Chapter 4- Saturday Night in Another's Eyes

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(???'s pov)

     "I must admit, this group seems.......hahaha...interesting," I chuckled to myself, watching various screens I had arranged in my tech room. All the screens connected to individual cameras that watched over different parts of my woods as well as the rooms in my home. 
     Normally I only had a few running. I would have one watching the Crimson River because of the beautiful anomaly that occurs at just the right time, I would have one watching the entrance of my humble home because of those relentless hooligans that attempt to seek refuge, and I also watch the one near the newly built electric fence because it gives me a look of the outside world. 
     "Those foolish police really believe that a fence will keep out idiotic teens? Tch," I muttered, rolling my eyes. The old will never understand the minds of the young. With enough determination a young mind can attain whatever comes to their thoughts. A simple fence will do nothing, as these nine teens have shown.
    With just these observations I have made in the past six hours I already can conclude so much about each ones' characters. Every year since I was old enough to witness the power of the cameras I have had amazing perception. My parents always had so much pride in me.
     Although after all the years I've spent my time dilly dallying on this hobby, you get bored of it. Every three years it's the same thing. There is always someone that fits a certain category. Like the last group, poor Lucinda was the group's slut, and the one before that had Francis, and the one before that was Halle, and the list goes on and on.
     The only thing that I look forward to every three years anymore is the new deaths that I can create. Because even though all the characters fit in a category, they always have something special. May it be a phobia, or a strange little quirk. No matter what it is, it always makes a difference in the death.
    "The death fits the character" as my father would always say. I must say, my father's "suicide" fit him quite well. He was always making 'mistakes' in his work. So the day he rammed the chainsaw into his chest came as no surprise to me.
    He was testing a new invention of his. A retractable chainsaw blade. The day he tried it on a victim was just another one of his mistakes my darling mother had to take care of. He was holding his beloved weapon the wrong way and impaled himself. It was quite tragic. The victim almost made it out the door alive that day. Truly tragic. 
    My foolish mother, so grief-ridden from his death, pumped poison into her veins a week later. She was such a foolish soul, she killed herself over love.
   "Love, such a disgusting thing. It always gets in the way of one's work," I spat out, still staring at the screen depicting nine figures rushing to the door after I had activated the mechanism that is wired through the hinges causing it to seemingly slam shut on its own. "Foolish teenagers will believe anything with a bit of superstition and legend," I smirked as the girl presumably named "Miranda" started screaming about this being a bad idea and that this place must be haunted.
     I hadn't been lying when I said I thought this group would be interesting. My fascination started when two girls held their hands walking through the electric fence. It was a bond that you don't see in the normal groups. That's what led me to believe that they must be sisters. Especially with their choice of clothing. It would be fun eliminating them one at a time to see the pain in the other before they are destroyed as well.
      The second interesting moment was when I realised that the group isn't like the others because the "friends" don't seem to have very good bonds with each other. That would make it interesting to see what the outcome would be when members start......disappearing. I couldn't help but chuckle at that thought. 
     The third thing caused me to have a peaked interest in just one. At the river a (h/c) headed girl just fell as if she fainted for no apparent reason. Then minutes later awakened screaming. That was a new occurrence. 
    Then later she even noticed one of my precious cameras. She is quite the sight for sore eyes. I had never seen such a shade of (E/c) orbs before. And her (h/c) hair fell around her face perfectly. Her (s/c) skin looked so soft. And that curious look on her face made her features look even more gorgeous. It would be a shame to kill such a heavenly creature, but that's my duty.
    "Never get attached to a kill" my mother would often warn me as a child. Ironically, that's how my parents met. My mother has wandered onto my father's land, and he couldn't kill her. It was disgusting, but I guess if that never happened I would never have the amazing life I do now.
    "I'll just have to make her death special," I murmured while locking my eyes on her (body type) figure. She appeared to be hugging the ginger girl to her side while the little one shakes and quivered. It's strange to see one so young in my manor. 
     Once they had calmed down though they started walking together. They seemed to have forgotten about the dangers that lie in this mansion. They all looked around with wonderment in their eyes......except the one. Mark I think they called him. I don't like the looks of him. He's trouble on two legs, that I've already concluded.
      "I think I'll keep him around for awhile though. So I can more closely.... him," I joked to myself. I think being cooped up in this house for nineteen years has finally gotten to me. 
      I settled myself down into my comfy leather chair in my control center putting my hands behind my head and leaning back, still watching the screens intently. 
"I think I'll leave them to their own devices for awhile...... then the....Fun Will Begin...ha..ha...hahahahHAHAHAH!!"


I hope this chapter was ok. I was kinda thinking about making a chapter about how this person sees each person. Kind of like a report for each of them. Bye for now.

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