Chapter 19- Sunday: A Spark of Hope

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 "C-can you please let me out of this room? I-I'd like to go back to the room w-with all the c-cameras with you," I explained while weaving my words with sugar.
       "Hmm...Isn't it much more comfortable in here?" Olivander inquired. 
       "W-well, I guess, but I assumed that you h-had work to I th-thought you'd want t-to get back to it," The semi-lie escaped my lips before I had time to register it. Luckily, it seemed very reasonable.
       "Wouldn't you rather stay in this room, my darling?" He asked once more. His voice revealed his reluctance to take me with.
       "I-I'll be s-so alone though...," My voice trailed off. Allowing more tears to run down my face on to his shirt, I used my uninjured hand to grasp harder onto his clothing. 
     "There, there. I guess I could take you with me, my love. I wouldn't want you feeling alone," he answered while pulling away slightly to look over my tear-stained features.
      "Th-thank you so much!" I said while pressing my face back into his chest. A rumbling ran through his chest while I heard him laughing.
      "If you wish to leave, we should probably head back now," his voice softly said while he rubbed a few circles onto my back before completely pulling away. Nodding my head, I released my grip. Momentarily forgetting about my sprained wrist, I moved it too quickly producing another shockwave of pain. A small, pained sound escaped my lips while Olivander looked at my wrist.
     "Oh dear, I'm sure a splint could help that. I really am sorry about the whole ordeal," a regretful tone laced the male's heavenly voice as his purple eyes filled with sorrow.
     "It's okay," I assured him while wincing. Standing up from the bed, I moved away looking at him expectantly.
      "Oh right. Now to get out of here. I'll advise you to move a bit farther back than that, my angel," he stated, motioning me to move away. Curiously glancing at him, I did as instructed. With the small illumination, I saw him place his hands onto the bed frame. Bracing himself, he started pushing it in my direction. His actions surprised me, but I quickly understood what he was doing. Why hadn't I thought of looking beneath the bed?
       There was a metal hatch with a small handle surrounded by the floorboards. Olivander moved to the ground and slid the hatch back, revealing the black abyss below. Moving closer, I just barely managed to make out the floor. Looking at Olivander once more, he motioned me to come closer.
     "I'll go down first in order to make sure you get down safely, alright?" He explained.
     "I'm not helpless, you know," a small spark of defiance showed for a few seconds.
      "In this state, you're more helpless than you think. Please, just cooperate for a moment," he sighed. Giving him a hard time wouldn't help my new plan, so I decided to remain quiet and nodded in agreement. Dangling his legs into the hole, he jumped down. A small thud was heard as he landed. 
     "Your turn," his voice echoed. Before jumping down, I glanced around one last time. The tv was still on showing Caspian's crushed body. Quickly looking away, I glanced at the floor. The deadly remote still lay on the wood. I walked over and grabbed it, deciding it might come in handy later on. Assuming to have found all that this room could offer, I walked back over to the opening.
     "Be careful, Little One," a familiar voice said from behind. Claire sat on the bed, staring at me with her wide doe eyes in a calming way. I couldn't exactly answer her for fear of Olivander over-hearing me so looked behind and gave her a smile while nodding. Sitting down, I trained my eyes onto the mostly black hole. Closing my eyes, I pushed myself off the edge and fell, hoping that the ground wasn't that far.
      "See? I told you I'd catch you," Olivander slyly stated as I felt arms stop my freefall. The memory of Caspian suddenly filled my mind as a tear once again brimmed my eye. Blinking it away quickly, I attempted to wiggle out of his grasp. Taking my hint, surprisingly, he carefully set my legs down followed by releasing my upper-half.
       "Thank you," I begrudgingly said. "I was wondering. Since this is my home now, could you show me where the different paths lead?" I decided to question while slightly sugar-coating it to sound less suspicious.
        "Hmm, I don't know. What would I get in return?" Came his cunning reply. I should have expected that answer, but it still hadn't found its way into my plans.
       "I...I don't know? Isn't me staying here enough?" I questioned being caught off guard.
      "You'd be staying here either way, my love. Although, I am happy that you've already accepted it. I guess your acceptance could be enough, but..." he paused, teasingly. I was willing to give into whatever price he asked. This was a crucial moment. What I needed most at this point was to know the layout of the inner halls. Trying not to be too desperate, I asked what he wanted.
       "I want a real kiss. Not a fake like you pulled before, or an unconscious one. I want some feeling in it. Do you suppose you could do that, angel?" He questioned while closing in on me. I backed up into a cold, stone corner as he slowly stepped towards me. Dreading the moment he reached me, I thought of my options. Deny him and lose what could possibly be the upper hand, or give in to his simple wish. 
      "I-I suppose..." I shakily answered while looking to the side. I felt his soft hand grab my chin and forcefully turn it. With what little light that illuminated the passage, I could see the possessive glint in his eyes. Before he moved closer, he licked his lips causing me to cringe. Quickly leaning in, I attempted to only give him a peck before his free hand reached around my head and held it in place. 
      Squirming in his hold, he gently bit my lower lip. I assumed it to be a warning so I ended my feeble attempts of escape. Not wanting to ruin my idea, I kissed the blonde back. I tried to put as much care as I could into the simple kiss, but he only answered with passion. Feeling a wet muscle running along my bottom lip, I attempted to shake my head. He skimmed his tongue along my lips for a little bit longer before he finally realised I wouldn't give into that wish. Seemingly disappointed, he pulled away eventually.
     "Can you show me around now?" I asked after I caught my breath. A small nod was given in return as he came along my left side, grabbing my hand. Intertwining our fingers, he began walking. There were small hallways that branched off occasionally, and he would tell me where they relatively went. We walked through many twists and turns that left me disoriented at times, and down different staircases. It was quite dark in the passageway, but there was the occasional candle that lit up a portion of walkway.
     "That hallway leads to the 'game room' that contains old-fashioned types of entertainment. Like a pool table, darts, a card table, and even a couple pinball machines if I remember correctly. The hall to the right over there leads to an indoor pool. Now if we take this stairway, it will lead us onto another floor that contains my control room," Olivander pointed out with his free hand. He seemed genuinely happy to be showing me the different areas. At one point I heard footsteps besides our own and questioned the male about them.
     "I'm willing to bet it's only my brother, Xavier. Who knows what he's doing, but as long as he stays out of our way he'll be no problem," Olivander explained nonchalantly. So he really did have a brother. After walking through another few passages, we came to a stop. The blonde pressed his left hand onto the wall revealing the familiar control room. Releasing my hand, he pressed his own onto the small of my back and gently pushed me forward. 
      Once we were both past the threshold, Olivander closed the door and walked further into the room. Walking behind him, he lead me towards the main chair I had taken a liking too. Motioning me to sit down, he turned away. 
      "I'm going to get the splint for your poor wrist. I'd appreciate it if you didn't run off like the last time. I'll be back very soon," he said while moving away. Immediately scanning the many screens for Mark and Kadince, I spotted the only humans very quickly. They appeared to be talking while Mark held a small device in front of him. After a few moments I realised what it was causing me to almost jump for joy. Somehow he had managed to get a hold of Caspian's walkie-talkie. The only problem would be to find mine.
      Examining the room, I determined it to be the game room Olivander had told me about earlier. This would only make things easier for me. Kadince sat on the edge of the pool table with Mark in front of her bent over the small device. I'd have to find that walkie-talkie, but how? That's all that was missing from my plan. While deep in thought, I hadn't noticed Olivander walking out of the room he went into. He stood before me holding a splint while outstretching his other hand.
     "May I please see your hand, Little Lady?" He questioned. I looked at the swollen wrist of my right hand that lay in my lap before nodding.
      "Yeah, but please just be careful," I told him. I wasn't very trusting of him especially since he was the one that gave me the injury in the first place.
      "I won't hurt you anymore, I promise. I'll be as careful as if I you were a delicate porcelain doll, my love," he said with care. He had also brought with him an ointment to help. Kneeling down, he gently picked up my right hand and applied the ointment. He then carefully placed the small splint onto my (s/c) hand after he wrapped a bandage around it. It hurt a lot less than I expected it to, but he truly did handle my hand very carefully so that could have been the cause. Now weighing a lot more, I could barely lift my arm after he placed it down.
      "Thank you, Olivander," I said, truly grateful.
      "You're welcome, (Y/n). I'd do anything for you so if you require anything else all you have to do is ask," he reminded me. His purple eyes started lovingly into my own (e/c) ones. I could only hope he would let me have the item I needed.
      "Do you know what happened to the walkie-talkie I had?" I questioned. 
      "Ah, about that. I'm sorry I had to invade your privacy to obtain it, but your friends wanted to talk and you were in no state to do so. I put it away for now," he explained while getting up. This whole scenario reminded me of a queen. I felt like I was sitting on a throne with a trusted knight before me. I knew it was foolish to think such thoughts, but it was a much needed break from all my other stressful tasks at the moment.
     "Could I have it back?" I carefully asked. 
     "Why would you need it? It's of no use now. It's probably destroyed down with that friend of yours in the well," he stated.
     "I...just want it for...sentimental reasons. You must understand," I pleaded earning a sigh from the make.
     "How could I refuse such an adorable face? I'll grab it, but...I'd like something in return," he said once again. This caused me to become a little ticked.
    "What more could you want?" I said while attempting to cross my arms and glare at him.
     "Calm down, it's a small thing. I want that bracelet around your wrist," he said as if it was obvious.
     "Lidia's bracelet? Why would you want that?" I asked, confused.
     "It's like....a trophy of sorts. As is the walkie-talkie I took from you. It seems like a fair trade to me," he stated while shrugging his shoulders. I didn't want to give up all I had left of Lidia, but I figured she would understand. I was so close to my goal.
     "Okay...but give me the device first," I answered.
     "My darling, you're in no state to be pulling the strings here, but I'll humor you. Let me go grab it," he said while wandering off. I untied the little woven bracelet from my left wrist and watched Olivander. The longer I gazed at him, the less bad it seemed to stay here. He was incredibly handsome, and a good kisser even though I would never admit it. 'Shut up, (Y/n)!' my head told me. It really was a foolish thought. I had to get out and save Kadince.
     "Ah, here we are. Now, the bracelet," he said after approaching me again. I lifted the bracelet up for him after he showed me the walkie-talkie. Grabbing the bracelet, he dropped the device onto my lap. I picked it up, examining it to determine it was in fact mine. I attached the hook onto the top of my dress and looked at Olivander who had gone off to put the bracelet away.
     "Oli? Do you have a different pair of clothes I could wear? I'm a bit tired of this dress," I explained, and it was slightly true. It was becoming itchy. 
     "Of course, but I think you look lovely in that dress," he said while looking over my form making me self-conscious.
      "Yes, you've told me, but I would really like a change in attire," I said with a hint of desperation.    
       "Okay. I'm sure I have something that would fit you. Let me go look," he said while walking towards a drawer. The drawer opened revealing neatly folded outfits with purple being the main color, real shocker there. After rummaging around a little bit he pulled out a white t-shirt and a pair of dark purple jeans. Holding the outfit up, he shut the drawer.
       "I grew out of these a while ago. They would probably fit you better than my other clothes. Do you like it?" He questioned. I had grown quite tired of the color purple at this point, but I smiled at him while agreeing.
      "It looks perfect. Now where was the bathroom again?" I inquired while standing up. He walked over to a wall and opened it, revealing the familiar bathroom I had found myself in once before. Taking a quick glance at the screens once more, I walked over to Olivander. Grabbing the clothes, I took a step inside. He shut the door behind me, and I pressed my ear against the wall, listening for his footsteps walking away. 
      After I couldn't hear him anymore, I shimmied out of the long dress. Pulling the shirt over my head, I realised even though it didn't fit him anymore, it could still be a nightgown for me. I felt like I was swimming in it. The jeans fit a little better, but these still weren't the best getaway clothes. Although it was still better than wearing the dress. Now that the small task was done I listened through the door once more.
     Picking up the walkie-talkie, I could only hope Olivander was preoccupied with something else. Staring down at the device, I pondered if this was the right idea. After little thought, I decided to go for it and pressed the button in.

      "Hello? Mark? Kadince? Are you reading me?" I whispered into the device.

​​​​​​       "(Y/n)?! Is it really you?!" A feminine voice exclaimed.

       "Yes, but you have to be quiet. Hide the device, make it seem like you're talking to each other. Otherwise Olivander might suspect something," I explained worriedly. This plan could fail any minute if they weren't careful.

      "Right on it. Where are you?" A muscular voice asked.
      "I'm in the control room. How are you guys holding up?" I asked.

       "We've been fine. Lewis wouldn't come with us, and Caspian fell through the hole you disappeared through!" Kadince stated.

       "Yes, I know about Cas...listen, he's dead. You need to know that now. It's only me, and you guys," I told you. I had to cut to the chase. If I remained in here too long I could be caught.

       "So what do we do then? How do we get you?" Mark asked.

      "Well, are you guys ready to escape? I think I have an idea, and a good one at that," I answered with pride. I only had a few minutes to explain my idea. Then we would be out of the frying pan and into the fire, but if we were lucky, within that fire would be a small spark of hope.


​​​​​​HI!! I wish there was some kind of thought to speech thing. It would make writing SO much easier. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. So, do you think they'll all get out? Until next time!

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