Chapter 1

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6 months later...

Tyler's POV

I looked around the busy bakery and restaurant and I felt a sense of pride bloom inside of me. I traveled for a few months and I didn't plan on settling down in this town but something called out to me so I decided to just take a risk and open my own restaurant and bakery and Heavenly Sins was created. The name stuck because of the rich sweet items we sold.

In the first week of business I can say we are striving. The business is doing excellent. I honestly didn't expect so many customers. I handled all of the baking and my employees did everything else from designing a cake to decorating one. A Chef who works full time prepares all meals but I say what gets created in the business. My workers are encouraged to bring ideas to the table and we have a weekly try out for customers to decide and that is going great.

"Welcome to Heavenly Sins. How may I help you?", I greeted a customer as they came up to the counter. I preferred to be a part of my business and help customers. It was a delight to hear feedback and compliments of the goods we created here.

The bell, that hung above the door, rang as someone walked through and I looked up in time to see an Adonis walk in. Oh my God, he is absolutely perfect. He had thick muscular thighs encased in jeans that showed those thighs off perfectly. He had on a tight white shirt that showed off his muscles perfectly. Good Lord is that a six pack? His hands were huge and I felt my skin tingle. I wonder how it would feel running across my skin. Would they feel rough or soft?. He had a strong, cut jawline and full pink lips and I couldn't help but want to bite on them, he had a light coating of salt and pepper hair. I looked into his eyes and saw such a fierce power I felt like dropping to my knees I immediately looked away. I swallowed to clear my suddenly dry mouth.

He came to sit right in front of me and I gulped as my brain short circuited and shut off. What is this man doing to me?

"W-welcome to Heavenly Sins. How can I help you?", I asked as I looked into his eyes and had to fight the need to lower my eyes.

"The thing's in here sure are heavenly.", He said looking straight at me and I had a feeling he wasn't talking about the food. Was this sexy man gay? My God please let him be.

"I'll have one of these caramel logs and a large coffee." He said as he handed the menu back to me without breaking eye contact.

"Coming right up." I said as I turned away from that Godly man and took a deep breath to calm my nerves.

I poured a large cup of coffee and reached into the cabinets and placed one large caramel log on a plate.

I placed the items in front of the Adonis of a man and our eyes met again and I almost gasped at the lust that shone in his eyes.

I didn't realise it but he placed the money in my hand to pay for the coffee and caramel log. My skin tingled where our hands met and he leaned forward as I done the same. My eyes dropped to his lips as everything else faded away and I wanted those lips on me. On mine and all over my body.

"Tyler a customer wants to.... should I come back later?", Sarah one of my waiters asked and snapped me out of whatever was going on with that man. I can't believe I was going to kiss a total stranger.

"No, no I'll be right there.", I said as I turned to look at the stranger and had to fight a shiver because he was already looking at me.

"I have to...", I started off. I didn't know why but I felt a need to tell him I needed to go see a customer.

"Ofcourse sweetness.", He said as he waved me off.

I had to fight back a smile when he called me sweetness. I quickly followed after Sarah and went to greet customers. They appreciated me talking to them and I appreciated getting to know my customers.

I spent the next 15 minutes talking to everyone but my mind was somewhere else. On that sexy man.

I rushed back when I was finished greeting everyone only to find he was gone. I had to fight back the disappointment I felt when he wasn't there. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I barely knew the guy and I was a breath a way from kissing him across the counter where I sold confections!

But I can't say I mind. He just calls out to me. And I know exactly what he is. A seasoned Dom.

I've always wanted to practise to be a sub but I was scared of being found out by my parents. My best friend Peter is not only gay but is a sub who is in a steady relationship with his hunk of a man who was a police officer.

He encouraged me to go to a BDSM club where he was a member but I was too scared of someone finding me out and telling my parents.

But since they're no longer a part of my life I vowed to step into one. Maybe I can meet that sexy stranger again and oh my what if he would want me to be his? That will be like Christmas came early.

"Earth to Tyler",Someone said as they waved their hand in front of my face. I blinked and looked at the person in front of me.

"Peter! I was just thinking of you. What are you doing here?", I asked him as I walked around the counter to hug him.

"Hey James.", I greeted Peter's Dom and boyfriend. We got along well and he was like and older overprotective brother of mine.

"Hey kid. How's it going. I see you opened a shop. I'm proud of you.", He said as he winked at me and shook my hair. I hit his hand away and pouted at him as I fixed it.

"I'm very cross with you. You never told me you came out and you left without telling me! What if you died? And you've never even had your first kiss yet!" He said as he crossed his arms over his chest and pouted while glaring at me.

"Way to make everyone aware of that fact bestie. But you and I know if I told you, you would've insisted I stay with you.", I said as I looked at him pointedly.

"I hate that you know me so well!", He said as he lost his pout and made himself comfortable in one of the bar stools.

"How did you find me?", I asked curiously.

"Hello, my sexy Master is a policemen. I made him track down your number", He said obviously pleased with himself.

"Ofcourse you would", I said rolling my eyes while James chuckled at our behaviour.

"Anyway you have to show us around this town. It doesn't look that big but it isn't small either. So any boyfriend I need to know about?", he asked as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Wouldn't you like to know", I said smirking at him.

"You can't keep secrets from me. I'm your best friend. Come on spill. So who is he?", He asked as he sat up straighter. Peter was a sucker for gossip.

"Nobody.", I said and I turned away from him and went back behind the counter.

I took a few more customers orders effectively cutting off Peter from his hunt for news.

"Don't think you're getting away from this conversation mister. Now give me a slice of this delicious looking cheesecake.", Peter said as he rubbed his hands and licked his lips. Peter loved cheesecake. It was his weakness and I used it against him when I wanted him to forgive me or when I wanted something from him. It worked every time.

I knew for a fact I wasn't getting away from that topic but I looked forward to spending time with my best friend and maybe I could ask him about taking me to a club and talking to him about my almost kiss with that stranger that made my heart pound, lust fill me and my b*lls ache.

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