Chapter 16- Sunday: Darkness

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(3rd person pov; Kadince, Lewis, Caspian, Mark)

"(Y/n)'s been gone for an awful long time. Do you think she's okay?" Lewis broke the tense atmosphere. It had been nearly forty-five minutes since she had departed from them.
"If she wasn't she would have used her walkie-talkie," Caspian answered. He had been holding his walkie talkie close to himself ever since (Y/n) left.
"What if she forgot about it?" Kadince asked worriedly. That was the question that left the entire room in silence once more. After another five minutes Mark answered.
"If that's the case then we should probably go check on her. That way we can confront Olivander himself as well," the green-eyed male proposed. The idea seemed to process in everyone's mind before Kadince spoke once more.
"Does anyone still have a flashlight?" She asked. Lewis nodded his head in a sad way before producing it out of his pants pocket.
"Yeah, Miranda gave it to me before...." his voice quietly faded out. A tear seemed to shine in his brown eye before it disappeared. A tough time had fallen on him ever since the blonde had been taken.
"Ok, we'll use this then. Anything else we need before we go?" Asked Kadince. Looking around the room at the saddened faces, she received no answer. Releasing a sigh, she stood from the window seat and walked to the door.
"Be happy guys! I'm sure they're fine. We just need to check up on them is all," the red-head attempted to cheer everyone up with a bright smile, but she was met with the same grim faces. Shaking her head, she opened the door and motioned for the remaining men to follow her. Lewis turned on the flashlight and shined it out into the dark, dusty hallway.
"(Y/n) said the stairs were on the left end, right?" Caspian pondered aloud. Kadince replied with a 'yep' and started walking down the correct hallway. An uncomfortable silence filled the space around the group. Kadince attempted to stay lively with a bounce in her step, but the men followed behind her with empty faces and shuffling footsteps.
"Ok, come on now. You're not even trying to think positively. Would Miranda and (Y/n) want us to greet them in this state?" Kadince asked while turning to face them. They stared at her as she let out a huff of annoyance.
"How are we supposed to be cheerful when anything could be happening right now?" Mark questioned after awhile.
"You're not supposed to be thinking of the bad things. They could be perfectly fine! Maybe (Y/n) and Miranda are coming back as we speak, and they just wanted to surprise us!" Kadince proclaimed. No one seemed to believe what she said, but they attempted happier faces most likely to get her to leave them alone. It seemed to work as she turned around and continued walking.
The ensemble stopped at the stairs and looked down into the eery darkness. Even the flashlight couldn't lighten up the entire staircase.
"How did (Y/n) descend these stairs? She didn't even have a flashlight with her!" Kadince exclaimed.
"She's a very brave girl. Doing as many things as she has for us....this is such a small feat compared to her other tasks," Mark replied. Not wasting anymore time, they began their journey down the stairwell. At about what the group thought to be halfway, they heard a muffled, high pitched noise.
"What was that?" Immediately came Kadince's question. They all looked at each other in silent communication before they began rushing down the stairs. Skipping multiple steps in small leaps they made it down in a few minutes. Another sound much like the first broke out, but could now be distinguished.
"That's screaming!" Lewis said with worry written on his face. Running towards the ballroom, they attempted to open it. Somehow, the room seemed to be locked. The group began slamming into the door, but to no avail.
"(Y/N)! MIRANDA!" Caspian yelled at the door. Inaudible yelling could be heard as well as more screaming, until all grew quiet. This scared the group more than the screaming because it had all stopped so suddenly. Caspian pulled out his walkie talkie once more and tried to make contact.
"Hello? Hello? (Y/n), are you receiving me? Hello?" Caspian frantically asked. A response came, but not from the desired person.
"Why hello there. Caspian, was it?" A male voice they only assumed to be Olivander asked.
"What the hell did you do to them, you bastard?!" Caspian raged. A chuckle was heard through the small device.
"In the terms of (Y/n), she's perfectly fine with the exception of a small blackout. Miranda on the other hand....hahaha...."came Olivander's voice. A small click was heard from the other end as Olivander ended his response.
"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Lewis screamed at the walkie talkie.
"Why don't you come see?" The male on the other end replied in a crazed way. Lewis immediately rammed into the door once more to end up tumbling to the floor. That door had opened just in time to reveal Olivander smirking while an unconscious body was being held close to his form as he suddenly dropped through the floor. Caspian, Mark, and Kadince ran towards the hole in floor that had appeared while Lewis frantically began searching around the room. While the trio ran towards the floor, Caspian misjudged the distance and didn't have time to stop himself.
"Caspian!" Kadince called while attempting to grab him back before the ground closed once more. Kadince and Mark stayed at what was the edge of the circle while crouching down to examine it. Kadince beat on it attempting to open it as Mark just sat and stared at it.
"WHY?!" A voice screamed at the other end of the ballroom. Kadince and Mark were instantly snapped out of their trance to look at Lewis. He sat on the ground with what looked like a human torso cradled to his chest. Tears were falling out of his eyes like two water faucets. He was stroking the dirty blonde hair that covered the form's head.
"I-is that....?"Kadince trailed off. Mark stared, shocked at the scene before him. He glanced at Kadince and silently nodded before Kadince jumped up and rushed towards Lewis.
Lewis was rocking the torso of Miranda back and forth while he seemed to be whispering into her ear. The saddest part was that Miranda seemed to still have a small part of life still left in her. Her eyes were still slowly blinking as a small smile seemed to grace her face. Lewis seemed like he had completely lost it. He brought Miranda's body away from himself slightly as her lips tried to form words. A few dribbles of blood left her red lips as she spoke. Lewis only nodded his head before kissing her lips as a single tear escaped her eye before their lights flickered and died out. Lewis still cradled her now dead body to his chest while muttering words to himself.
"Lewis, it'll be ok," Kadince said as she reached out to touch his shoulder before he violently jerked away.
"DON'T TOUCH ME! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE! I-it....will n-never ​​​​​​​​​​ okay a-again," Caspian whimpered out. His tears were staining Miranda's bloodied shirt as they slowly trailed down his cheeks. He continued to weep into Miranda's dead form as Kadince stood back, for once not knowing what to say.
"I don't think Miranda would have wanted you to be grief ridden," Kadince slowly said.
"You don't know what she would have wanted....s-she told me t-to hold her until she died....I'm never letting go," Lewis said. Kadince simply looked at him with pity before kneeling down to him.
"Miranda would have wanted you to get over her. She'd have wanted you to get out of here. Please, you have to let go," She pleaded with the male.
"I.....I can't. Just....leave me here.....please...I'll come find you when I'm ready....I promise," Lewis quietly replied. Kadince realised it was a fruitless task to try to reason with the male so she looked down at Miranda in goodbye, then at Lewis before turning away and heading back to Mark.
"We have to find (Y/n)," Kadince told Mark.
"What about Lewis?" He questioned.
"He's not coming. I think it's for the best anyways," Kadince said while looking down. Mark nodded before turning away with Kadince and walking out of the ballroom. Kadince looked at Lewis one last time in the candlelight before turning away and shutting the door.
Lewis was never heard from again.

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