wants," Lidia said," Based on his time frame of two hours, he should be contacting us soon."
       "Maybe we should go inside the room again, last time he left a note," Kadince recalled. A few of us nodded and we walked into the "photo room" as we would later call it. Once we were all in the room I shut the door, but not before seeing an unnatural shine on the grandfather clock. It reminded me of the camera in the tree. At the time I had believed the cameras were placed by the police, but now I was doubtful. I wouldn't make the same mistake twice, so I walked out of the room to see what could be done with the camera.
​​​​​​      "Ah, ah, ah, my Little Lady. I wouldn't do that if I were you. Just stay right inside that room. Put your foot back.....there we go. Now, if you'd just shut the door...wonderful. Now, I hear you're all awaiting the next round. My minion should be there soon with your letter, and this time I'd like to hear (Y/N) read it. It's not all the time you get to hear an angel speak the words you've written. Wouldn't you agree, Mark? Haha, I thought I have to attend to, so to speak. This time, I'd like my player to be left in the game room. I do recall that they seemed to have a liking for it. Now, if you'll excuse me, your mail is here." 


   Just as the intercom went out, another letter was slid under the door. I immediately went to open the door, only to find no one there. So, I turned and picked up the note after closing the door. This letter was in an envelope with a seal. The seal was a dark plum color with the letter O.F. in calligraphy. Carefully opening the letter, I pulled the note out. It was white with golden swirls around the edges and small, black cursive writing in the middle. I began to read;

            My dear (Y/N) and co,

​​​​​​   Before we get down to business, I would like to mention a few things. (Y/n), you are doing an extraordinary job at noticing out of the ordinary details. I would like to see you as the leader. If your group does not agree with this replacement-

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