Chapter 1- Friday

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   That was all I heard as my eyed briefly scanned the words upon a book page I had been reading about psychology. It was better than listening to the boring lecture the science teacher was giving. High school was so tiring already and it was only my second year. I'd rather just sit and read all day.
  "Psst.....(Y/N).....PSST!" Miranda, my best friend,  whisper-yelled trying to get my attention for the third time in the last five minutes. 
   "What now? Can't you see I'm trying to read?" 
   " You're always doing that though. And we only have five minutes left of Mr. Mono talking until we're free!" 
   "Shhhh! He'll hear you. And then we'll have detention again! And we have fifteen minutes!" As much as I loved my best friend, she could be a bit loud and tended to get us both in trouble because of it. 
     Miranda was a medium heighted girl standing at about 5'5" with long, dirty blonde hair that was a little longer than mid back, cute facial features, and eyes that always seemed to be changing from blue, to green, to grey, and back again. She was always bubbly and optimistic about everything.
    "But (Y/N), class is almost over." She whined, giving me that puppy dog face again," Caspian said he had a plan to get the bell to ring early today." 
    That's right, he did say something like that. That prankster.....he'll be caught one day. My thoughts said. He was another one of my friends. He was constantly getting into trouble, then passing off the blame. And with his smarts, he probably will trigger the bells somehow. Caspian was a tall guy about 6'1" with brown hair so dark it looked black, ocean blue eyes, and he always had a laid back expression on his manly features.
    That rascal has done it again. I thought to myself with a smile as I quickly placed my things into my bag. Miranda had already packed her stuff and was jumping up and down waiting for me to finish packing up.
    "Come on, come on, come on! We have to go meet up with the gang!" She yelled. She really was a ball of energy.
      "I'm coming. Calm down," I said while getting up and walking out of the room with the horde of students leaving Mr. Mono to stand at the white board gaping like a fish wondering why the bell had rung.
       As Miranda and I walked to our lockers,  we bumped into the "blonde tornado", otherwise known as Lewis. He was one of my childhood friends. His personality was sweet and caring. He was about 5'9" with chocolate brown eyes, golden blonde hair that always seemed to be tousled, and the most adorable face that you couldn't help but think of him as a Teddy bear.
      "Hey, (Y/N)! Hi, Miranda! So glad to see you. It seems like Caspian has done as he promised," Lewis said with a toothy grin. 
       "Haha, sure does. We gotta go get the rest of our buds though. Let's get going, (Y/N)," Miranda said. She always had a bit of a crush on Lewis. They're so cute!  They would make an adorable couple, I thought, grinning. Then I was tripping over my own feet due to Miranda pulling me away to our lockers again. Once I was firmly on my feet, I couldn't help but tease Miranda. 

      "I thought he was actually going to announce his undying love for you this time. If only you could be around him for longer than ten seconds," I joked, sticking out my tongue at the blushing blonde.
       " Oh sh-shut up'" Miranda uttered, " We're at our lockers now!" She exclaimed, running into it.
        "Ow..." she mumbled rubbing her forehead while laughter left my lips. 
       "You're such a clutz," I stated, rolling my eyes. Spinning the lock to open my purple Drearton High locker, I heard Miranda already swinging her's open and grabbing everything she needed. Once I had my own opened and had put my things away, I began jogging away to catch up with Miranda. Walking out the front door and hoping to spot the rest of our friends, we found them in a group underneath the willow tree talking and laughing. We saw Caspian being patted on the back and congratulated for achieving his goal of letting school out early. Lewis was also seen looking our way, smiling, and waving at us to join them. We both took off running to meet them.
      There was Lidia. The outgoing girl who always came up with what to do over the weekend. She had her hair dyed a brilliant turquoise on one side, and a dark pink on the other. She was about 5'7" with purple eyes, and a model-like face. It was no surprise she was dating the handsome jock, Luke.
     Luke had his arm around Lidia's waist, and smiling that charismatic smile of he usually had adorned on his face. He had super short brown hair with hazel eyes. He was a towering height of 6'5". It was without a doubt that he was the best looking junior in the high school, and the most flirtatious one too. 
       Then there was Mark. Leaning against the trunk of the tree. Black hair covering his electric green eyes, acting mysterious like always. He was the really quiet but freaky smart guy in our group. He was about 5'9".
      Last but not least is Nathaniel. None of us really know why he's in our group, but he kinda just showed up one day. He always has a smart-alacky attitude, but he's like family so we keep him around. He has light brown hair, grey eyes, freckles, and is about 5'11".
        They're a great group of friends. They always seem to be together, or at least in pairs.
       "(Y/N), Miranda!  Welcome to civilization!" Nathaniel said in that sarcastic tone of his.
      "It's great to be here!" (Y/N) exclaimed with equal sarcasm while Miranda started jumping up and down again.
       " So what's the plan this weekend, Lidia?" Questioned Miranda, still jumping.
       "I'll tell you if you can stand still for once," replied Lidia.
       "Fine," pouted Miranda. She started fidgeting due to her adrenaline build up.
         "Well since it's been almost three years, we decided we should be the next group of teenagers to see if we can break the so called 'Curse of Ferdinan Mansion,'" Lidia practically yelled. It seemed like she wanted everyone in a 10 mile radius to hear what she had said.
        "Are you crazy?!" I yelled, "That's basically suicide!  No one ever survives a night in that place!" 
       "I agree with (Y/N), Lidia. You're insane if you think that we should go there," Mark said, flipping his hair so one eye was visible. 
      "So he can speak," snickered Nathaniel as Mark sent him a glare.
      "I'm up for it," said Luke. 
      "You're up for anything," I snarkly replied.
       "I don't have a death wish," stated Miranda. 
       " Nor do I," Lewis agreed as he walked over to Miranda's side causing her to blush and fidget even more.
       " I'll do it," said Nathaniel almost fearlessly.
        "Do you know how many pranks I could pull in that place? Of course I'll do it!" Exclaimed Caspian, childish glee written all over his face.
        " seems we're split.  We need one more person's old is your sister again, (Y/N)?" Lidia asked.
       "She's fourteen, but you can't expect her to make a rational decision!" I exclaimed. I didn't want Kadince pulled into this. Kadince was my little sister, younger by two years. She had fiery red hair and ice blue eyes. She was only 5'4". We were nearly the same, personality wise, at least.
      "Why don't you ask her, you can't protect her from everything. Let her make her own decision for once, (Y/N)," Lidia said rolling her eyes.
       "Fine...but she won't be involved beyond that," I  grudgingly said. Pulling out my phone, I texted Kadince.
       Hey lil sis, if u could go 2 MM would you? Less than 3 seconds later I received the dreaded answer. 
      Of course!!! Are ur friends going? Can I come?
      "Well.....that settles it.....we have to go," I said regretfully.

                              •               •               •
       It had been settled. Saturday night we were going...and so was Kadince. She threatened to tell our parents and everyone else's, and I couldn't betray my friends since they seemed to want to go so badly. Sleeping that night seemed impossible for fear of tomorrow.  I just couldn't believe what I was doing. Part of me was excited, because who wouldn't be? I would be going inside Massacre Mansion! But that was the thing, three years after the last killings and I'd be going to Massacre Mansion...

   And that was basically suicide for my sister, my friends, and myself.

   This was a filler chapter to tell about the main characters in this story. And why you're going to Massacre Mansion. That's what MM stood for. But which friend is your favorite? Which character so far do you like that best?

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