Chapter 10- Sunday: Round Three

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(3rd person pov: Back in the Photo Room)

"How long has it been, Nathaniel?" Kadince asked. Nathaniel brought up his hand and checked his watch.
"Well, it appears to have been twenty minutes now," He answered.
"Maybe we should go look for them," Miranda suggested. Over the course of the last twenty minutes we had all been nervous. We had been hoping that they would both come back safe and sound. (Y/n) would come bursting through the door with Lidia and they would tell us that it was all fine and we could go home, but the more minutes passed the less we thought it was a possibility.
"Yeah, we could split the remainder of us up. Three of us could stay here, and the remaining three could go look for them," Mark said.
"That sounds like a good idea, but who's going and who's staying?" Caspian asked.
"I'll go," Kadince volunteered.
"No, you should stay here. You'll be safer," Lewis told her.
"What? Just because I'm younger it's safer for me here? (Y/n) is my sister. I want to go look for her," Kadince replied, clearly offended.
"Exactly, you're her little sister. So if you were to go out there and something happened to you she would never forgive us," Mark tried to reason with her.
"No matter what you say it's not going to change my mind. I'm going and that's final," Kadince said. She was as hardheaded as her sister. Maybe even a bit more.
"Fine, I'll go to make sure you're ok," Caspian said stepping forward.
"That's two people. I'll go as well. So you three will stay here and see if O.F. decides to say anything else.....also if something happens to us," Mark mumbled the last bit to himself.
"You're gonna want this," Miranda said while reaching her arm out to give Mark her flashlight. Mark took it from her only to give it to Kadince. She quietly thanked him and walked with Caspian to the door.
"Now, unlike our Little Lady, I'm not going to give you a time frame. I don't care how long it is, don't set foot outside this door until we come back with Lidia and (Y/n), got it?" Mark questioned with an authoritative tone. Lewis, Nathaniel, and Miranda nodded and Mark turned to face his small group. Kadince turned around and gave a small smile and wave to those remaining then turned around and opened the door. Caspian walked out first, followed by the ginger, and then Mark. The green-eyed male shut the door behind him and they were off on their journey to find the two missing females.
Kadince turned on the flashlight in her possession and they began walking. All that was heard was the sound of their footsteps in the silent hall. They had all been carefully looking around for any signs of the girls, but to their avail there were none.
"So, uh Mark," Caspian said with a devious smirk while Mark made a grunt of acknowledgment," Do you really have a crush on (Y/n)?"
"She is a very fine and good-hearted lady," Mark replied while looking straight ahead, a blush starting to dust his cheeks.
"You didn't answer the question, Marky Boy," Caspian said playfully.
"I'd rather not. And her little sister is here-"
"Yeah, Mark. I want to know if you like her or not. Because honestly, I don't really like you that much. I'd rather have Caspian as a brother-in-law," Kadince stated in a matter-of-fact manner.
"Ouch, that's gotta hurt," Caspian said with a prideful look in his eyes.
"I DO, OK?! I've loved (Y/n) for a few years now! Is that alright with you guys?" Mark had finally lost his cool in all the years they'd known him. His electric green eyes were glowing with anger, and that caused the others to immediately quiet down.
"I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to make you upset," Caspian said in a regretful tone. Kadince kept walking with her head down in shame. She may not have liked Mark, but making people upset was something she hated doing.
"Whatever, let's just get to the kitchen and find them," Mark said, obviously still frustrated. They had finally reached the stairway and Kadince took the first step down. Everything was deathly quiet, a little too quiet. The group just shrugged it off and descended down the steps. When they had reached the bottom a putrid metallic scent hit them in one big wave.
"Ew, what's that awful smell?" Kadince asked in disgust while scrunching up her nose.
"That, Kandi, is the stench of blood," Mark answered.
"How would you know what blo-"
"While it's usually funny to hear you two squabble, I think we should be worrying about what's happened to (Y/n) and Lidia," Caspian cut the ginger-haired girl off. What could have been a heated argument quickly turned silent and they moved quickly towards the kitchen. The smell had gotten stronger while their concern had done just the same. With wide, frightened eyes Kadince put her hand on the handle only to have Mark move her to the side. The green-eyed male twisted the handle and they were met with the aftermath of round two.
Upon seeing all the blood Kadince screamed before Caspian could place his hand over her eyes. Mark closed his eyes and faced his head to the side. He had a pained expression on his features before he looked straight once more and stepped into the room. After Kadince had stopped screaming, Caspian had lead her into the room after removing his hand.
On the table was half-eaten food and glasses that were empty. One could only guess that before their deaths the two girls had been given food. Near the fridge was the real disruption. Blood was pooled around the floor, and there was also blood splattered on the door. There were bloody fist marks as if someone had been beating on the door from the outside. All that was left of a body was a single hand, and after inspection the group had concluded it to be Lidia's.
"Something terrible happened here. One could guess that Lidia was on the outside of the door, so (Y/n) must have been on the inside. I don't think either of them are alive" Mark said painfully.
"But that wouldn't make much sense. There are pairs of fists banging on the door, and it's obvious that one hand has been removed from the owner," Caspian concluded.
"The hand could have been chopped off afterwards," Kadince added.
"Also, if you look at the edges of the door there seems to be more blood. And, "Caspian spoke while gently picking up the hand," the bone appears to have been broken before it was cut."
"So you're saying that Lidia is inside that room?" Mark inquired in a doubtful tone.
"It's only a theory, but that's what I believe. It's what the signs point to anyways." Caspian replied.
"So what has happened to my sister then? Did she just disappear into thin air?" Kadince asked.
"Well going off of what Caspian has said, (y/n) could very well be alive. If you look closely at the blood there is a single disturbance in the shape of a shoe. Then, if you look at the flooring there is the occasional drop of blood leading to," Mark paused while walking towards a wall," here."
"So what does that mean? She couldn't have walked through a wall!" Kadince said. She was getting flustered at the boys' roundabout ways of speaking.
"She could have if it was a secret passage," Caspian answered while smirking at Mark, "I don't think she herself walked though. I believe she was taken."

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