Chapter 20- Sunday 5 a.m.

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!!!WARNING: DETAILED GORE AND BLOOD AHEAD!! I am sorry in advance!!! Please don't hate me!!!!!!

(Kadince's pov)

     "So we have to find a secret passage, navigate the hallways, and somehow (Y/n) will be waiting for us?" I questioned. As much as I loved my sister, that plan seemed like it had many holes. 
    "That's what she told us. I think it will work though. We just have to be sneaky," the male before me replied lowly.  Her directions had been very clear, we find the opening then come to a hallway, after finding a three way we take the left side and continue on the path, eventually we will come to a dead end and then we wait.
     "But what will happen if we get caught? I don't want to die, Mark," I said with worry lacing my words. I'd been pushing that thought to the back of my mind this entire time. The moment I agreed to this whole trip, I knew there was always the possibility. After watching friends die, the thought kept resurfacing. Only now did it truly hit me with nothing else to occupy my mind. If we failed, death would be certain. Dying had always been a fear of mine.
       "Don't think like that, Kandi. Keep your mind off it. We'll get out of here alive," he tried to reassure me. Deciding to stop pondering it, I hopped off the edge of the pool table. Glancing around the fuchsia themed room, I looked for any obvious disturbance on the walls. 
       "Do you see any way out?" I asked quietly, trying to keep my voice volume and lip movement to a minimum.
        "Nothing too obvious. Maybe over there?" Came Mark's equally soft reply. He had his arms crossed over his chest, and a very slight pointing motion was made with his pointer finger. I glanced to the left and examined the wall housing the dart board. A very small crack could be seen. It almost looked like someone had made an attempt to paint over it.  
       "Hey, Mark? Would you like to play a game of darts?" I asked loudly. My train of thought was that we needed to make it seem like we weren't doing anything worth watching so hopefully it helped (Y/n) distract him better.
       "Sure. Are the darts over there?" Questioned Mark as he turned to face me. I nodded my head and grabbed them from the center of the board. Turning to face him once more, I walked to where he stood. I handed him the darts colored black while I kept the fuchsia ones.
     "Would you like to go first?" I inquired. He took a stance and aimed at the black, white, and fuchsia board. Holding a look of pure concentration, he released the dart. It landed outside the middle ring as he moved to the side so I could take my turn. My aim had always been pretty good so I figured I wouldn't be too bad at this game. Mimicking Mark's former position, I closed one eye and focused on the middle. Pulling my wrist back, I quickly moved it forward and let the dart fly. It landed on the ring outside the middle just like Mark's.
      "You're not too bad at this," the male concluded while nodding his head in satisfaction.
      "You're not too shabby yourself," I replied with a smile. All my negative feelings towards him vanished at this calm moment. It felt like we had been friends this entire time. Mark moved back to where I recently stood and played his turn. This continued for awhile until I finally landed a dart directly in the middle.
     "Yay! I did it, Mark! Did you see that?" I happily asked in excitement. While turning towards him I failed to notice the wall had opened up. The male let out a chuckle at my childish glee before noticing the opening.
    "Yeah, I saw, but better yet. Look at what you triggered," he said, motioning towards the hole. Turning back towards the wall, I noticed what he said, bringing my hand up to my mouth in surprise.
     "That was quite a clever idea, making the center of the board the trigger," Mark thought aloud. 
      "Uh huh. Do you think we should go yet?" I pondered, looking at Mark's satisfied face.
      "Well, now's as good a time as ever," came his reply. I looked into the opening and walked towards it. Glancing behind my shoulder, I saw Mark following me, signalling me to move forward. 
       The passageway was quite dark so Mark and I walked close together. The walls seemed to be made of cement, as well as the floor and ceiling. After walking awhile, a cold draft blew through us. Hairs stood on end as un-synced footsteps were heard. Figuring it to be Mark, I continued onwards. Coming to the three way, we stopped and looked down each hall.
       "She did say take a left, right?" I asked. 
       "That's what I thought she said," Mark confirmed. Faint pitter-patterns could be heard. 
        "Mark? Are you moving?" Came my frightened voice.
       "Stay calm, Kadince. Don't make a sound," Mark said quietly, confirming that he wasn't the cause of the sound. The footsteps grew louder the longer we stood still. Goosebumps rose on my bare arms as the deafening sound suddenly stopped. I felt a large hand rest on my arm causing me to release a scream. Light flooded the hallway as a familiar, deep voice spoke.
         "Hey, calm down. It's just me, Luke. Sorry for scaring you," the previously unknown make said.
          "Dude, where'd you come from? How'd you get away?" Mark quickly asked.
         "That doesn't matter right now. The point is I'm alive and I'm gonna help you guys get out of here," Luke stated.
       "How do we know we can trust you? Why didn't you help us earlier?" I immediately questioned after. My heart was pounding at an insane rate.
       "I couldn't help you earlier, but (Y/n) is waiting down that hall for us. You have to believe me. I know the way out of here," he tried explaining.
      "If you're a part of (Y/n)'s plan, why didn't she tell us about you?" Mark asked suspiciously. Confusing as it was, his question did make sense.
     "She was in a press for time. Olivander would have been suspicious if she stayed in the bathroom too long, she told you that," the male in question tried explaining once again.
      "That's true. Maybe we should give him a chance, Mark. He did say he would get revenge on Olivander, remember? He's on our side," I told the green-eyed male. 
      "Exactly. Thank you for trusting me, Kandi," came a desperate sounding Luke. A sigh was heard from Mark.
      "Fine, but if you do anything suspicious you're gone. Understood?" Grumbled Mark.
      "Of course. Let's get going then. We don't want to keep (Y/n) waiting, do we?" Rhetorically asked Luke. Mark and I took the lead walking down the left path as Luke followed close behind. Making our way down the hall, we saw many branching paths. It caused me to wonder just how big this whole secret path system was. Attempting no small talk, the cement hallway echoed with the sound of our footsteps. Reaching a dead end, we stopped.
       "Is this the right place, Luke?" I questioned.
       "Yeah, right through that wall," he answered.
      "Why don't you go first?" asked Mark smuggly.
       "I couldn't possibly. I want you both to have the honor of getting to (Y/n) first," replied Luke.
      "Let's just go, Mark. The sooner we get to my sister, the sooner we get out of here," I replied desperately. I didn't have time to waste on them arguing. 
     "Fine, press the wall, Kadince," Mark said with a sigh. Placing my hand on the wall, I mimicked (Y/n)'s actions from many times before. The wall gave way and slid open. Before I was given the chance to look around the room, I was shoved to the floor alongside Mark. 
     "Well, well, well. Look what the cat drug in," a smooth voice said in a humorously dark tone.
       "Kadince, Mark! Let me go!" (Y/n)'s voice yelled out. 
       "I don't think so, angel. You're going to stay right here," the same silky voice said.
       "Don't hurt them!" She called out.
       "Well done, Xavier. You lead them right to me," I assumed the smooth voice to be Olivander's.
       "It wasn't that hard. Your darling (Y/n) already did half my job for me. While she was in the bathroom she used that walkie talkie you gave her to form a plan," Luke said.
       "Oh really now? Well, I suppose I can't just let this action go unnoticed, can I? I can't believe my Little Lady would ever do such a thing," Olivander stated in shock.
       "Wait....who's Xavier?" I asked after taking a large gulp of breath. It was hard breathing with a heavy object pressing me down.
        "Why I am, naive little Kadince," answered the voice of Luke.
       "Xavier is my brother, little girl. He's been fooling you all this entire time. You've done quite well, might I add," Olivander added.
       "Why?" I weakly asked.
      "My brother needed some fresh meat. You all took the bait. Simple as that," boredly stated Xavier.
       "Why weren't you in the family pictures then?" Mark questioned.
      "I was the outcast. Never did look like a true Ferdinand, did I?" Chuckled out the brunette.
      "That's enough petty questions. Xavier, dispose of them," Olivander monotonously said.
      "NO! Please don't do that, Oli! I've had enough death! Stop!" Shouted (Y/n). A violent beating noise was heard. Craning my neck, I witnessed my sister beating on the blonde's chest. He simply wrapped his arms around the fighting girl and his gaze softened.
      "Fine, darling. Only kill one of them, Xavier," Olivander responded.
      "But sir...what about the other? We can't have them getting away," replied Xavier in disbelief.
      "Do as I say, Xavier. Don't make me tell you again," came a more angry sounding Olivander. His eyes seemed to grow darker as he glared at the brunette. The reality of the situation kicked in. One of us was about to die. Tears prickled my ice blue eyes.
      "(Y-Y/n)....I don't w-want to d-die," my weak voice stated. The object pressed deeper into my back as the male chuckled.
(Y/n's pov)

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