Chapter 22- The Real Story

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 "No....that isn't possible. I...I was just there. Oh...haha very funny. You fooled me. You can cut the crap now," I told them with humor laced in my words. Attempting to sit up, the woman nearest me pushed me back down.
     "Miss (L/n), we can assure you this is no joke. You need to remain laying down in your condition," the lady with a neat, brown bun a top her head explained.
      "My condition? Oh, my condition! Exactly! You see, this wrist," I said while lifting my right arm, covered by a cast, with some effort," was injured by Olivander. You can't tell me I made that up, and my neck," I said while reaching up to touch my bandaged throat," was cut when I tried to get out of the mess I had found myself in." I said with a satisfied smile. They had to understand now.
      "Ah, I see. Is that what you're calling it this time?" The second lady asked.
      "What are you talking about, it? I'm telling you, it was all Olivander's fault!" I said while raising my voice. The steady beat that had been filling the silence started to grow quicker as the woman grew worried looks before glancing at each other.
       "We're going to need you to calm down, swee-" The lady closest to me managed to say before I cut her off.
        "I need to calm down?! I need to calm down?! I was just in a mansion with a deranged psychopath and woke up to discover I'm in an asylum, and you're saying I need to calm down?! You're both out of your minds!" I exclaimed, my heart beat continuing to quicken. Frantically trying to get up while ripping out a few IV cords, the two women rushed to my sides to push me down.
      "I really don't have to restrain you, (Y/n), but if you don't calm down we're going to have to," the second female with short, greying hair stated.
       "Who even are you people?!" My voice shouted as I continued my struggles.
       "Oh, right. It's totally clear now. She must be having temporary amnesia from her trauma. That's why she doesn't understand her situation," the shorter brunette stated while looking across me to her accomplice.
        "Wait, what situation?" I asked. Her question piqued my interest, causing my struggling to stop short even though it was obvious I was wearing them out. 
         "If I answer you, will you stay calm?" She answered.
         "That's an unfair question, don't you think? Her emotions could change at the drop of a pin," the older woman brought to light.
         "I promise I'll stay calm as long as I get to sit up," I bargained with the younger one. She appeared to be in her early twenties.
         "Deal," she stated, moving her foot to press a pedal in order to move the top of the medical bed I concluded myself to be laying on. Once in a sitting position, she started talking once more.
         "The lady on the other side of you is your original nurse, Jane, and I'm your nurse-in-training, Molly," the nurse, recently discovered as Molly, explained.
        "And why exactly do I need a nurse?" I questioned.
        "Because you're in an asylum, dear. We're here to help you, I promise," Nurse Jane answered.
         "But I have no need to be here. I'm perfectly sane," I answered, causing Nurse Molly to raise a perfectly shaped brow.
         "Uh huh, perfectly sane. Well anyways, we're looking after you, but I think we need to head back to the boss man soon and tell him she's awake, right Jane?" Molly inquired.
         "Yes, but first we should hear more about this...​​​​​​how should I put it....experience of yours. Then we can go relay it to the psychologist and he can take it from there," the other nurse replied.
         "Wouldn't it be easier to just call her up here so she can hear it herself? You know how she hates anyone but the original person explaining things," the brunette carried on the conversation. The older female released a sigh.
         "Yes, you're probably right. I'll stay here with the little lady while you go fetch her," she answered, pulling up a plush chair from a corner of the white room. Molly nodded before opening the door and walking out.
         "So how are you feeling? Do you have a headache, fever, sore muscles, or any other ailment?" Jane, with kind, light grey eyes, asked me while bending closer to me.
        "Not that I'm noticing right now. I'm experiencing more of a mental ailment if anything," I answered, bringing my legs up in a crisscross while resting my elbows on my knees. Placing my head in my hands, well hand really, I closed my (e/c) eyes.
        "Yes, that's to be expected. You have medicine for that if you'd like to take it," the woman said, sitting up straighter.
        "No, I think I'll be fine," I replied.
        "Are you sure, dear? I think it would definitely he-"
       "I said I'm fine," I said with annoyance, opening my eyes in agitation.
        "Oh, I forgot. You're one of the more difficult patients. I'm sorry for continuing to ask, Sweetie," she apologized with a close-eyed smile.
        "So why am I here? I mean, last I recalled I'm not insane," I pondered, glancing over at her.
       "You must really be having amnesia if you can't remember, but I understand. Your mind doesn't want to recall it. Would you like to look at some pictures? That often helps," Jane responded sweetly.
       "My mind doesn't want to recall what?" I asked, ignoring her latest offer.
       "You'll remember if you see the pictures, dear. Here I'll find them," she stated, beginning to rummage around in a bag the layed near the bed. 
        "If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" I questioned. Looking up at me, she smiled once more.
        "I'm older than you'd think. As of right now I'm seventy-six, Molly will be my replacement," she answered. Jane had aged very well. Her hair was a very pretty silver with streaks of strawberry blonde. Hardly any wrinkled appeared on her skin, that was, until she smiled.
        "Oh, do you have any children, or a husband?" I inquired.
       "Yes, in fact I have twins; one girl, one boy. They're around fifty-two now I believe. I haven't seen them for awhile. They left the nest to pursue their dream jobs soon after high school. As for my husband, I've been a widower for around two years now," she said with a sentimental look on her kind face. She must have been a real beauty in her younger days. 
        "I'm sorry for your loss, Jane," I answered with an expression of sympathy.
        "Oh, it's quite alright, dear. Working here has caused me great pleasure over the years. Especially being your nurse. I've always thought of you as my own," she said, wiping a small tear from her eye.
        "What happened to my par-" I got out before she changed the subject.
        "Here's your photo book. It's a little worn, but you always love looking at it," she stated, placing the small, leather book onto my lap. Inspecting the cover, Nurse Jane watched my reaction. Quickly becoming bored with my examination, I opened to the first page to find a small girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes grinning at the camera while a small baby with red hair sat on her lap. A woman with blonde hair and amber eyes sat on a chair with the both of the girls on her own lap while her face also portrayed a happy smile. A tall male stood to the side of the chair with one hand on the woman's shoulder and the other on the small child's. The photo reminded me of another I had seen, but with a much more jovial air.
        "There was a picture like this in my dream, Jane. Except the feel is much different," I spoke aloud. 
        "Well that's great to know. Are any memories coming back to you?" She questioned.
         "I don' that, Kadince?" I asked after a few moments. My eyes had widened so large I was surprised they hadn't fallen out of my head.
         "Yes, (Y/n). That's you and your family when you were only four years old. This photo was taken soon before you were taken here to the Drearton Asylum," she explained. 
         "But why was I taken here? I still don't understand," I told her, begging for an answer. The older woman opened her mouth to reply, but before a sound came out the door opened, revealing another woman. This lady was tall and lean opposed to Molly who had a shorter, slightly plump composition. Brushing her curled, dark aqua hair behind her shoulder, she stepped closer and spoke, revealing a Brazilian accent.
         "Hello, sorry for the slight delay. It took Molly a little while to find me. I'll reintroduce myself because Molly told me you were having some memory problems. I'm your personal psychologist, Ms. Isadora Ledesma," the lady said, walking over to shake my hand.
        "Nice to meet you, Ms. Ledesma," I politely replied.
         "Now, Ms. Gustavo, can you please leave the room? What my clients say to me is classified information," she explained to Jane.
        "Actually, could she please stay? I'd feel better with her here," I requested. Isadora looked at me before glancing at Jane and growing a look of disgust. It became apparent to me that Ms. Ledesma didn't quite like Jane as much as I did.
      "Of course I will, child," Jane said while grasping my hand in her warm, bony ones.
       "Alright. Now, Ms. (L/n), could you please relay to me everything you can remember from your dream?"
        "Well, it started at a school....."

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