Chapter 15- Sunday: Date with a Mad Man

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       Looking down at the three dresses, one in particular caught my eye. Based on the skirt, it appeared to be floor-length. The top half was medium purple and strapless with a sweetheart neckline, and was covered in silver sequins. Regarding the skirt, it was a medium purple with a black mesh outer skirt. A few sequins rested on the black outer skirt.
     I picked it up and examined it as Kadince eyed a short, violet dress with a sweetheart neckline as well, and what looked like embroidered golden peacock feathers coming off a flower. I pulled my desired dress close to my body and turned to Kadince.
    "How does this look?" I asked her. Even though it was Olivander I was going to meet, I still wanted to look decent. Although he really didn't deserve to see me in this beautiful dress, I wanted to know what I looked like wearing it.
     "It looks gorgeous! Put it on!" She exclaimed after looking me over for a couple seconds. There was a look of wonderment in her blue eyes upon seeing me. While I proceeded to change my attire Kadince turned back to the dress she had been admiring with a sad look on her face.
      "You know, I'm sure Olivander wouldn't mind if you tried it on," I said while winking at her, even though she didn't notice it. She quickly turned to look at me once again with pure happiness in her eyes.
      "Really?!" She happily exclaimed as she clapped her hands in front of her in a girly fashion. I smiled and nodded at her as she immediately picked up the dress and stripped of her dirty clothes. I had just finished pulling my own dress up when Kadince turned towards me with her own dress on.
      "I love you so much! This dress is amazing!" She excitedly said as she rushed over and hugged me.
      "It looks great on you! Let's see if we can find a mirror around here," I told her. The violet dress on her made her fiery hair and blue eyes stand out very well. I looked at the bottom, and realizing how short it was, internally cringed at the thought of wearing that in front of Olivander. He would have gotten a very nice view of my legs, and if I wasn't careful, also could have seen my undergarments. I walked towards the white, wooden wardrobe in the corner of the room and opened it hoping for it to have a mirror on the door. As I had wished, it had a full body mirror attached to the inside door and Kadince immediately rushed in front of it causing me to chuckle.
      "It looks terrific on me!" She announced as she twirled around, causing the slightly poofy skirt to twirl with her. As she looked past herself at me, her mouth suddenly took the form of an 'o'. 
     "What is it? Does it not look good?" I asked, immediately worried. I hadn't gotten the chance to look at myself in the mirror so I had no idea what Kadince was gaping about.
     "You look like a princess!" She concluded as she dragged me in front of the mirror. Looking up I could hardly tell it was even me. The dress perfectly accentuated my (e/c) eyes and (h/c) tresses as well as my facial features. I looked younger, but at the same time, important. It felt strange wearing something so gorgeous. I also couldn't shake off the thought from my mind that we had basically just raided a poor deceased woman's closet.
     "It doesn't feel right, Kandi. I don't think I should wear this," I told her with a reluctant tone.
      "Nonsense," she replied while placing her head above my right shoulder," it looks like it was made for you. But I think something's missing." She said in a mischievous voice.
      Just then she held up a small little box. Upon opening it, I saw an array of different jewelry. There were gold and silver metallic glows due to the light above us. It looked like she had just opened a treasure chest. There were multiple jewels ranging from diamonds to emeralds.
      "Where did you find those?" I questioned in amazement. Just one of those pieces of jewelry would cost more than my life. My wide eyes reflected all shining stones in the box, giving my (e/c) orbs a multi-colored look.
     "I found them on the bed stand. I thought they would look better on you than in this dusty box," Kadince explained. I outreached my hand and carefully took the box. Everything in the box was bound to be extremely fragile. I walked over to the bed stand, placed the box down, and carefully looked at its contents. I found a pair of silver, dangling earrings that had little crescent moons hanging off the chains as well as a choker necklace that had a purple amethyst heart as the center piece. 
      I put the earrings and choker on, even though my conscious told me I shouldn't, and turned to face Kadince once again. She held a proud look in her eyes as she brought her hands to her mouth.
     "You look drop-dead gorgeous! I think you're ready now!" She told me. It still slightly got me down that I was this dolled up for Olivander. Oh, only if it were me and Mark sharing this moment. It would make me feel so much better about this situation.
    Sending a smile and a 'thank you' her way, we went out of the room. I was planning on heading back to our friends to give them a better plan for what to do. Just as I was about to open the door, Kadince went before me and told me to let her go first. I gave her a confused look before she motioned me to move to the wall. Still confused, I moved over and watched her dramatically open the door.
     "May I now present to you the beautiful princess of Drearton, (Y/n) (L/n)!" She exclaimed while holding her arms out in a presentation type way. I understood what she wanted me to do so I stepped forward into their line of site. The males seemed just as confused as I was by Kadince's words until they saw me. I looked down bashfully as they stood agape. Trying to locate my feet, I heard someone mutter a wow.
     "You look amazing, princess," Caspian said with a wink after the shock faded away. I muttered a 'thanks' as my cheeks flared up. Feeling an arm wrap around my waist, I looked up to see Mark. His eyes held a loving and adoring glint, but an undertone of jealousy. He never showed his emotions physically often, but his eyes did.
     "You truly do look gorgeous, Little Lady. It's such a shame that I'm not the one you're dressed up for," Mark said in a sad tone. He bent down and kissed my forehead before he let go of my waist and moved away. I felt terrible making him so sad, but I had to get Miranda. I'd already wasted enough time.
     "Caspian, do you by any chance have a walkie talkie on you?" I questioned. 
     "Yeah, I actually do. What do you need one for?" He asked in return.
      "I have an idea. If things get out of control, I could say a certain word and you would come save me, or if I have Miranda and I can go I'll say a different word that would also signal you to come get me," I explained.
      "That's a great idea!" Lewis stated.
      "Yeah, but what are the words," Kadince inquired.
      "When I have Miranda, I'll say 'panda'. If I'm in trouble, I'll say 'Ferdinan'," I told them. The idea seemed like a good one to everyone. "I believe there should be stairs around here that lead directly down to the first floor. At the left end of this hallway if I'm not mistaken."
       "Ok, sounds like a plan," Caspian said while handing me a walkie talkie. I didn't have a pocket or anything so I'd deal with that problem when I wasn't being watched.
      "Well, I guess I'll be back then," I said reluctantly. I didn't want to go. So much wrong could happen, but I simply gave everyone a last smile, and walked out. Closing the door I lifted up the skirt and attached the walkie talkie to my undergarment and tried to press the button from the outside. Finding that idea to work, I continued walking down the hallway. I couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching me though. It must just be paranoia from being in the Massacre Mansion.
      Successfully finding the stairs I proceeded to descend them, careful not to break a hole through the wood like Miranda had even though I doubt that was an accident. As I walked down the stairs I heard a soft meow causing me to look around. After seeing no cause of the noise, I continued walking. A few minutes later I heard it again, but closer. I preformed the same action, but to the no avail. I had reached the end of the stairs when I heard it again, but this time I saw Claire at the end of the hallway. The ballroom entrance was right beside me, but against my better judgement, I walked to Claire.
      "What is it, girl?" I questioned while attempting to pet her before she darted off.
       "Hey, wait up!" I called out to her while attempting to run, but the dress was making it difficult. She eventually stopped in the main room and looked at me again.
      "What are we doing here?" I asked her, but I only received a 'meow' in return. She turned to the main door and gracefully walked to it, sitting down and looking at me, then the door. I walked over to her with a confused look on my face as she only slow blinked.
       "The door doesn't open, Claire. We've tried," I said with a downcast tone while kneeling down to her size. She meowed again and put her paw on it, pressing in like the walls. Figuring I had nothing to lose, I put my hand on the knob and turned it, only for it to creak open. I stared at the agape door, then down at Claire as she did the same, but she seemed to have expected it. She walked onto the porch and made a motion for me to follow her.
        "I'm sorry, Claire. I can't. My friends need me," I told her, but she only looked at me as if disappointed. She meowed and pawed at the porch, looking up at me once again. I shook my head and gave her a sad look before turning around.
       "This might be your only chance, (Y/n)," a sweet, high voice spoke behind me. I was startled by the sudden human voice and quickly turned to be met with the woman in my vision standing where the cat had been.
        "Who are you?" I asked. Her appearance reminded me of someone I had seen before, and not just from my vision. While I must admit her pale skin being covered in visible veins creeped me out, she had a pleasant aura surrounding her.
       "Claire Renee Sparquill," she answered," Or what would probably make more sense, Claire Renee Ferdinan."
       "Wait, I thought you were dead. Where'd the cat go?" I spoke in confusion.
      "Oh you poor naive creature, I am the cat, and I am dead. I'm simply a spirit," she said in her soft tone.
       "Why are you still here then? Shouldn't you have passed on?" I questioned. It didn't make any sense to me, but it did slightly explain her appearance.
       "I have unfinished business like most spirits that roam the Earth. I'm here to make sure an innocent young girl doesn't suffer the same fate as I did," she spoke in sorrow.
       "What do you mean? Every one dies here," I stated.
       "I didn't die due to a murderous game, now did I?" She questioned.
       "Well, I guess not, but then what do you mean by 'suffer the same fate'?"I inquired.
       "I myself was a young, foolish girl like you once. I wandered here thinking I would be killed and that would be the end of it. Oh how wrong I was. At that time Lucas Ferdinan was the same age as my son, Olivander. He also had the same murderous streak that had went through their blood for generations. But, I had caught his eye much like you have my son. I drove him even deeper into insanity, and he fell into a murderous love. Just like you, I tried to keep my friends alive and get them out, but it was impossible. I even willingly, foolishly, walked straight into Lucas's arms in hope of him letting them go. He immediately killed them, and locked me in this house. 
         He never tortured me painfully, but he tortured me in terms of life. I never even saw the sunlight for 5 years. Everyday he gave me something new to show his affection, but I always turned away from it. I turned every gift away except my baby Olivander, and later, Xavier. Even with children I was never allowed outside for his fear of me running away. Over the years I finally grew to love Lucas, but no one should have to go through all the pain I endured. 
         I knew one day Olivander would turn into his father. So I promised myself I would save that poor child, and she happens to be you. Olivander was a precious child, but he was 90% Ferdinan. I knew what would happen one day. So when Lucas got himself killed, I followed him once I knew my children could take care of themselves. I partially did what I did to see Lucas, but the rest did it so I could save the poor girl from Olivander's grasp. So please, child, walk through the door as I should have done many years ago. Don't try to be a hero. I beg of you," ended Claire. She reached her hand out for me to take, but I remained still.
       "I'm so sorry of what happened to you, Claire. But you understand that I can't leave my friends just as you couldn't. I have a sister trapped here. I promised I would make sure she didn't die. I can't break that promise. I appreciate your efforts, I really do, but I just can't leave," I tried reasoning with her. Her brilliant amber eyes softened a bit as she replied.
      "I understand, but if you ever need anything, anything at all, don't be afraid to ask. That dress looks lovely on you by the way. It suits you better than it ever did me. I never did look good in purple," she said while smiling. It lit up her ghostly pale face perfectly.
      "Thank you, Claire. For everything. You will never understand how grateful I am towards you," I said while smiling back at her.
      "I understand why my son chose you. You were just like me at your age," she said while taking a step back into the mansion as the door closed through her. Her face held a sorrowful happiness on it as if she was recalling her past. I went forward and attempted to hug her vein covered body, but I merely fell through it and crashed into the door. Looking behind me, the lady Claire had disappeared as if she was never there to begin with. 
     A small smile crept onto my face as I began walking towards the ballroom. Who would have ever guessed a person such as Olivander could ever have a mother like Claire? I stepped in front of the door, and after patting down my dress and combing my fingers through my hair, I carefully opened the door.
       The room was lit with candles causing the golden floor to look even more beautiful than it originally was. Purple rose petals littered the floor and a table could be seen on the far end of the room near the piano. Glancing at the table, I could see no sign of Olivander, and I carefully crossed the floor trying not to ruin the peaceful silence that filled the air. 
      I eventually made it to the table to find a small note. The table had a white sheet over the top of it, and a vase with a beautiful purple rose in the middle. It was bathed in a warm yellow glow from one of the large candles near it. Strangely, this was how I always imagined the perfect date, but I always imagined having it with the love of my life. The reality of the situation hit me once again. I picked up the small note like all the others and began to read it.
                My love, do not fret. I will be with you in a few moments. Please, sit down and enjoy the scenery. I did this all specially for you. I hope that it is to your liking.
       I did as the note instructed and sat in the purple velvet chair. The cushion was so soft I thought I would fall right through it. The arms also had cushions on them, so I rested both my arms and sat still and patiently while thinking about what I would do when he showed himself.
       My thoughts were interrupted by a weight being placed on my head causing me to jump in surprise. A small chuckle was heard behind me as two hands placed themselved around my eyes.
      "Guess who?" The silky voice of Olivander spoke into my left ear. 
      "Olivander." I answered simply and monotonously.
      "Aww, you're no fun, my dear," Olivander said while removing his hands. He stepped to the side of me so I could see him better, and my breath caught in my throat. He was wearing a medium purple button-up shirt that matched the color of my dress, along with a black tuxedo jacket over the shirt and a black necktie. His pants were black as well. The darker colors made his flawless, pale skin have an unearthly glow as well as his golden locks. The purple orbs that were staring at me seemed to absorb all the purple in the room making them even more piercing. 
      "Do you like what you see?" He asked mischievously with a small smile on his naturally red lips. I immediately tore my gaze away with a blush forming and mumbled out an apology.
       "It's fine, my angel. I like being the only thing on your mind," he flirtatiously said as he walked over and sat down in the chair opposite me.
       "What did you place on my head?" I questioned, ignoring his previous statement causing him to pout.
       "I thought a princess such as yourself deserved a crown," he said, instantly smiling once again. I reached up to my head and felt the tiara that had been placed there. 
       "I really don't need a crown, Olivander. That's a bit much, don't you think?" I questioned. I was about to take it off when he spoke again.
       "Nothing's too much when it comes to you. Leave it on. It brings out your beautiful eyes," he stated while smiling at me once again. If he wasn't a deranged murderer I would think all of this was super romantic, but I reminded myself the only reason I was here was to retrieve Miranda.
      "So where's Miranda?" I asked to which his eyes immediately darkened, and the smile disappeared.
      "Do you not enjoy my presence? Why's Miranda so important? You're supposed to be paying attention to me and only me ​​​​," he darkly said. I decided it best to not mention Miranda anymore at this point. Who knew what Olivander would do.
      "Why so quiet now? Don't you want to know how Miranda is?" He asked in a scarily sweet voice. At this point I didn't know if I really wanted to know what became of her or not. I slowly nodded my head as he sadistically smiled and snapped his fingers.
        A few candles suddenly lit up to reveal a horrid sight on the wall. Miranda hung on the wall by ropes attached to her limbs. Her head was downcast, leaving me to hope that she was unconscious. The wound on her leg must have reopened because blood drenched the makeshift bandage, as well as her pants. Her dirty blonde hair hung in her face with dried blood near the roots as if she had suffered a head injury. Looking at her arms and legs I saw multiple bruises littering them. I felt a shriek coming up my throat before it was released in a blood churning way.
      "Are you finished with that annoying sound yet?" Olivander boredly asked. I whipped my head towards him with fear evident on my features.
      "Why did you do that to her? What has she done to deserve that?!" I shouted at him. I felt tears beginning to brim in my eyes. 
      "I had to, darling. She was just one more person keeping us apart. Please don't cry, I hate when you do that. It actually makes me feel bad about my choices," he said in a sorrowful tone.
      "I-is she.....?" I couldn't finish my sentence before the tears began to fall.
      "No, I didn't kill her. She's still alive," he reassured me. That wasn't any better though. That just meant that when she came to she would be in immense pain.
      "W-why is she h-hanging then?" I asked in a quiet voice.
      "She's hanging to keep you in line. Every time you go against my wishes or intentionally anger me, I just have to press this button," he said while pulling a small black remote from an inside pocket from his jacket," and her limbs will be stretched," he explained. I stared at him in horror at how normal he said it.
      "W-why would you do that?" I questioned him while wiping my eyes.
      "For the reason I just said, to keep you in line," he answered.
      "C-can you please get that light off of her?" I asked him. I couldn't bear being able to witness her immense torture.
       "That depends. Do you promise to do all I ask of you?" He questioned. I looked at him reluctantly before slowly nodding 'yes'. He snapped his fingers once again and the light diminished.
        "Now, you must be hungry with all you've been through. How does spaghetti sound?" Olivander asked in a hopeful tone. Fearing Miranda's safety I decided to agree, but I had to put a little flare in my answer that would hopefully go unnoticed.
        "As long as we don't have to 'Lady and the Tramp' the spaghetti it sounds perfect," I said in a joking tone so as to hide my remark. As I was hoping, I received a laugh from the male across from me.
        "As much as I love that idea, we will be eating off separate plates, my angel," he said with a humorous look in his eyes. He pulled out the remote once more causing my face to grow worried. Had I done something wrong already?
        "Calm down, my dear. I'm simply pressing a button to bring the food out. This remote has other purposes than just torturing," he said with a smirk back on his deviously handsome face. As he pressed the button a door could be heard opening and closing as footsteps grew closer. A tall figure, broad figure stood over us presenting the food. 
       "Enjoy," the male as I concluded said with a smirk that was very similar to the man's across from me. The top half of his face was hidden behind the shadows dancing in the flames' lights. He placed a plate of spaghetti in front of each of us, as well as eating utensils and a napkin. He then sauntered off in a familiar way as well. I was still staring at his retreating figure racking my brain for who he seemed to be as Olivander cleared his throat.
        "Are you going to eat, my love?" Questioned Olivander, breaking me out of my concentration. I looked at him before nodding my head and picking up my fork. Sticking my fork into the sauce and parmesan covered spaghetti, I twirled it around to gather some spaghetti, then placed it in my mouth. It had an amazing flavor that burst in my mouth the second it past my lips. I had never tasted spaghetti as good as this before. I made a noise of content as the male across from me chuckled. I glanced up to find him staring at me, seeming to have not even touched his food.
        "Aren't you going to eat?" I curiously asked.
        "It's so nice to know you care about my well being, but at this moment my hunger is being fed simply by gazing at you," he replied. This answer genuinely creeped me out. I just widened my eyebrows in an 'okay, Mr. Crazio' way and continued to eat my food. After I little while I heard him pick up his fork with a sigh and it scraping the ornamental glass plate. 
        I hadn't even realised I had garlic bread until I had gotten every scrap of spaghetti heaven off my plate.
        "Oh! Don't mind if I do," I happily said to myself, completely forgetting about the male in front of me. That was, until he began to laugh at my childish words. I immediately blushed and picked up the garlic bread before biting a small piece off and smiling at it. It tasted just as amazing as the spaghetti had. There was just the right blend of garlic and crunchiness in the bread that it instantly made me forget the male once again. After finishing that as well I glanced up to find Olivander with an elbow on the table with his fist holding his head up while he stared at me with a dreamy look.
        "You okay there, Oli?" I asked without even realizing I had given him a pet name.
        "Oli?" He asked in surprise. That seemed to snap him out of his gaze. It also made me realize what I had said. I started muttering out apologies as he chuckled once more.
        "You're just too cute, (Y/n)," he said in a sweet tone. Everything that had been happening made me forget about Miranda hanging on the wall, and I felt terrible about forgetting her. I instantly grew somber at the thought and Olivander noticed my change in mood.
       "What's wrong, my love?" He asked, concern lacing his words.
       "Nothing," I replied. He looked at me doubtfully, but didn't question me any further surprisingly. His face suddenly lit up as if a great thought struck him.
       "I know! How about a drink? I forget about that," he admitted, to which I simply looked at him. His face slightly fell at my still sad face before he leaned down and pulled what appeared to be a wine bottle from underneath the table as well as a couple wine glasses.
        "Oh, I don't drink. I'm way too underaged for that," I told him. He looked at me, then the bottle before laughing a bit more.
        "It's not wine, my dear. You are quite the funny one. It's merely sparkling grape juice," he explained with a twinkle in his now light purplish eyes. I made an 'o' shape with my mouth and blushed slightly at my quick assumption. He opened it and poured some into a glass for me, then did the same for himself. I grabbed my glass and smelled it before determining he was telling the truth and taking a small sip.
        "Well thank you for the amazing food, but isn't it about time for me to be leaving yet?" I asked after taking another sip from my glass.
        "Not quite, I've still got a few other plans," he said with a mischievous glint in his purple orbs. He took the remote out again and pressed a different button causing the male from before to come, but this time bringing a delicious looking large bowl of Neapolitan ice cream. I didn't see a problem with sharing a bowl that big with him, but what worried me was that the male only layed out one spoon after he cleared away all previous dishes. Glancing up worridly at Olivander he simply smirked before quickly grabbing the spoon. I watched him scoop out some chocolate ice cream before sticking it in his mouth and glancing at me once more in amusement.
       "Am I supposed to use my hands or something?" I questioned while he kept that annoying smirk on his face. 
       "No.....," he started before scooping some vanilla on the spoon before putting it in front of my mouth," you're supposed to let me feed you."
        "Uh, I don't think so," I said showing my obvious disgust. I moved the spoon out of my face before the smirk of his disappeared once again.
        "Need I remind you of what happens if you don't obey me?" Questioned Olivander as he placed his finger once again on the torture button. I hastily shook my head no before grabbing his hand that held the spoon and placing the ice cream in my mouth. "Good, but next time there will be no warning," he threatened. 
       The blonde before me continued to scoop out ice cream for himself, then me, then start the process all over again. I had to fight to keep my dinner down, his saliva always ended up all over the spoon, and it was disgusting me to no end. To make matters worse, whenever he put the spoon in his mouth he always seemed to savor every bit of it beyond just savoring the ice cream. Eventually the torture was over and he stood up motioning me to do so as well.
       "What are we doing now?" I asked. I was becoming restless. All I wanted was to get Miranda and leave before everything got even creepier than it already was. 
       "Why, I was planning on asking you for a dance. If you'd take me, of course," he said with a dangerous look in his eyes that basically said 'deny me, I dare you'. I, of course, nodded my head as a bright smile graced his face. As he snapped his fingers once more that same eerily beautiful piano music started playing once more.
        He grasped my hips and pulled me a bit too close for comfort before grabbing my hand as I tentatively placed my hand on his shoulder. Proceeding to twirl me around the candlelit ballroom I could almost imagine Mark dancing in place of him, but another part of my mind told me I'd rather be dancing with Olivander.
       "I believe I forgot to tell you, but you look strikingly gorgeous in that dress," Olivander smoothly said.
       "Thank you, you don't look too bad in that tux yourself," I said quietly, but he must have heard because a triumphant smile spread across his handsome features. He continued to twirl me so much that I was getting dizzy. Just as I felt about to fall he dipped me. His face became closer and closer as my mind shouted warnings at me. Forgetting all about the price of disobeying him, I wrenched out of his grasp and fell to the floor before he looked surprised at the sudden weight being removed. Upon seeing me on the floor, his face turned sinister.
        "How many times must I warn you?" He sneered at me. His mood swings scared me. One second he seemed head over heels for me, the next he looked about ready to kill me. "I've had enough of this. You won't even allow me a simple kiss, so it looks like I can't allow your little friend to keep her bones inside their sockets."
       I stared up in horror at him as he snapped his fingers, illuminating Miranda once again. Olivander then grabbed the remote, and before I could plead with him, pressed the button. An ear-splitting scream broke through the room as Miranda instantly awakened. 
     "NO! STOP! PLEASE STOP!" I shouted at Olivander as he stared at Miranda in blood lust. 
      "You have to learn your lesson, Little Lady," Olivander said with a dark yet remorseful tone. Miranda continued screaming as bones cracking were heard. I desperately tried to block the noise out by clasping my hands over my ears, but it wouldn't leave. I closed my eyes and looked down while rocking back and forth. I suddenly remembered Lidia, then Nathaniel, now Miranda. Why couldn't stop their deaths. I heard one last scream before one loud thud was heard resonating throughout the room. I dared to open my eyes to find Miranda's limbs still attached to the ropes, but her torso and head were lying on the ground while blood poured out of her. I immediately got up to try and go to her before arms wrapped around me, stopping my action.
      "Let me go!" I shouted while trying to wriggle out of his arms.
      "You'll get your beautiful dress dirty though, my love," he purred into my ear as he nuzzled his face into my neck.
      "I don't care! Why did you do this!" I yelled at him.
      "I had to. You wouldn't listen. You must realize I would do anything for you, but you only need to obey me. This is what happens when you do not," he explained as if it were the simplest thing in the world and he had not just killed my best friend.
     "I HATE YOU!" I screamed while still trying to get out of his grasp. He only sighed as he quickly turned me around to face him.
      "But I love you, and lucky for us, I have enough for the both of us," he said before smashing his lips onto mine as a single tear escaped my eye and the world turned black.

HI! I got a bit carried away in this chapter. This has got to be another one of my favorites. I loved how this chapter turned out. So what do you think will happen next? You finally learned who the cat was! If only Reader was in her right mind, she could have called for help. Until next time, my Little Pandas!

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