Chapter 6- Saturday Night, The Game Begins

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****!!!!!!WARNING:This chapter contains curse words and some violence

"What the hell does that mean?!" Lidia cried out. She seemed unusually frazzled for some reason, as if she was at her wits end. She even threw her arms up into the air so as to put more emphasise into her words.
"Lidia, I think you should calm down. Can't you see Lewis has just been through something traumatic, he doesn't know what it means, you don't know what it means, and I'm pretty sure none of the rest of us know what it means," Kadince, surprisingly, said very calmly due to the situation.
Miranda started walking timidly towards the frightened blonde and took him by the arm, then walked him over to the chair nearest them.
"I think you just need to sit down and take a deep breathe, Lewy," she told him softly as he nodded his head and gently sat down on the lavender furniture. His eyes then glazed over as he stared blanky ahead, unblinking. Miranda sat in front of him and held his hand while looking up at him as he continued to stare ahead.
"Well, Mark my boy, what's your head conclude about this?" Luke questioned with a slightly arrogant tone. This entire time after Mark spoke last he seemed to be in deep thought. He had one arm holding his opposite elbow, while he held his chin with the other hand. He was also looking ahead like Lewis, but he didn't seem nearly as lifeless.
"Well," Mark began with his deepish voice sounding lower than normal," I think that either this is some elaborate prank, or it's just as the voice said. The game has begun."
"But what is the game?" I asked. He was talking as if the answer was as clear as day.
"That, little lady, is what I'm trying to figure out. I have a theory that it has something to do with the fact that we are in the Massacre Mansion, and that this "game" isn't going to be a friendly game of chess," he replied, slightly chuckling at the end.
"HOW CAN YOU LAUGH AT A TIME LIKE THIS, YOU TWISTED BASTARD?!" Lidia lost it again. Luke went over to comfort her before she backed away, "STAY AWAY FROM ME!!" She screamed. I could have sworn I say a sinister look in his eyes the moment it left her lips, but he backed away.
"CALM THE F*** DOWN, LIDIA!! I'M NOT GONNA SAY IT AGAIN!!" Kadince shouted back. The once calming atmosphere in the room was beginning to fade away and be replaced by one of heavy tension.
"Lidia, you really do need to calm down. We don't need any fights right now. We just need to work toget-" I was rudely cut off by Lidia shouting again.
"HOW DO I KNOW ALL OF YOU AREN'T JUST PULLING A PRANK ON ME?! YOU COULD ALL BE IN ON THIS!!" She pointed her finger at me accusingly.
"I swear, if this is a prank it'd be a surprise to me as well. And it wouldn't be very funny," I said, glancing at Caspian.
"Oh, you'd better not bring me into this, Princess. I had nothing to do with this. I'm as confused about all this as you are," the one in question stated with venom dripping off his words. "I'd be sending those glares at the guy who's been giving you googly eyes this whole 'adventure'. He seems to know more about all this than any of us do," Caspian said sending a glare towards Mark.
"STOP!! Ok?! Just stop! I'm tired of listening to everyone playing the blame game. No matter what's going on we need to work together and get past this or we might not get outta here," Nathaniel spoke up for once.
Silence rang through the room and we all looked down guilty, as if we were children being scolded for stealing the last cookie from the jar. I walked over to Lidia and wrapped her into a hug to which she returned and started shaking. I heard little sobs coming from her. I stroked the blue side of her hair and rubbed circles on her back to calm her down.
When she looked back up again her eyes were surrounded by the black of her eyeliner and mascara that had run. She looked like an absolute mess. But this was the most sincere in her emotions I had seen in her for awhile. I finally looked away from her to see Luke scowling in my direction.
"G-guys...*hic*...I'm so s-sorry for the way I've been acting lately. I've just been so st-stressed...a-and *hic*-" she tried explaining but broke back down into tears.
"It's ok, Lee-Lee. We understand. Under all this pressure right now anyone could have done what you just did," I spoke to her. "Maybe you just need to lay down and rest for now. The rest of us will figure this out, ok?"
"Y-*hic*-yeah," she weakly said. I led her to the couch and laid her down. Luke quickly replaced my spot the second I moved away. He then whispered something into her ear, and her face went blank. That was how she'd always been the second she got with him. She was I didn't understand what had changed her. She still laid there, but despite the monotone look on her face, her eyes showed a clear discomfort. Roughly five minutes later she had closed her violet orbs and her breathing had slowed.
"So now what will we do? We can't just stay in this room forever," Nathaniel stated.
"I think we should wait," Kadince said.
"For what? A murderer to come knock on our door?" Caspian humorously said. I think it was meant to be a joke, until......

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