Chapter 14- Sunday: Desperation

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Olivander's pov)

       "I just don't understand what to do, Xavier. Father always told me that women would bend to my will, so why isn't (Y/n)?" I asked in exasperation. 
      "I don't know. Some women are just harder headed, sir," the male across from me stated.
      "Oh, drop the formalities, brother. We've discussed this before. When you're with me in person I'm not your boss, simply your elder sibling," I told him. He was younger than me by two years, but was obviously the less liked. He shared no traits of the Ferdinan line so naturally my father shunned him.
      "I'm terribly sorry, Oli. It's just that we're not together much, especially as of late. You must understand that I have forgotten some of the rules since I've been away so long. Forgive me, please," Xavier said, slightly bowing his head as if I was royalty.
      "Yes, yes, let's put that behind us as of now. You've done an excellent job rounding up the batch of victims this year, although I do disagree with some of your tactics. Was raping the girl truly necessary? Blackmail as well?" I questioned. Although my brother didn't have the look of a Ferdinan, he had the traits. My father would have never thought twice about sinking that low to gain what he wanted.
      "She was rather tricky to work with. It gets harder each year, brother. A Ferdinan doesn't mind getting his hands a little dirty though, now do they?" The male smirked. He obviously took pride in his devious work. To this my face became more grim.
      "Obviously. But this isn't what we're here to talk about, Xavier, and you know it. I called upon you because you know more about the arts of wooing young ladies than I do," I stated. My years stuck in this mansion have dulled my communication skills with humans. I never had any interaction with a single person outside of this manor, and this is where it's left me.
       "Hahaha, so you're telling me you need your little brother's help with a girl? Oh, that's comedy gold," he chuckled. His arrogance was beginning to annoy me.
       "Yes, that's what I want. Will you help me or not?" I spat out with poison lacing my words.
       "No need to get your panties in a twist, Oli. I'll help you, but what's in it for me?" He asked with a gleam in his hazel eyes. I simply chuckled as I pulled a pocket knife out of my pants. With a swift movement of my hand I had it open and I was sliding my finger along the sharp edge landing on the point.
      "Why, you get to keep your head upon your shoulders. How does that sound for a fair trade?" I questioned with a maniacal smile on my face that reached my eyes.
      "You wouldn't dare," Xavier said, staring at the weapon.
      "Oh wouldn't I?" I questioned while releasing a deranged laugh that rang around the room. I slowly moved closer to him as he backed away in fright.
      "OK! Ok, I'll help you. Just put the knife away for Christ's sake!" He shouted at me. I released another chuckle as I closed the blade and returned it to it's original place.
      "Now that we have an agreement, let's get down to business. Shall we?" I asked while sitting back down and crossing one leg over the other. 
       "Why do you have to be so freaky all the time? Just because Father favored you doesn't mean you have to act like him. I don't appreciate being threatened into everything, ya know?" The male said. He calmed down rather quickly, but he had a clearly uncomfortable aura around him. "So what do you want to know?"
      "What's (Y/n)'s taste in men?" I questioned.
      "She has a wide range from what I know. Although, I do know she's never had a boyfriend. Her grades were always more important. Never had time for romance, she'd always say." He replied. It was rather interesting. I'd have thought a beauty such as herself would have men drooling at her feet.
      "Do you have any idea what her ideal first date would be?"
      "Haha, where do you plan to take her? The backyard? You do make me laugh sometimes, Oli. I've overheard her say that she's always wanted a romantic dinner in a remote setting, with candle light and rose petals, but what girl wouldn't? I also know that she likes ballroom dancing. I've seen her waltz alone and sometimes with that friend of hers. Miranda I think her name is," he answered as if pondering the girl's actual name.
      "I don't care about the name of her friend, she shouldn't be alive much longer anyways. At least I have all these things at my disposal though. Do you suppose I'm being too dominate towards her?" I thought aloud. Maybe that was the problem.
      "I don't know, man. Maybe she secretly likes it. Perhaps she's only playing hard to get," he replied once again. That had to be it! Deep down she knows she loves me. She just wants to play a few more games before admitting it!
     "You're a genius, brother! That has to be it! Do you suppose I should kill off the rest of her 'friends' now or wait till later?" I inquired. Oh, how I wanted to hold her form in my arms once again. How I wished to kiss those plump lips. I'd do anything for my angel. Perhaps this is why mother told me never to fall in love. She didn't want me to have a weakness. Don't worry, Mother. Once she's in my grasp she won't be a problem in my work.
      "I'd kill her friends off one by one as you originally planned. Just, please. Don't let that girl get to you too much. I don't want a soft brother," Xavier said with a slight tinge of sadness in his eyes. 
      "Don't worry, Xavier. I won't change because of one girl," I assured him.    
     "Good, because remember. If I think she's a threat to us I will eliminate her from your game," he warned me. Something immediately snapped in my mind the moment those words left him.
       "What...did you just say?" I asked, a dark feeling overcoming me. I could feel rage beginning to course through my veins.
        "I said, don't let that bitch change you. Otherwise I'll kill her," he said with a small fire in his hazel eyes. The feeling practically possessed me, and I pounced onto his form. I placed my hands around his neck and squeezed while shaking him back and forth.
       "DON'T YOU EVER THREATEN MY ANGEL IN FRONT OF ME AGAIN! DO I MAKE MYSELF FUCKING CLEAR?!" I screamed in his face that was changing into a medium blue. He struggled to shake his head in compliance as I let go, leaving him gasping for breath and clutching at his throat.
       "Ha......ha..*cough* still...have it...Oli," he panted out. This man was unbelievable. He was seconds from death a second ago and he finds the nerve in him to laugh. 
      "This meeting is over. Get out of my sight," I said in a scarily monotone voice. He nodded before mumbling a 'yes sir' and scampering off.
       I ran my fingers through my blonde locks then put my head in my hands. I had to formulate a new plan to get my darling Little Lady, and fast. That girl had me wrapped around her finger. Oh, only if she knew.
      I glanced up at my screens once again, gliding my eyes across each and every one. I had a few scraps of a plan, but it had plenty of holes. It wasn't like they were smart enough to find them, though. My eyes landed back on (Y/n)'s form as she sat down on the window seat. Everyone appeared to be arguing over something as she sat in a corner, hugging her legs to her chest, and peering out into the endless black of night. I didn't quite care what the others were yapping about, but it seemed to be making my angel upset as her eyes were starting to glisten with tears.
     "I have a new plan, my dear. You needn't cry much longer. I'll save you from their torture," I said as I stroked her image.

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